9. Related Work

9. Related Work


Concurrent Programming with Fair Threads
The LOFT Language

Previous chapter: Examples - 2
Next chapter: Conclusion


9.1 Thread Based Formalisms
    Thread Libraries in C
    Java Threads
    Threads in Functional Languages
9.2 Reactive Approach
    Synchronous Languages vs. Reactive Programming
    Reactive Programming in Java
9.3 Approaches based on Decomposition
    Chores and Filaments
    Cohorts and Staged Computation


1. Introduction
2. The Language LOFT
3. Examples - 1
4. Programming Style
5. Semantics
6. FairThreads in C
7. Implementations
8. Examples - 2
9. Related Work
10. Conclusion
11. Annex A: API of FairThreads
12. Annex B: LOFT Reference Manual
13. Annex C: the LOFT Compiler

One considers three domains related to Loft. The first is the one of threads which either appear as libraries or are incorporated in existing languages. The second domain is the synchronous-reactive approach from which Loft takes its major constructs. The third domain contains approaches in which computations are decomposed into small pieces that can be combined to build complex behaviors.
9.1 Thread Based Formalisms

Thread Libraries in C

Several thread libraries exist for C. Among them, the Pthreads library [28] implements the POSIX standard for preemptive threads. LinuxThreads [4] is an implementation of Pthreads for Linux; it is based on native (kernel-level) threads. Quick Threads [24] provides programmers with a minimal support for multi-threading at user-space level. Basically, it implements context-switching in assembly code, and is thus a low-level solution to multi-threading. Gnu Portable Threads [17] (GNU Pth) is a library of purely cooperative threads which has portability as main objective. The Next Generation POSIX Threading project [5] proposes to extend GNU Pth to the M:N model (M user threads, N native threads), with Linux SMP machines as target.

Java Threads

Java introduce threads at language level. Actually, threads are generally heavily used in Java, for example when graphics or networking is involved. No assumption is made on the way threads are scheduled (cooperative or preemptive schedulings are both possible) which makes Java multi-threaded systems difficult to program and to port [22]. This difficulty is pointed out by the suppression from the recent versions (1.2) of the language of the primitives to gain fine control over threads [3]. These primitives actually corresponds to the stop, suspend, and resume of Loft. The use of Java threads with multiprocessor architectures leads to several difficulties which are actually under study in the Java community. One of these difficulties is called the Double Check Locking (DCL) which concerns the Java memory model (JMM) and is rather tricky (see ??? for details). These studies should lead to some changes of the Java thread model in the next versions (1.5) of Java. It should be mentioned that the initial version of FairThreads has been proposed in the context of the Java language [12] in order to simplify concurrent programming in Java; this version was however limited to cooperative threads.

Threads in Functional Languages

Threads are used in several ML-based languages such as CML [30]. CML is preemptively scheduled and threads communication is synchronous and based on channels. Threads are also introduced in CAML [2]; they are implemented by time-sharing on a single processor, and thus cannot benefit from multiprocessor machines. FairThreads has been recently introduced in the Bigloo [1] implementation of Scheme. The present version does not support unlinked threads, but special constructs are introduced to deal with non-blocking cooperative I/Os.
9.2 Reactive Approach

FairThreads and Loft actually belong to the so-called reactive approach [6] which is issued from synchronous languages. One first compare synchronous languages and the reactive approach before describing several reactive programming languages.

