List of seminars
June 14, 2010 |
Doug DeCarlo
"Visual Explanations" |
Apr. 20, 2010 |
Bruno Galerne
"Image texture synthesis using spot noise and phase randomization" |
Apr. 7, 2010
Roland Fleming
"Visual Estimation of 3D Shape" |
Dec. 3, 2009
Sylvain Marchand
"Advances in Spectral Modeling of Musical Sound" |
Nov. 5, 2009
Olga Sorkine
"Modeling and editing shapes: from local structure to high-level features" |
Oct. 20, 2009
Adrien Bousseau
"Expressive image manipulations for a variety of visual representations" |
Mar.12, 2009
Miko Shinya
"A Simplified Plane-Parallel Mode for Fast
Multi-Scattering Simulation" |
Mar.11, 2009
Ricardo Marroquim
"Image Reconstruction for Point Based Rendering" |
Feb. 3, 2009
Anatole Lécuyer
"Using hands and brain to interact in 3D virtual environments with haptic and brain-computer interfaces" |
Oct. 13, 2008
Wojciech Jarosz
"Efficient Monte Carlo Rendering Techniques" |
Oct. 8, 2008
Ares Lagae
"Accelerating Ray Tracing using Constrained tetrahedralizations & Isotropic Stochastic Procedural Textures by Example" |
Sept. 16, 2008
Michiel van de Panne
"Human Motion Synthesis for Graphics and Robotics" |
Apr. 24, 2008
Mathieu Lagrange
"Sound Synthesis for Virtual Reality: A modal approach for the audio rendering of complex interactions
" |
Mar. 27, 2008
Martin Hachet
"3D User Interfaces - from immersive environments to mobile devices" |
Nov. 26, 2007
Kaleigh Smith
"Local Enhancement and the Cornsweet Effect
" |
June 11, 2007
Andrew Nealen
"Interfaces and Algorithms
for the Creation and Modification of Surface Meshes
" |
May 31, 2006
Adrien Bousseau
"Interactive watercolor rendering with temporal coherence and
" |
May 23, 2006
Sylvain Paris
"Filtre bilatéral et photographie algorithmique" |
Feb. 3, 2006
Metrics for Immersive Simulations based on Spatial Cognition" |
Nov. 16, 2005
Dachsbacher |
Shadow Maps and Beyond " |
Sept. 28, 2005
Marcus Magnor
rendering" |
June 13, 2005
next 40 years of computer graphics" |
Mar. 29, 2005
réalité virtuelle en neurosciences comportementales:
du paradigme expérimental à l'objet d'étude |
Feb. 1, 2005 |
Hanrahan |
seminar presenting ideas on current research
Dec. 3, 2004 |
"Modèles d'habillage de
pour la synthèse d'images" |
Sept. 28, 2004 |
Nathan Litke |
variational approach to optimal surface parametrization"
June 4, 2004 |
Jim Hanan |
"Modelling of processes in dynamic
environments: From Cells to Ecosystems"
Feb. 6, 2004 |
3D Graphics APIs" |
Feb. 5, 2004 |
by Example" |
Feb. 2, 2004 |
Perlin |
Graphics Research at NYU" |
May 6, 2003 |
Holger Regenbrecht |
Reality Research and Applications
at DaimlerChrysler" |
Feb. 7, 2003 |
Perlin |
actors that can act" |
Nov. 15, 2002
dynamics" |
June 14, 2002
in technology,
psychology and plastic arts" |
Apr. 8, 2002
Sébastien Roy
Vision: To an automatic scene
reconstruction" |
Dec. 11, 2001
Oliver Deussen
and rendering of complex
botanical scenes" |
Nov. 16, 2001
Simon Gibson
Geometric and Illumination
Data from Image Sequences" |
14 June 2010
Human perceptual processes organize visual input to make the structure of the world explicit. Successful techniques for automatic depiction, meanwhile, create images whose structure clearly matches the visual information to be conveyed. We discuss how analyzing these structures and realizing them in formal representations can allow computer graphics to engage with perceptual science, to mutual benefit. We call these representations visual explanations: their job is to account for patterns in two dimensions as evidence of a visual world. I will situate this discussion using some of our recent work on the abstract depiction of 2D shapes. Our approach works by organizing the shape into parts using a new synthesis of holistic features of the part shape, local features of the shape boundary, and global aspects of shape organization.
Doug DeCarlo
Doug DeCarlo received BS degrees in computer science and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon in 1991, and his PhD in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998 working with Dimitris Metaxas. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science with a joint appointment in the Center for Cognitive Science at Rutgers University.
Bruno Galerne
"Image texture synthesis using spot noise and phase randomization" |
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20 april 2010
We explore the mathematical and algorithmic properties of two sample-based micro-texture models: random phase noise (RPN) and asymptotic discrete spot noise (ADSN). These models permit to synthesize random phase textures. A mathematical analysis shows that RPN and ADSN are different stochastic processes. Nevertheless, numerous experiments suggest that the textures obtained by these algorithms from identical samples are perceptually similar. In addition to this theoretical study, a solution is proposed to three obstacles that prevented the use of RPN or ADSN to emulate micro- textures. First, RPN and ADSN algorithms are extended to color images. Second, a preprocessing is proposed to avoid artifacts due to the non periodicity of real-world texture samples. Finally, the method is extended to synthesize textures with arbitrary size from a given sample. Joint work with Yann Gousseau (LTCI, Télécom ParisTech) and Jean-Michel Morel (CMLA, ENS Cachan). References: - Preprint: Random Phase Textures: Theory and Synthesis, B. Galerne, Y. Gousseau and J.-M. Morel, preprint, submitted. - Online demo:
Bruno Galerne
Bruno Galerne is a third year Ph.D. student at CMLA, ENS Cachan and LTCI, Télécom ParisTech. His advisors are Yann Gousseau (Télécom ParisTech) and Jean-Michel Morel (ENS Cachan). His Ph.D. subject deals with image models and texture synthesis algorithms involving germ-grain random fields (shot noise, colored dead leaves, ...). He graduated from the mathematics department of ENS Cachan. He obtained a master in mathematics and image processing (Master MVA "Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage") also at ENS Cachan.
