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Sillion's publications with REVES

Note: Publications prior to 2001 for G. Drettakis from iMAGIS, DGP/Toronto and U. Crete; for A. Bousseau before 2010 from ARTIS.

Publications in 2000
Marc Stamminger, Annette Scheel, Xavier Granier, Frederic Perez-Cazorla, George Drettakis, François Sillion
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 19, Number 1, page 13--25 - Mar 2000
Publications in 1999
Jean-Marc Hasenfratz, Cyrille Damez, François Sillion, George Drettakis
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics conference), Number 18(3), page 221-232 - Sep 1999

Marc Stamminger, Annette Scheel, Xavier Granier, Frederic Perez-Cazorla, George Drettakis, François Sillion
Proceedings of Graphics Interface, page 50--57 - June 1999
Publications in 1997

François Sillion, George Drettakis, Benoit Bodelet
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics conference), Volume 16, page 207--218 - Sep 1997

Katja Daubert, Hartmut Schirmacher, François Sillion, George Drettakis
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering - Jun 1997

George Drettakis, François Sillion
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, page 57 -- 64 - Aug 1997

George Drettakis, François Sillion
Video Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH - August 1997
Publications in 1996
George Drettakis, François Sillion
Rendering Techniques (Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), page 269--279 - Jun 1996
Publications in 1995
François Sillion, George Drettakis, Cyril Soler
Rendering Techniques (Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), Number 6 - June 1995

Publications in 1994
Nicolas Holzschuch, François Sillion, George Drettakis
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering - june 1994