Synchronous Languages vs. Reactive Programming

To the family of synchronous languages [19] belong several programming languages which all share the same notion of an instant which is supposed to be of zero duration. In this context, the output of a program at a given instant is synchronous with its input; the synchronous characterization of these languages comes from this hypothesis. Lustre and Signal are two data-flow synchronous languages in which one programs nets of operators, in a style very close to the one of section Data-Flow Programming. At the basis of these dataflow languages are the nets of processes of [23]. Following the StateCharts of D. Harel, several systems have been proposed for synchronous graphical programming, among which are SyncCharts and Argos. The Esterel synchronous language [9] introduces broadcast events, called signals, in an imperative style. However, in Esterel, the absence of an event can be decided immediately and consequences of this absence can take place in the very same instant. This leads to "causality problems" as for example in present S else emit S end. In this program, indeed, the signal S is emitted if it is absent during the instant, which is of course contradictory. As opposite to Esterel, in reactive programming the absence of an event during one instant cannot be decided before the end of this very instant. As a consequence, the reaction to the absence of one event is delayed to the next instant. This is a way to solve the causality problems which are obstacles to modularity. All synchronous languages are static in the sense that they disallow the creation at run time of new parallel components and of new events. Moreover, they do not give users any way to deal with multiprocessor machines. However, synchronous languages generally put the focus on hardware circuits in which dynamic creation does not appear. This is a major difference with reactive programming which limits to software systems. A major claim of synchronous languages is that they make possible proofs and validations of programs. This is a consequence of the existence of a formal semantics and of the static characteristics of these languages. Program proofs and validations have not yet be considered in reactive programming.


The Reactive-C [11] language was the first proposal for reactive programming in C; in this respect, Loft can be considered as a descendant of it. Reactive-C proposes instants and the merge operator which implements deterministic parallelism. A reaction of the instruction merge i1 i2 consists in a reaction of i1 followed in the same instant by a reaction of i2. Thus, one has a deterministic left-right operator with which parallelism can be introduced at any level. Reactive-C does not define events, as they are defined in Loft. Reactive-C is basically implemented as a straightforward preprocessor of C. Reactive-C introduces primitives for remote execution of reactive programs over the network. Remote execution is based on the use of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism. Distribution is not yet possible neither in Loft nor in FairThreads.

Reactive Programming in Java

The reactive approach has been implemented in Java in several ways. The first one is the SugarCubes [13] framework which is a set of classes for reactive programming in Java. Several related formalisms have been designed, among which are Junior [21] and Rejo [7]. The definition of Rewrite and Replace in Implementations is strongly linked to the implementations with the same names of the Java Junior framework [21]. The use of waiting queues has appeared in the implementation of Junior, called Simple5, which has been proposed by Laurent Hazard to deal with large number of parallel components and events. The Direct semantics is strongly inspired from it. Rejo is a language which is proposed for high-level reactive programming in a Java based language. Rejo is implemented on top of Junior and thus can benefit from the various implementations of it. As opposite to SugarCubes and Junior, standard Java code can be freely mixed with reactive code. Rejo also introduces primitives for migration of reactive code, implemented using the serialization and the RMI mechanisms of Java.
9.3 Approaches based on Decomposition

Chores and Filaments

Chores [16] and filaments [26] are small pieces of code that do not have private stack and are never preempted. Chores and filaments are designed for fine-grain parallelism programming on shared-memory machines. Chores and filaments are completely executed and cannot be suspended nor resumed. Generally, a pool of threads is devoted to execute them. Chores and chunk-based techniques are described in details in the context of the Java language in [15] and [22]. Automata in FairThreads are close to chores and filaments, but give programmers more freedom for direct coding of states-based algorithms. Automata are also related to mode automata [27] in which states capture the notion of a running mode in the context of the synchronous language Lustre [19].

Cohorts and Staged Computation

Cohort scheduling [25] dynamically reorganizes series of computations on items in an input stream, so that similar computations on different items execute consecutively. Staged computation intends to replace threads. In the staged model, a program is constructed from a collection of stages and each stage has scheduling autonomy to control the order in which operations are executed. Stages are thus very close to instants of FairThreads and cohort scheduling looks very much like cooperative scheduling. In the staged model, emphasis is put on the way to exploit program locality by grouping similar operations in cohorts that are executed at the same stage; in this way, cohorts and staged computations fall in the family of data-flow models.

5: this is an ironic name...

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