7 April 2010
How does the brain estimate 3D shape? This question presents visual neuroscience with something of an explanatory gap. On one side we have the known response properties of cells early in the visual processing hierarchy (spatial frequency and orientation tuning, etc.). These are relatively well understood, but don't give much insight into how the brain could actually reconstruct the shape of surfaces from the image. On the other side, we have computational theories of shape from shading, shape from texture, and so on. These can guide our understanding of the ambiguities involved in inferring shape, but tell us little about how the solution might actually be carried out in the brain. In this talk I will attempt to bridge this explanatory gap by showing how local image statistics can be 'put to good use' in the estimation of 3D shape. I'll show how populations of cells tuned to different spatial frequencies and image orientations can extract image information that is directly related to 3D shape properties, and that this information is surprisingly stable across a wide range of viewing conditions. I'll argue that these measurements can serve as a unifying front-end for cues that are traditionally thought to be quite different from one another. Finally, through a series of illusions and psychophysical experiments, I'll show that these image statistics correctly predict both successes and failures of human 3D shape perception across a range of conditions. If you are willing to stare for a while, I'll also use this knowledge to make random noise look like a 3D shape by adapting your orientation detectors.
Roland Fleming
Dr. Roland Fleming is the joint project leader of the Perception, Graphics and Computer Vision group at the MPI and specializes in the perception of materials, illumination and 3D shape. He has made several seminal contributions to the interaction between perception and computer graphics, including papers at ACM SIGGRAPH and other prestigious venues. He has conducted some of the first and most highly cited research on the perception of surface reflectance properties and translucency. Insights from this work lead to a method for Image Based Material Editing, in which the material properties of an object in a photograph can be radically altered (e.g. turning porcelain into glass). He has also developed a novel theory of human 3D shape estimation, and used psychophysical techniques to propose methods for displaying images on high dynamic range displays. Since 2009, Dr. Fleming is joint Editor-In-Chief of ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to using perception to advance computer graphics and other fields.
3 Dec. 2009
Spectral models attempt to parameterize sound at the basilar membrane of the ear. Thus, sound representations and transformations in these models should be closely linked to the perception. Among those models, sinusoidal modeling deals with partials that are pseudo-sinusoidal tracks for which frequencies and amplitudes continuously evolve slowly with time. This is a generalization of additive (modal) synthesis, and is also related to the physical structure of the sounds. Sinusoidal modeling is extremely useful for many applications such as musical sound transformation (time scaling, pitch shifting, re-spatialization, etc.), coding compression), and also classification. Apart from the extension to the non-stationary case, one recent research direction with sinusoidal modeling is the modeling of the parameters of the partials themselves. By re-analyzing the evolutions of the model parameters, we obtain (level-2) parameters of a hierarchical model well-suited for time scaling while preserving musical modulations such as vibrato and tremolo. Moreover, the reanalysis of the spectral parameters turns out to be extremely useful for difficult problems such as lossless compression or source separation for example. An impressive application is "active listening", enabling the user to interact with the sound while it is played. The musical parameters (loudness, pitch, timbre, duration, spatial location) of the sound entities (sources) present in the musical mix can thus be changed interactively.
Sylvain Marchand
Sylvain Marchand is associate professor in the Image and Sound research team of the LaBRI (Computer Science Laboratory), University of Bordeaux 1, since 2001. He is also a member of the "Studio de Création et de Recherche en Informatique et Musique Électroacoustique" (SCRIME), leader of the French ANR DReaM project, and member of the scientific committee of the international DAFx (Digital Audio Effects) conference. He is also associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. Dr Marchand is particularly involved in musical sound analysis, transformation, and synthesis. He focuses on spectral representations, taking perception into account. Among his main research topics are sinusoidal models, analysis / synthesis of deterministic and stochastic sounds, sound localization /spatialization ("3D sound"), separation of sound entities (sources)present in polyphonic music, or "active listening" (enabling the user to interact with the musical sound while it is played).
Olga Sorkine
"Modeling and editing shapes: from local structure to high-level features" |
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Nov. 5, 2009
Understanding and modeling how shapes deform is essential for tasks in geometric modeling and computer animation. Advances in 3D scanning technology provide us with a rich variety of highly detailed realistic 3D shapes, yet these usually come as unstructured discrete models (meshes or point clouds), to which the classical representations and modeling tools from CAGD are not easily applicable. In this talk, I will describe geometric algorithms, coupled with suitable user interface metaphors, to model and edit 3D shapes in an efficient and intuitive manner. I will first discuss low-level deformation methods, targeted to preserve the local surface details as the shape deforms by optimizing the surface with respect to certain differential quantities. Following the broad understanding of this low-level behavior, I will present recent work on shape modeling that evolves towards more high-level, semantic capturing of the edited object by focusing on the nature and interplay between global features of the shape.
Olga Sorkine
Olga Sorkine is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. She earned her BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science and PhD in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University (2000, 2006). Following her studies, she received the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship and spent two years as a postdoc at the Technical University of Berlin. Olga is interested in theoretical foundations and practical algorithms for digital content creation tasks, such as shape representation and editing, artistic modeling techniques, computer animation and digital image manipulation. She also works on fundamental problems in digital geometry processing, including parameterization of discrete surfaces and compression of geometric data. She received the Young Researcher Award from the Eurographics Association in 2008.
Adrien Bousseau
"Expressive image manipulations for a variety of visual representations" |
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20 October 2009
Visual communication greatly benefits from the large variety of appearances that a image can take. By neglecting spurious details, simplified images focus the attention of an observer on the essential message to transmit. Stylized images, that depart from reality, can suggest subjective or imaginary
information. More subtle variations, such as change of lighting in a photograph can also have a dramatic effect on the interpretation of the transmitted message.
The goal of this thesis is to allow users to manipulate visual content and create images that corresponds to their communication intent. We propose a number of manipulations that modify, simplify or stylize images in order to improve their expressive power.
We first present two methods to remove details in photographs and videos. The resulting simplification enhances the relevant structures of an image. We then introduce a novel vector primitive, called Diffusion Curves, that facilitates the creation of smooth color gradients and blur in vector graphics. The images created with diffusion curves contain complex image features that are hard to obtain with existing vector primitives. In the second part of this manuscript we propose two algorithms for the creation of stylized animations from 3D scenes and videos. The two methods produce animations with the 2D appearance of traditional media such as watercolor. Finally, we describe an approach to decompose the illumination and reflectance components of a photograph. We make this ill-posed problem tractable by propagating sparse user indications. This decomposition allows users to modify lighting or material in the depicted scene.
The various image manipulations proposed in this dissertation facilitates the creation of a variety of visual representations, as illustrated by our results.
Adrien Bousseau
Adrien Bousseau just graduated from Grenoble University where he did his PhD under the supervision of Joëlle Thollot and François X. Sillion. During his PhD he also spent 6 months in Seattle as an intern at Adobe's Advanced Technology Labs under the supervision of David Salesin, and 3 months in Cambridge at MIT CSAIL under the supervision of Frédo Durand and Sylvain Paris.
His work deals with non photorealistic rendering (NPR), and more generally image synthesis and image processing.
