5. Semantics

5. Semantics


Concurrent Programming with Fair Threads
The LOFT Language

Previous chapter: Programming Style
Next chapter: FairThreads in C


5.1 Semantics Basics
  5.1.1 Schedulers
  5.1.2 Threads
  5.1.3 Overview of the Semantics
  5.1.4 Rewriting Rules Formats
  5.1.5 Syntax of Instructions
5.2 Instructions in REWRITE
  5.2.1 Expressions
  5.2.2 Sequence of Instructions
  5.2.3 Atomic Instructions
  5.2.4 Non-Atomic Instructions
5.3 Threads and Schedulers in REWRITE
  5.3.1 Threads
  5.3.2 Schedulers
  5.3.3 Instants
  5.3.4 Inter Instants Processing
5.4 REPLACE Semantics
  5.4.1 Sequence
  5.4.2 Atomic Instructions
  5.4.3 Non-Atomic Instructions
  5.4.4 Reset Function
5.5 OPTIM Semantics
  5.5.1 Atomic Instructions
  5.5.2 Non-Atomic Instructions
  5.5.3 Schedulers
5.6 Conclusion


1. Introduction
2. The Language LOFT
3. Examples - 1
4. Programming Style
5. Semantics
6. FairThreads in C
7. Implementations
8. Examples - 2
9. Related Work
10. Conclusion
11. Annex A: API of FairThreads
12. Annex B: LOFT Reference Manual
13. Annex C: the LOFT Compiler

One considers the formal semantics of the cooperative part of Loft. To simplify, one supposes that there is only one scheduler to which all the created threads are linked. One first considers the basic semantics, called Rewrite, then two variants of it, called Replace and Optim. Replace puts the focus on memory use by limiting the number of intermediate instructions that are created during execution of an instant. The Optim variant puts the focus on CPU usage, by avoiding busy-waiting on absent events. The Rewrite variant is defined in the first 3 sections. The basics of the semantics are introduced in Semantics Basics. Then, one describes in Instructions in REWRITE the semantics of expressions and of instructions. The semantics of threads and schedulers is defined in Threads and Schedulers in REWRITE. The Replace variant is considered in REPLACE Semantics and the Optim variant in OPTIM Semantics. Finally, Conclusion concludes the formal description of the language.
5.1 Semantics Basics

The semantics is expressed in the structural operational semantics (SOS) format defined in [29]. First, one defines the data structures corresponding to schedulers and threads; then, an intuitive description of the semantics is given to make the reading of the rest of the semantics easier; then, one defines the various formats of the rewriting rules; finally, the BNF syntax of the instructions is described.

5.1.1 Schedulers

A scheduler sched is a structure made of the following components:
  • sched.linked is the list of threads linked to the scheduler.
  • sched.current is the thread currently executed.
  • sched.events is the set of generated events.
  • sched.values is a table that associates to events the list of values generated during the current instant.
  • sched.eoi is a boolean flag that indicates the end of the current instant.
  • sched.move is a boolean flag that indicates the need to postpone the end of the current instant.
  • sched.to_broadcast is the list of events and of couples (event,value) that must be generated at the beginning of the next instant.
  • sched.orders is the list of orders (stop, suspend, resume, or link a thread) that must be executed at the beginning of the next instant. Orders are build with the function order which takes the kind of order as first parameter: STOP_ORDER, SUSP_ORDER, RESUME_ORDER, or LINK_ORDER.
  • sched.to_finalize is the list of threads that must be finalized.
One adopts the following notations:
  • sched<f = v> changes to v the value of the field f of sched. For example, s<eoi = true> is equal to s, except that s.eoi is set to true.
  • l += v adds the value v to the list l and sched<f += v> adds v to the field f (which must be a list or a set) of sched. In the same way, l -= v removes the value v from l and sched<f -= v>removes v from f in sched.
  • The list (or table) with no element in it is noted Ø. The nth element of a list l is noted l(n), and the number of element of l is noted length(l).

5.1.2 Threads

A thread th is a structure made of the following components:
  • th.run is the instruction run by the thread.
  • th.finalizer is the atomic instruction executed when the thread is stopped.
  • th.suspended is a boolean which is true when the thread is suspended.
  • th.state is the execution state of the thread:
    • TERM: the thread is completely terminated.
    • COOP: the thread cooperates.
    • CONT: the thread needs to be continued during the current instant. This is the initial state, and the one of a thread waiting for an event which is not present, or trying to get a non-available event value.
  • th.signal is an event used to signal the final termination of the thread.
  • th.code is the return code set by some non-atomic instructions. There are 3 possible codes:
    • OK: the instruction has completed normally.
    • ETIMEOUT: the limit has been reached (for await and join).
    • ENEXT: not available value (for get_value).
  • th.called denotes the thread created and executed when a run non-atomic instruction is. Termination of this thread is awaited by the calling thread.
An instance of a module is a new structure th. At creation, th is such that:
  • th.suspended is false.
  • th.state is CONT.
  • th.signal is a new event.
  • th.run is a sequence made of the module body followed by a generation of th.signal.
  • th.finalizer is the module finalizer.
  • th.code is OK.
  • th.called is NULL.

