10. Conclusion

10. Conclusion


Concurrent Programming with Fair Threads
The LOFT Language

Previous chapter: Related Work
Next chapter: Annex A: API of FairThreads


  Future Work
    Reactive Instructions
    Others Languages


1. Introduction
2. The Language LOFT
3. Examples - 1
4. Programming Style
5. Semantics
6. FairThreads in C
7. Implementations
8. Examples - 2
9. Related Work
10. Conclusion
11. Annex A: API of FairThreads
12. Annex B: LOFT Reference Manual
13. Annex C: the LOFT Compiler

One has defined Loft, a language which extends C to concurrent and parallel programming in a shared memory context. The main questions to which Loft proposes answers can be listed as follows: how synchronous and asynchronous executions can be mixed together in an unified framework? How system architectures which are basically cooperative can benefit from parallelism offered by multiprocessor machines? How to conciliate concurrency and determinism? What compromises should be accepted in order to get a powerful enough programming, while staying in a simple and relatively safe context? The answers in Loft rely on several aspects related to the underlying programming model, to semantics concerns, to implementation issues, and to design choices.

Programming Model

In Loft, the units of concurrency are threads which are defined as instances of modules. There are basically two kinds of threads: threads which are linked to a scheduler and threads which are unlinked. A thread cannot be linked simultaneously to several schedulers, but it can link to distinct schedulers during its execution. All the threads linked to a same scheduler are run in a cooperative mode under the supervision of the scheduler. Moreover, they are sharing events. The threads are run cyclically until all have either cooperated or have reacted to events which are present. The current instant is finished when a stable situation is found in which all the events which are not present can be safely considered as absent. The scheduler can then proceed to the next instant after having incorporated in the system orders sent to it during the instant. These orders can be orders to stop, suspend or resume threads, or to add new created threads. Several schedulers can be simultaneously present in the same Loft program. Each scheduler defines a synchronous area in which threads run at the same pace, because they share the same instants, and in which events are broadcast, because all threads have exactly the same information on the presence and the absence of events. It is possible for some threads instances of native modules to run autonomously, unlinked from any scheduler. When it is the case, these threads behave exactly as standard native threads scheduled by the preemptive operating system. However, unlinked threads still have the possibility to link to a scheduler, and then to behave as a cooperative thread. Of course, they can later on return in the unlinked state if they want. Several advantages of the programming model of Loft are to be pointed out:
  • Loft offers an unified framework in which both cooperative and preemptive approaches can be used jointly. Actually, in Loft, users have control on the way threads are scheduled. Loft provides users with programming primitives allowing threads to dynamically link to schedulers and to dynamically unlink from them. This framework is flexible as the structure of schedulers can evolve dynamically. It actually proposes N:M architectures, with the advantage that there exist a syntax to deal with them (as opposite for example with the threads of the Solaris system of Sun).
  • Cooperative systems can be coded in a simple way, without the need of locks to protect data. Moreover, instants give automatic synchronizations that can greatly simplify programming in certain situations. Linked threads have a precise and clear semantics. The point is that systems exclusively made of threads linked to one unique scheduler are completely deterministic. This simplifies reasonning about program. It also makes debugging easier. Thus, in the cooperative context, one gets a simple language for concurrent programming which is deterministic and have a precise semantics.
  • When a thread unlinks from a scheduler, it becomes an autonomous native thread which can be run in real parallelism, on a distinct processor. Schedulers can also be executed by native threads, on distinct processors. Thus, Loft give the user access to multiprocessing in a very simple way.


Loft has a formal semantics. Actually the semantics is an operational one which describes the steps that should be executed to reach a result. The presence of a formal semantics is not anecdoctical and is useful for at least two reasons: first, it give the exact meaning of programs which can be much more complex than in traditional programming, as a result of concurrency and of the new dimension introduced by instants. The purpose of the semantics is to exactly define what should be the execution of a program made of several concurrent threads along the passing of instants. Second, variants of the semantics are defined in order to model various aspects of the execution. More precisely, a series of semantics variants defines relatively small steps starting from the basic Rewrite semantics and reaching the Direct semantics which is designed to be extremely efficient. One can get strong confidence in each of these steps, and thus see this whole process as a way to validate the implementation. The presence of a formal semantics is in this respect a means for a safer programming.


The language has several implementations. The first one is a direct translation in FairThreads which is an API of threads closely related to Loft. The second implementation Rewrite, which serves as a reference for the cooperative part of the language, is a direct translation of the rewriting rules of the semantics. The Replace implementation optimises the memory use, while the Optim implementation optimizes the waiting of events, to avoid busy-waiting, and can be used for embedded systems with few ressources. To sum-up, the main characteristics of Loft are:
  • Concurrent language based on C.
  • Both cooperative and preemptive approaches mixable in the same framework.
  • Possibility of real parallelism (use of multiprocessors).
  • Determinism of programs belonging to the cooperative part of the language.
  • Precise (formal) semantics defined for the cooperative part.
  • Efficient implementation, usable for embedded systems.
Finally, one would say that the external syntax of Loft could be subject to change in the future. This should not be shocking as, after all, syntax is rather secondary compared to the programming model and to the semantics. One now considers possible topics for future work.
Future Work

Reactive Instructions

In Loft, as in FairThreads, parallelism is only at top-level. Indeed, there is no parallel construct which can be used at any level, as in Esterel for example. Consider for example a statement of the form (A || B);C, where || is the parallel operator. In it, the parallel operator is not at the root of the syntax tree, but on the left branch of a sequence instruction. In Loft one must use indirect constructions for expressing parallelism at arbitrary levels of nesting. The previous example could be for instance coded using a join instruction to wait for the termination of both A and B. A possible extension of Loft would be to introduce a deterministic parallel operator, as for example the one of Reactive-C. Others constructs could also be added to the language; for example, the until module of section Run could be directly introduced in the language as a preemption instruction. One could also consider local events whose extend is defined syntaxically by a language construct, as it is the case in standard reactive programming, such as Junior.


A rather natural extension of Loft would be to interface it with the network. Thus, distributed synchronous areas could be defined, running on distinct machines. The difficulty is to give a way for a thread to link to a distant machine. This is a kind of thread migration that would open programming to systems based on agents. Some open problems are raised by such an approach: what exactly are the threads that can migrate and how are they dealing with the memory? What is the syntax for migration? How migrating threads can dynamically use the resources of a distant site? How can a site be protected from dangerous migrating threads (for example, not cooperating ones)?

Others Languages

Loft could be rather easily extended to C++. This would simplify the code produced by the Loft translator as classes encapsulating the local data of threads could be generated. Of course, other target languages could also be considered.

As the others formalisms for reactive programming, Loft and FairThreads are available under the Gnu public licence on the site http://www.inria.fr/mimosa/rp.

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Last update Wed Oct 22 18:41:04 2003