Mikio Shinya
"A Simplified Plane-Parallel Mode for Fast
Multi-Scattering Simulation" |
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12 March 2009
Fast computation of multiple reflection and transmission among complex
objects is very important in photo-realistic rendering. In this talk, the
plane-parallel scattering theory is briefly introduced and its rendering
applications are shown. We then present a simplified plane-parallel model
that has very simple analytic solutions. This allows efficient evaluation
multiple scattering. A geometric compensation method is also introduced to
cope with the infinite plane condition required by the plane-parallel
model. Some early results of tree rendering are also shown.
Mikio Shinya
Mikio Shinya is a Professor of computer science at Toho University. He
graduated from Waseda University, Tokyo, with a Bachelor and Master degree
in Applied Physics, in 1979 and 1981, respectively, and also received his
Ph.D in 1991. After the graduation, Shinya worked with Nippon Telegraph
and Telephone and started up a Computer Graphics group at the NTT
laboratories. From 1988 to 1989, he was a Visiting Scientist at University
of Toronto, Canada. His current research topics include computational
models of global illumination and multiple scattering, and medical
applications of Computer Graphics.
11 March 2009
Image based methods have proved to efficiently render scenes with a higher efficiency than geometry based approaches, mainly due to one of their most important advantages: the bounded complexity to the image resolution instead of the number of primitives. Furthermore, due to their parallel and discrete nature, they are highly suitable for GPU implementations. On the other hand, during the last few years point-based graphics has emerged as a promising complement to other representations.
Additionally, with the continuous increase of scene complexity, solutions for directly processing and rendering of large point clouds are in demand. In this
seminar I will present an approach for efficiently rendering large point models using image reconstruction techniques.
Anatole Lécuyer
"Using hands and brain to interact in 3D virtual environments with haptic and brain-computer interfaces" |
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3 February 2009
In this presentation we will describe novel techniques dedicated to
real-time interaction with 3D virtual environments. We will focus on the
use of two advanced types of interaction device in virtual reality :
haptic interfaces (tactile and force feedback, stimulating the skin and
the body) and brain-computer interfaces (enabling control via the brain
activity-only, using acquisition machines such as
electroencephalography). We will first detail our recent developments in
haptic and visuo-haptic rendering, and notably "Spatialized Haptic Rendering" that displays contact
position information using vibration patterns, and "Pseudo-Haptic Feedback" that provides haptic sensations
or "haptic illusions" without a haptic device by using visual feedback. We will then detail the results
obtained within the Open-ViBE project (
in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) and, notably, high-level interactive techniques based on BCI to navigate in virtual
worlds or select virtual objects "by thoughts". We will describe briefly the OpenViBE
platform: a free and open-source software for the design, test and use of brain-computer interfaces.
Anatole Lécuyer
Anatole Lécuyer received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2001 from University of Paris XI, France, and since 2002 he is a senior researcher a
t INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (,
in the BUNRAKU research team in Rennes, France. His main research interests include: Virtual Reality (VR), 3D interaction, haptic feedback, pseudo-haptic
feedback and brain-computer interfaces. He is the coordinator of the Open-ViBE project on Brain-Computer Interfaces
and VR (,
the former leader of Working Group on Haptic Interaction of the INTUITION European Network of Excellence
on VR (, and
the INRIA local representative of several national and European projects on VR (ANR PACMAN, EU FET-OPEN STREP NIW, etc).
He is an expert in VR for national public bodies and member of international program committees of VR and haptic-related
conferences (World Haptics, Eurohaptics, ACM VRST, etc). He is currently an associate editor of the ACM Transactions
on Applied Perception, secretary of the French Association for Virtual Reality (,
and secretary of the IEEE Technical Committee on Haptics (
Contact him at
13 October 2008
The overarching goal of physically-based rendering research is constructing efficient, robust and flexible algorithms for simulating the behavior of the natural world.
In this talk I will discuss two areas of my research in developing more efficient Monte Carlo rendering techniques. First, I will discuss two novel techniques
for simulating light transport in scattering media. Volumetric radiance caching and beam radiance estimation are general, robust, complementary, and they provide
orders of magnitude speedup over previous approaches. I will also present two improved sampling techniques for stochastic ray tracing. Multidimensional adaptive
sampling and wavelet importance sampling distribute sample rays more intelligently during rendering, providing significant noise reduction and faster render times.
Finally, I will conclude with some possibilities avenues for future work.
Wojciech Jarosz
Wojciech Jarosz is a Post-doctoral researcher at the University of California, San Diego. His main research focus is on Monte Carlo rendering techniques,
including advanced sampling, production-quality global illumination, and participating media. His current list of publications includes three SIGGRAPH
papers on these topics. He received his B.S. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2003 and his M.S. and Ph.D.
in computer science from the University of California, San Diego in 2006 and 2008.
Ares Lagae
"Accelerating Ray Tracing using Constrained tetrahedralizations & Isotropic Stochastic Procedural Textures by Example" |
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8 October 2008
We will be presenting two research projects in this talk:
1. Accelerating Ray Tracing using Constrained Tetrahedralizations:
In this paper we introduce the constrained tetrahedralization as a new acceleration structure for ray tracing. A constrained tetrahedralization of a scene is a tetrahedralization that respects the faces of the scene geometry. The closest intersection of a ray with a scene is found by traversing this tetrahedralization along the ray, one tetrahedron at a time.We show that constrained tetrahedralizations are a viable alternative to current acceleration structures, and that they have a number of unique properties that set them apart from other acceleration structures: constrained tetrahedralizations are not hierarchical yet adaptive; the complexity of traversing them is a function of local geometric complexity rather than global geometric complexity; constrained tetrahedralizations support deforming geometry without any effort; and they have the potential to unify several data structures currently used in global illumination.
2. Isotropic Stochastic Procedural Textures by Example:
Procedural textures have significant advantages over image textures. Procedural textures are compact, are resolution and size independent, often remove the need for a texture parameterization, can easily be parameterized and edited, and allow high quality anti-aliasing. However, creating procedural textures is more difficult than creating image textures. Creating procedural textures typically involves some sort of programming language or an interactive visual interface, while image textures can be created by simply taking a digital photograph. In this paper we present a method for creating procedural textures by example, designed for isotropic stochastic textures. From a single uncalibrated photograph of a texture we compute a small set of parameters that defines a procedural texture similar to the texture in the photograph. Our method allows us to replace image textures with similar procedural textures, combining the advantages of procedural textures and image textures. Our method for creating isotropic stochastic procedural textures by example therefore has the potential to dramatically improve the texturing and modeling process.
Ares Lagae
Ares Lagae is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO). He is doing research at the Computer Graphics Research Group of the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. His research interests include tile-based methods in computer graphics, ray-tracing, rendering and computer
graphics in general. He received a BS and MS degree in Informatics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2000 and 2002. He received a PhD degree
in Computer Science from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2007, funded by a PhD fellowship of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO).
Mathieu Lagrange
"Sound Synthesis for Virtual Reality: A modal approach for the audio rendering of complex interactions" |
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24 April 2008
Audition is a modality that complement vision and allows the user to be better immersed in a virtual environment. The widespread of physical engine describing the
environment and the interactions between the elements that compose the scene allows us to consider modal synthesis approach for the audio rendering of those
interactions. This type of approach has been mostly limited to the synthesis of simple interactions like impacts where the objects are in contact for a short
period of time. Yet, the modal model is physically valid for a much broader range of interaction. We will study a specific type of complex interaction:
rolling and study a model of this type of sound with sustained excitation rooted by the source/filter approach. This new model is flexible and compact and
allows us to efficiently synthesize sounds of complex interactions in a scalable way.
Mathieu Lagrange
Mathieu Lagrange obtained his Msc. and Phd. in Computer Science, respectively in 2001 and 2004, within the Image and Sound team of the "Laboratoire Bordelais de Rechercher en
Informatique" (LaBRI), University of Bordeaux 1, France. After a post-doctoral fellowship within the Computer Science Departement of the University of Victoria (Canada),
Dr. Lagrange is now managing the Audio/Haptic axis of the Enactive Project within the "Music Technology Area" of the McGill University (Canada). His expertise covers
numerous aspects of the analysis and the synthesis of audio signals for the purpose of coding, indexing and human/computer interaction.
Martin Hachet
"3D User Interfaces - from immersive environments to mobile devices" |
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27 March 2008
The quest for efficient interactive 3D
applications motivates numerous developments in the scope of computer graphics. It also feeds challenging research
questions in the scope of interaction. Indeed, interacting with 3D environments remains a difficult task and adapted
3D user interfaces (3DUI) are still to be designed. In this talk, I will present some examples of 3DUI we have developed
in our lab to improve the user performance in 3D interactive tasks. First, I will present hardware and software solutions
for immersive environments. Then, I will show some results in the scope of mobile technologies. Finally, I will discuss
a new gesture-based approach that can be used with numerous emerging platforms. Such a technique, which operates from
large displays to small screens, enhances the user mobility.
Martin Hachet
Martin Hachet is a research scientist at INRIA Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest.
He is member of the Iparla project-team, which focus on Computer Graphics and 3D Interaction for Mobile Users.
His main research activity is about 3D User Interfaces, from immersive environments to mobile devices.
Martin Hachet has joined the program committee for conferences in the scope of computer graphics (Eurographics 08),
Human-Computer Interaction (IEEE 3DUI 07-08), and Virtual Reality (IPT/EGVE 07, VRIC 08).
This year, he is program Co-Chair for ACM VRST 2008, which will be held in Bordeaux.
26 November 2007
In this talk, I will present recent work inspired by a perceptual
illustion called the Cornsweet effect. Part of my work has been to
explore the illusion's connection to local enhancement techniques
(namely unsharp masking), and consider its application to image
processing and rendering. First, I will show how local enhancement can
be used to solve a part of the colour to greyscale problem for images
and video. Then, I will present ongoing research on the Cornsweet
effect in 3D: why its impact is strongest when reinforced by a 3d
scenario and how its introduction in scene space can be used to
increase contrast in renderings.
Kaleigh Smith
Kaleigh Smith is currently a Computer Graphics Ph.D. candidate at the
Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI) in Saarbrücken, Germany,
under the supervision of Karol Myszkowski. She recently spent 6 months
on a research exchange in Grenoble, France with Joëlle Thollot and the
ARTIS group. Kaleigh received her Masters degree in Computer Science
at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and began her PhD work in
graphics there with Allison Klein. Her main research interests are
visual: perception, rendering, artistic techniques, animation and
computer imagery. She is motivated by experiences, media and art in
the real world.
Andrew Nealen
"Interfaces and Algorithms
for the Creation and Modification of Surface Meshes" |
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11 June 2007
the simple creation of surface meshes, we present an interface for
designing freeform surfaces with a collection of 3D curves. The user
first creates a rough 3D model by using a sketching interface. Unlike
previous sketching systems, the user-drawn strokes stay on the model
surface and serve as handles for controlling the geometry. These curves
can be added, removed, and deformed easily, as if working with a 2D line
drawing. For a given set of curves, the system automatically constructs a
smooth surface embedding by applying functional optimization. Our system
provides real-time algorithms for both control curve deformation and the
subsequent surface optimization.
For further surface
modification, we present a silhouette over-sketching interface, which
automates the processes of determining both the deformation handle, as
well as the region to be deformed. The user sketches a stroke that is the
suggested position of part of a silhouette of the displayed surface. The
system then segments all image-space silhouettes of the projected
surface, identifies among all silhouette segments the best matching part,
derives vertices in the surface mesh corresponding to the silhouette
part, selects a sub-region of the mesh to be modified, and feeds
appropriately modified vertex positions together with the sub-mesh into a
mesh deformation tool.
Overall, these
algorithms have been designed to enable interactive creation and
modification of the surface, yielding a surface modeling and editing
system that strives to come close to the experience of sketching 3D
models on paper.
Andrew Nealen
PhD Student
Computer Graphics Laboratory
TU berlin, Germany
Adrien Bousseau
"Interactive watercolor rendering with temporal coherence and abstraction" |
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31 May 2006
This paper presents an interactive watercolor rendering technique that
recreates the specific visual effects of lavis watercolor. Our method
allows the user to easily process images and 3d models and is organized
in two steps: an abstraction step that recreates the uniform color
regions of watercolor and an effect step that filters the resulting
abstracted image to obtain watercolor-like images. In the case of 3d
environments we also propose methods to produce temporally coherent
animations that keep a uniform pigment repartition while avoiding the
shower door effect.
Adrien Bousseau
Adrien Bousseau est actuellement étudiant en Master Image Vision
Robotique ŕ Grenoble, et effectue son stage sous la direction de Joëlle
Thollot. Il travaille sur le rendu non-photoréaliste, et plus
particuličrement sur le rendu aquarelle pour l'animation.
Il est issus d'une formation technique (IUT imagerie du Puy en Velay
puis IUP Math Informatique de La Rochelle) complétée par une formation
plus théorique (ENSIMAG et Master IVR).
Il a effectué un stage au laboratoire L3I de La Rochelle sur la
modelisation de formes humaines texturées et un stage dans l'équipe
Sigmedia du Trinity College de Dublin sur l'analyse de vidéo pour le
diagnostique de Dyslexie.
23 May 2006
Aprčs un bref résumé de mes travaux de thčse, je présenterai mes
résultats récents en traitement d'images et en photographie algorithmique.
Je commencerai par décrire le filtre bilatéral qui est ŕ la base de
nombreuses techniques de manipulation de photographies et vidéos
numériques. En reformulant ce filtre dans un espace de dimension
supérieur, je montrerai qu'il est possible de calculer de maničre
extręmement rapide une approximation visuellement similaire au calcul
exact. Dans une seconde partie, j'utiliserai cette technique pour
manipuler l'apparence de photographies numériques en transférant
automatiquement ŕ une photographie amateur les qualités visuelles d'un
cliché d'artiste.
Ces travaux ont été publiés cette année ŕ European Conference on
Computer Vision et ŕ la conférence ACM SIGGRAPH, en collaboration avec
Soonmin Bae et Frédo Durand du MIT.
Sylvain Paris
Sylvain Paris est diplomé de l'École polytechnique et a suivi le DEA
Algorithmique ŕ Paris. Il a préparé sa thčse avec François Sillion ŕ
l'INRIA Rhône-Alpes ŕ Grenoble. Durant cette période, il a aussi
collaboré avec Long Quan ŕ l'Université de Science et Technologie de Hong-Kong oů il a séjourné pendant six mois. Depuis novembre 2004, il
effectue un séjour post-doctoral au Massachusetts Institute of
Technology ŕ Boston oů il travaille en collaboration avec Frédo Durand.
Ses centres d'intéręt sont ŕ l'interface entre la vision par ordinateur,
le traitement d'image et l'informatique graphique. Ses travaux portent plus précisément sur la reconstruction 3D ŕ partir d'images, la capture
tridimensionnelle de chevelures et la photographie algorithmique.
Katerina Mania
"Fidelity Metrics
for Immersive Simulations based on Spatial Cognition" |
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3 February 2006
A goal of simulation systems for training is
to provide users with
appropriate sensory stimulation so that they interact in similar ways
with the
virtual world as in the natural world. Visual fidelity is often a
primary goal
computer graphics imagery which strives to create scenes that are
perceptually indistinguishable from an actual scene to a human
observer. Interaction fidelity refers to the degree the simulator
technology (visual and
motor) is
perceived by a trainee to duplicate the operational equipment and the
actual task situation. The research community is challenged to
functional fidelity metrics for simulations mainly targeting positive
transfer of
training in the real world.
In this talk, I will explore the effect of visual and interaction
fidelity on spatial cognition focusing on how humans mentally build
representations. I will then discuss on-going research relevant to the
effect of memory schemas
on spatial memory and relevant results' application towards a real-time
rendering engine
which endeavors to simulate a cognitive process rather than physics. We
will conclude with a brief presentation of other projects relevant to
simulation of subjective impressions of illumination and work on
perceptual sensitivity to tracking latency.
Dr Katerina Mania
Department of Informatics
University of Sussex, UK
Falmer, BN1 9QT Brighton, UK
T: +44 1273 678964
"Reflective Shadow Maps and Beyond " |
Top |
16 November 2005
Indirect illumination is a subtle, yet
important aspect for realistic rendering. Due to its global nature the
computation of indirect illumination is notoriously slow. On the other
hand, approximations for indirect light are usually satisfactory.
Reflective Shadow Maps are an efficient means to add one-bounce
indirect illumination of diffuse surfaces to dynamic scenes. Recent
improvements provide an extension for non-diffuse surfaces and caustics
and achieve real-time rendering speed.
Carsten Dachsbacher:
Carsten Dachsbacher is a Ph.D. student
computer graphics at the University of Erlangen. His research focuses
on interactive, hardware-assisted computer graphics; in particular he
is working on interactive global illumination techniques, procedural
models for rendering photo-realistic terrains and point-based
"Video-based rendering" |
28 September 2005
Expectations on computer graphics performance are rising
continuously: whether in flight simulators, surgerical planning
systems, or computer games, ever more realistic rendering results are
to be achieved at real-time frame rates. In fact, thanks to progress in
graphics hardware as well as rendering algorithms, today visual realism
is within reach of off-the-shelf PC graphics boards. With rapidly
advancing rendering capabilities, the modeling process is becoming the
limiting factor towards realistic rendering. Higher visual
realism can be attained only by having available more detailed and
accurate scene descriptions. So far, however, modeling 3D geometry and
object texture, surface reflectance characteristics and scene
illumination, character animation and emotion is a labor-intensive,
tedious process. The cost of authentic content creation using
conventional approaches increasingly threatens to stall further
progress in realistic rendering applications. In my talk, I will
present an alternative modeling approach: ``Video-based Rendering'' is
about how real-world scenes and events may be acquired from the ``real
thing''. Given a handful of synchronized video recordings, complex,
time-varying scenes and natural phenomena can be modeled from reality
to be incorporated into time-critical 3D graphics applications.
Photo-realistic rendering quality and truly authentic animations can be
obtained. Besides offering a solution for realistic rendering
applications in computer graphics, research into video-based modeling
and rendering algorithms also leads to tools for video editing and may
even pave the way towards new forms of visual media.
Marcus Magnor
Magnor is head of the Independent Research Group NWG3:
Graphics-Optics-Vision at the Max-Planck-Institut für
Informatik in Saarbrücken, Germany. He received his B.A. in 1995
from the University of Würzburg, Germany, and his M.S. in
Physics in 1997 from the University of New Mexico, USA. He then
joined Bernd Girod's Telecommunications research group at the
University of Erlangen, Germany, where he received his Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering in 2000. For his post-graduate work, he
joined Stanford University's Computer Graphics Lab as
Research Associate, before coming to the MPI für Informatik in
early 2002.
His research interests in computer graphics include video-based
rendering, realistic and interactive visualization, as well as dynamic
geometry processing. Beyond graphics, he is working on
interdisciplinary research topics such as dynamic scene analysis,
multimedia coding and communications, and physics-based modeling. |
13 June 2005
The year 2003 marked the fortieth
anniversary of the inception of computer graphics. In 1963, Ivan
Sutherland demonstrated the potential of interactive computer graphics
with his remarkable project called Sketchpad. In the intervening
forty years, our field has made astonishing scientific and
technological progress. However, we are experiencing a
realisation of Sutherland's ideas only now. After reviewing our
progress to date, I will explore the inevitable growth over the next
forty years of disparate technologies such as embedded systems,
computer graphics, human-computer interfaces, artificial intelligence,
broadband wireless communication, and intelligent data storage to posit
a future for computer graphics that is already changing how we think
about computation and visual depiction. It may well be that the
science fiction writers were correct. Future computer systems
will allow people to create convincing virtual worlds of their own
making. Computational visual depiction will soon achieve a state
of being able to fool most of the people most of the time. The
problems and opportunities of such a future are important to
contemplate now. Our potential to tell big lies will be just as
great as our potential to tell big truths. How will we and our
children distinguish one from the other?
Eugene Fiume
Eugene Fiume is Professor and past Chair of the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Toronto, where he also co-directs the
Dynamic Graphics Project. Following his B.Math. degree from the
University of Waterloo and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University
of Toronto, he was an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow and Maitre Assistant at
the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He was awarded an NSERC
University Research Fellowship in 1987 and returned to the University
of Toronto to a faculty position. He was Associate Director of the
Computer Systems Research Institute, and was a Visiting Professor at
the University of Grenoble, France. He is or was a member of various
boards, including the Scientific Advisory Board of GMD, Germany, and
the Max-Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication; the Board
of Directors of TrueSpectra, Inc. in Toronto; the Board of Directors of
CITO; the Advisory Boards of CastleHill Ventures, PlateSpin, BitFlash,
TrueSpectra, OctigaBay Systems and NGRAIN Corporation; and the
Executive Advisory Board of the IBM Lab in Toronto.
Eugene has participated in many task forces and reviews of research
institutes around the world. He has had a long association with the
computer graphics and electronic media industries in Canada and the
U.S., notably with Alias|wavefront, where he was Director of Research
and Usability Engineering while on leave from the university. He now
works with several companies in an advisory capacity on both
technological and business issues. He also works with venture capital
companies on due diligence and strategy.
Eugene's research interests include most aspects of realistic computer
graphics, including computer animation, modelling natural phenomena,
and illumination, as well as strong interests in internet based
imaging, image repositories, software systems and parallel algorithms.
He has written two books and (co-)authored over 90 papers on these
topics. Eleven doctoral students and twenty master's students have
graduated under his supervision. He has won two teaching awards, as
well as Innovation Awards from ITRC for research in computer graphics
and Burroughs-Wellcome for biomedical research. He was also the Papers
Chair for SIGGRAPH 2001, and is Chair of the SIGGRAPH Awards Committee.
His industrial interests include technology transfer in the Information
Technology area, internet-based applications, wireless and multimedia
systems, web-based services, large-scale computation, and the
interaction of information technology and business.
Isabelle Viaud-Delmon -
"La réalité virtuelle en neurosciences comportementales:
du paradigme expérimental à l'objet d'études"
29 March 2005
Les dispositifs de réalité virtuelle (RV) ont permis la
mise en place de nombreux paradigmes de recherche en neurosciences
comportementales ces dernières années. La facilité
avec laquelle il est possible de manipuler expérimentalement les
différentes informations sensorielles à la disposition du
sujet fait de la RV un outil de choix pour l'étude de
l'intégration multisensorielle chez l'homme et de ses troubles.
Par ailleurs, dans le domaine de la psychopathologie clinique,
l'exposition de patients à des environnements virtuels permet de
mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles formes de thérapie
présentant de nombreux intérêts.
Cependant, l’utilisation de ces dispositifs pose au moins deux
problèmes majeurs, en particulier en psychopathologie clinique
et expérimentale. Le premier est lié au nombre
limité de modalités sensorielles sollicitées par
l'outil, qui se limite le plus souvent à intégrer les
modalités visuelles et idiothétiques (ensemble des
informations proprioceptives et vestibulaires). Le deuxième est
lié au caractère "déréalisant" de la
réalité virtuelle, et renvoie à la notion de
présence. Au plan psychopathologique, un certain nombre de
questions se pose. Par conséquent, si la RV représente un
dispositif expérimental en neurosciences comportementales,
elle se doit également de devenir un objet d'étude.
Isabelle Viaud-Delmon
Hôpital de la Salpêtrière – Paris
1 February 2005
3 December 2004
La complexité des objets ne tient pas
seulement dans leur forme mais également dans l'apparence de
leur surface. En synthèse d'image, les modèles
d'habillage de surface permettent de définir et de faire varier
le long des surfaces les propriétés du matériau
(couleur, brillance, rugosité, etc .). Par exemple, le placage
de texture permet d'appliquer une image (la texture) à la
géométrie d'un objet. Cependant la taille des
mondes représentés dans les applications actuelles ne
cesse d'augmenter. Créer des textures détaillées
capturant la richesse et la complexité du monde réel sur
de si larges domaines est devenu une tâche longue et difficile.
En outre le placage de texture n'est pas adapté à toutes
les situations. Les textures contenant de petits motifs
distribués sur un fond homogène (feuilles mortes,
pierres, fleurs, ...) gaspillent de la mémoire. Les textures
animées ou dynamiques (impacts, traces de pas, gouttes d'eau,
...) sont difficiles à représenter. La taille
mémoire disponible, relativement faible en comparaison de la
taille des données utilisées, contraint les artistes qui
doivent trouver des raccourcis. Aspects flous ou
répétitions évidentes sont des défauts
visuels souvent observés. Dans les applications interactives ces
contraintes sont encore plus fortes. Or l'interactivité est
devenue un élément clé de la synthèse
d'image: que ce soit dans les simulateurs, les jeux vidéos, ou
pour pré--visualiser rapidement des résultats avant de
longs calculs d'images. Nous proposons de nouveaux modèles
d'habillage qui permettent, tout comme le placage de texture,de faire
varier les propriétés d'un matériau le long de la
surface d'un objet. Nos modèles répondent aux besoins des
applications modernes: vastes domaines texturés, détails
appliqués localement et textures animées ou dynamiques.
Ils sont basés sur des approches procédurales mais
également sur des structures de données qui permettent de
s'affranchir des limitations du placage de texture. La plupart de nos
modèles sont conçus pour les processeurs graphiques
actuels, sur lesquels ils sont directement implémentés.
"A variational approach to optimal surface parametrization"
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28 September 2004
In this talk I will present a variational
approach to the construction of low-distortion parameterizations for
surfaces of disc topology. Our approach is based on principles from
rational mechanics, whereby the parameterization is described in terms
of a minimizer of an energy functional which is well understood from
the theory of elasticity. In particular, we use the axioms of isotropy
and frame indifference to derive an energy based on a unique set of
measures. These capture the usual notions of area, length and angle
preservation in a single energy functional, allowing for a trade-off
between these measures without sacrificing mathematical guarantees such
as well-posedness. This makes is possible to simultaneously optimize
the parameterization for multiple criteria. For instance, one may
choose the parameterization with the least area distortion amongst all
conformal parameterizations, etc. Due to its foundation in mechanics,
numerical methods for minimizing the energy based on finite element
discretizations are well understood, leading to a straightforward
implementation. Throughout this talk I will demonstrate the flexibility
of our method with numerous examples.
Nathan Litke
"Modelling of
processes in dynamic environments: From Cells to Ecosystems"
Top |
4 June 2004
Computational science has a
large role to play in helping the biologist
deal with the complexities of the systems they study. This
presentation will have a look at how an individual-based simulation and
visualisation approach can be used in studying a range of processes
from cellular to ecosystem level. A central theme is the
modelling of dynamic processes in dynamic structures. |
Jim Hanan:
Dr Jim Hanan
Principal Research Fellow
ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Legume Research,
ARC Centre for Bioinformatics, ARC Centre for Complex Systems,
and Advanced Computational Modelling Centre
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
B.Sc. (Hons) (1977) University of Manitoba, Canada
M.Sc. (1988) University of Regina, Canada
Ph.D. (1992) University of Regina, Canada
Kari Pulli
(Nokia Mobile Phones)
3D Graphics APIs"
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6 February 2004
The last few years have seen dramatic
improvements in
how much computation power and visual capabilities can be packed into a
device small enough to fit in your pocket. Real-time 3D graphics on
mobile phones is now a reality, and there are two new standards for a
mobile 3D API.
This talk will cover a brief history of mobile 3D
graphics and presents two new APIs: OpenGL ES for C/C++, an immediate
mode low-level API subsetting OpenGL 1.3, and Mobile 3D (for Java
MIDP), an API that supports scene graphs, animation, and a binary file
Kari Pulli is a Principal Scientist at Nokia
Phones where he heads research activities ensuring that mobile devices
allow visually interesting communication and entertainment, from the input (cameras) to the output (displays and graphics). He is also a
Docent (adjunct faculty) at University of Oulu, where he teaches
computer graphics.
Kari has studied in U.Oulu (86-89,91-93),
(89-90), U.Paderborn (90-91), and U.Washington (93-97), receiving the
degrees of B.Sc., M.Sc., Lic.Tech, and Ph.D., all in computer science
or engineering. He also received an Executive MBA degree at Oulu in 01.
During the doctoral studies Kari worked at Microsoft, SGI, and
Gleicher (University of Wisconsin)
by Example"
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5 February 2004
motion of animated human characters is
difficult to create. Motion synthesis methods must achieve
expressiveness, subtlety and realism. The current techniques for
creating such quality motions, such as capturing it by observing real
performers, can achieve these qualities in short, specific clips of
motion. However, while these clips provide examples of what a character
can do, a set of clips by itself does not provide sufficient
flexibility to animate all of the things we might require of a
character. We need methods that are capable of synthesizing new motions
that have the qualities of the examples.
this talk, I will survey our efforts to create
high-quality motion for animation in a flexible manner. I will describe
four recent projects from our group:
Motion Graphs - an approach to creating new
by assembling pieces of existing motions;
Snap Together Motion - an approach to using
Graphs in interactive systems;
Registration Curves - an approach to creating
motions that are combinations (blends) of existing motions;
Match Webs - an approach to searching and
a large database of motions so that it can be used for synthesis tasks.
Gleicher is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof.
Gleicher joined the University in 1998 to start a computer graphics
group within the department. The overall goal of his research is to
create tools that make it easier to create pictures, video, animation,
and virtual environments; and to make these visual artifacts more
interesting, entertaining, and informative. His current focus is on
tools for character animation and for the automatic production of
video. Prior to joining the university, Prof. Gleicher was a researcher
at The Autodesk Vision Technology Center and at Apple Computer's
Advanced Technology Group. He earned his Ph. D. in Computer Science
from Carnegie Mellon University, and holds a B.S.E. in Electrical
Engineering from Duke University. |
Ken Perlin (New
York University Media Research Laboratory and Center for Advanced
Graphics Research at NYU"
Top |
2 February 2004
will be showing a wide variety of research results from the last year.
One of them is our recent work in methods for capturing the full eight
dimensions of data interaction between light and textured surfaces.
Another is in designing interfaces for working with "smart" virtual
characters that can convey emotion and take direction at a high level.
I will also be talking about techniques for true volumetric display in
open air and distributed robotic display devices. In addition, time
permitting, I will show a number of small web-based interactive art and
technology projects.
Ken Perlin is a Professor in the Department of
Science, and Director of the New York University Media Research
Laboratory and Center for Advanced Technology. Ken Perlin's research
interests include graphics, animation, and multimedia. In 2002 he
received the NYC Mayor's award for excellence in Science and Technology
and the Sokol award for outstanding Science faculty at NYU. In 1997 he
won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement from the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his noise and turbulence
procedural texturing techniques, which are widely used in feature films
and television. In 1991 he received a Presidential Young Investigator
Award from the National Science Foundation.
Dr. Perlin received his Ph.D. in Computer Science
New York University in 1986, and a B.A. in theoretical mathematics from
Harvard University in 1979. He was Head of Software Development at
R/GREENBERG Associates in New York, NY from 1984 through 1987. Prior to
that, from 1979 to 1984, he was the System Architect for computer
generated animation at Mathematical Applications Group, Inc., Elmsford,
NY. TRON was the first movie for which his name got onto the credits.
He has served on the Board of Directors of the New York chapter of
ACM/SIGGRAPH, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the New
York Software Industry Association.
(DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology)
Reality Research and Applications
at DaimlerChrysler"
Top |
6 May 2003
The talk gives an overview of ongoing MR research
activities for development, production, and service applications in the
automotive and aerospace industries at DaimlerChrysler.
We first introduce the organizational structure
research at DaimlerChrysler and the Virtual and Augmented Reality
research activities at the Virtual Reality Competence Center (VRCC). Then, we present selected MR research
applications and
discuss in more detail some recent results and ongoing MR research at
the VRCC. We illustrate our developments with our "MagicMeeting" system, a collaborative AR system for design review scenarios. Finally, we discuss a prototypical implementation
of an
Augmented Virtuality based video conferencing system.
Regenbrecht is a scientist at the DaimlerChrysler Research
Center in Ulm, Germany. His research interests include interfaces for
virtual and augmented environments, virtual reality aided design,
perception of virtual reality, collaboration, and AR/VR in the
automotive and aerospace industry. Regenbrecht received a doctoral
degree from the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany.
Ken Perlin (New
York University Media Research Laboratory and Center for Advanced
actors that can act"
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7 February 2003
In a computer game, characters exist mainly to
choices for a player who advances through the experience, testing
himself against the game or against other players. Players do not feel
that Laura Croft or Mario actually exist as psychological beings.
In contrast, in a play or movie the audience
expects to
vicariously experience the emotional choices of characters. Those
choices have been carefully created by an author, interpreted by a
director, and embodied by actors to promote a willing "suspension of
disbelief." Could this dichotomy be turned into a continuous
dialectic? Could there be an interactive narrative artform in which
agency is amorphous, floating between audience and character? The
question is timely, because many of the enabling technologies to make
such a medium are only now emerging, much as the enabling technologies
to create cinema began to emerge roughly a century ago. Such a medium would require the equivalent of at
three elements: story, direction, and acting. Of these, the third
constitutes a creative bottleneck, since it is not interesting to
create interactive story and direction without actors who can breathe
life into them.
I will focus on recent work on creating embodied
virtual actors that can take direction, express attitude and emotion,
and convincingly portray characters with inner lives. I will also
discuss various other related work that you can see at
Ken Perlin is a Professor in the Department of
Science, and Director of the New York University Media Research
Laboratory and Center for Advanced Technology. Ken Perlin's research
interests include graphics, animation, and multimedia. In 2002 he
received the NYC Mayor's award for excellence in Science and Technology
and the Sokol award for outstanding Science faculty at NYU. In 1997 he
won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement from the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his noise and turbulence
procedural texturing techniques, which are widely used in feature films
and television. In 1991 he received a Presidential Young Investigator
Award from the National Science Foundation.
Dr. Perlin received his Ph.D. in Computer Science
New York University in 1986, and a B.A. in theoretical mathematics from
Harvard University in 1979. He was Head of Software Development at
R/GREENBERG Associates in New York, NY from 1984 through 1987. Prior to
that, from 1979 to 1984, he was the System Architect for computer
generated animation at Mathematical Applications Group, Inc., Elmsford,
NY. TRON was the first movie for which his name got onto the credits.
He has served on the Board of Directors of the New York chapter of
ACM/SIGGRAPH, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the New
York Software Industry Association.
Ronen Barzel (Pixar
Animation Studio)
Top |
November 2002
simulation can generate complex and realistic motion
automatically, freeing the modeler or animator from worrying about the
details. But what if you care about the details? For Pixar's
meticulously choreographed animations, pure dynamics simulation alone
doesn't necessarily deliver what the director wants. This talk will
discuss three different approaches to provide the controls we need for
dynamic (or dynamic-seeming) behavior to satisfy production aesthetics.
First, "Faking Dynamics" -- a non-dynamic technique we used to animate
the Slinky Dog and other Toy Story models. Next, "Pseudo Dynamics", a
partially-dynamic technique we used to animate the rain drops in "A
Bug's Life". Finally, "Plausible Motion", a speculative technique that
is an area of current research.
Barzel joined Pixar in 1993 to work on Toy Story in various roles, in
particular as a modeler with an emphasis on ropes, cords & the
Slinky Dog, and as a member of the lighting team and engineer of
lighting methodology and software. He has since worked on R&D of
modeling, lighting and animation tools. He has a bachelor's in
math/physics and a masters in computer science from Brown University,
and a PhD in computer science from Caltech, where he worked on "dynamic
constraints" and physically-based modeling. He is the editor-in-chief
of the Journal of Graphics Tools. Starting January 2003 he will be
visiting at Ecole Polytechnique, teaching a course about CG animation.
Ostromoukhov (Dept.Comp.Sc.& Op.Res. / University
of Montreal)
in technology,
psychology and plastic arts"
Top |
14 June
plays important role in many human activities, in our everyday life.
Since the Antiquity, people tried explain the complex phenomenon of
color vision. In my talk, I will present different facets of color, as
seen by painters and art critics, by computer graphics people, and by
experimental psychologists and neuroscientists. We shall overview the
basic concepts of modern color science, including the latest standards
for color appearance models used in the imaging technology.
Ostromoukhov studied mathematics, physics and computer science at
Moscow Phys-Tech (MIPT). After graduating in 1980, he spent several
years with prominent European and American industrial companies (SG2,
Paris; Olivetti, Paris and Milan; Canon Information Systems, Cupertino,
CA) as a research scientist and/or computer engineer. He completed his
Ph.D. in CS at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL, Lausanne,
1995), where he continued to work as a lecturer and senior researcher.
Invited professor at University of Washington, Seattle, in 1997.
Research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA, in 1999-2000. Associate Professor at University of Montreal, since
August 2000. His research interests are mainly in computer graphics,
and more specifically in non-photorealistic rendering, texture
synthesis, color science, halftoning, and digital art.
Roy (Laboratoire
de Vision 3D / Université de Montréal, Canada)
Vision: To an automatic scene
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8 April 2002
seminar will focus on the problem of 3d reconstruction from multiple
images taken from arbitrary point of view. Actually stereoscopic
algorithms, who need similar point of view, can not be easily
generalized with the case of "arbitrary cameras". The reason is that
the occlusions, minor problem in stereoscopic, become an apparently
insurmountable obstacle when, for example, two cameras are face to
will describe a generalization of the approach by maximum-flow, able to
minimize globally and effectively certain functions of mapping, towards
the multiple case of images from arbitrary cameras. It differs from the
other methods (space carving, planes sweep...) by its global solution
rather than local to the occlusions problem.
Sébastien Roy
de Vision 3D / Université de Montréal, Canada)
Deussen (University of Dresden)
and rendering of complex
botanical scenes"
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11 December 2001
scenes with complex vegetation is a challenging task for two
reasons: very complex geometry has to be handled and complex light
interaction has to be simulated.
talk will cover some aspects in this environment. First, a modelling
method is presented that allows the user to interactively generate
plant models using a small set of components. These plants are then
combined to form complex ecosystems using interactive tools. Efficient
realistic rendering algorithms are given. In the last part of the talk,
some non-realistic rendering methods for vegetation are discussed.
Oliver Deussen:
(University of Dresden)
Simon Gibson
(Advanced Interfaces Group,
Department of Computer Science / University of Manchester, UK.)
Geometric and Illumination
Data from Image Sequences"
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16 December 2001
realistic models of real-world environments is a complex task,
involving the recovery of geometric representations of objects and
descriptions of surface reflectance and illumination characteristics.
this talk, I will present several algorithms we are developing to
reconstruct such models from sequences of images, and video footage of
real scenes. First, I will discuss automatic and semi-automatic methods
for camera calibration and geometry reconstruction. Following that, I
will give details of a novel and flexible approach to estimating
surface reflectance and illumination characteristics that uses high
dynamic-range images and sets of virtual light-sources.
Simon Gibson
(Advanced Interfaces Group, Department of Computer Science / University
of Manchester, UK.)