5.1.3 Overview of the Semantics

In this section, one gives an intuitive overview of the semantics. Let's consider a scheduler sched and an environment env. The final goal of the semantics is to show without ambiguity how sched and env evolve as time passes. Actually, evolution is decomposed in a sequence of instants; the first instant is:
sched, env=>sched1, env1
which means that, starting from sched and env, one gets sched1 and env1 at the end of the instant. Threads are not immediately started as soon as they are created in order to avoid interferences with currently running threads. Actually, all threads created during one instant are stored in sched.to_link, and are effectively started at the beginning of the next instant. In the same way, events broadcast from the outside world are stored in sched.to_broadcast and are incorporated in the system at the beginning of the next instant. Stop, suspend, and resume orders are processed in the same way. In case of stop orders, finalizers of stopped threads are executed. Thus, evolution of the scheduler as time passes is a sequence of the form:
sched, env=>sched1, env1
sched1', env1'=>sched2, env2
sched2', env2'=>sched3, env3
where schedi' incorporates in schedi all orders collected during instant i, and envi' is obtained from envi after execution of finalizers of stopped threads. Now, let's decompose instants: each instant consists in cyclically running phases where all the threads are run in turn. Running a thread t means to resume execution of its associated instruction t.run. A thread which needs to be continued is a non-suspended thread that has not already cooperated during the instant. The instant is over when there is no such thread. Threads which are started are placed in the linked list of the scheduler. At the beginning of each instant, threads that are terminated (TERM) and threads stopped during the previous instant are removed from linked. Note that the order in which the threads are executed always remains the same during an instant. Note also that suspensions and resumptions of threads never change the order in which the other threads are executed. The scheduler behavior consists in cyclically running the threads in linked while there exist threads needing to be continued. The number of phases depends on the events generated. For example, consider a situation where linked = (t1,t2) and t1 awaits the event e generated by t2. Then, after t2 execution, a new phase is needed to resume t1. Otherwise, t1 would not consider e as present despite the fact that it is generated; in such a situation, one could not say that e is broadcast. Note that a third phase would be necessary if, after generating e, t2 is waiting for another event generated by t1. Actually, new phases are needed until one reaches a situation where no new event is generated; then, the end of the current instant can be safely decided. The scheduler uses two boolean flags to manage instants:
  • The flag move is set each time a new event is generated; it is reset by the scheduler at the beginning of each phase. The scheduler does not decide the end of the current instant when move is true, to give threads waiting for new generated events the possibility to react to them.
  • The flag eoi is set by the scheduler when the end of the current instant is decided; it is reset at the beginning of each new instant. It is used to inform threads which are waiting for events that these events are definitely absent. Then, the threads can cooperate, and the next instant can safely take place.
Awaiting an event which is absent blocks a thread up to the end of the current instant. This forbids immediate (that is, during the same instant) reaction to the absence of an event; reaction, if any, is thus postponed to next instant. This is important to avoid situations where one could react to the absence of an event during one instant by generating it during the same very instant, which would contradict the fact that the event is absent. These kind of contradictions, known as "causality problems" in synchronous languages [19], do not exist here. In the same way, trying to get a not available generated value blocks a thread up to the end of the current instant.

5.1.4 Rewriting Rules Formats

In this section, one gives the various formats of the rewriting rules used in the semantics.


The format of the rewritings of instructions is:
inst, sched, envinst', sched', env'
In such a rewriting, the initial instruction is inst, the scheduler sched, and the environment of data env. As a result, the rewriting produces a status s, a new instruction inst', a new scheduler sched' and a new environment env'. There are 4 possible status:
  • TERM: the instruction is terminated.
  • COOP: the instruction cooperates.
  • CONT: the instruction needs to be continued. It is the status of an instruction waiting for an event which is not present, or trying to get a non-available event value.
  • RETURN: a return instruction has been reached.


The notation for evaluating expressions is:
exp|=sched, envval, sched', env'
The evaluation of exp, in the scheduler sched and in the environment env, produces the value val, and leads to the new scheduler sched' and to the new environment env'. Several expressions can be evaluated in one step. The notation is:
(exp0,...,expn)|=sched, env(val0,...,valn), sched', env'
The evaluation of expi produces the value vali. The final scheduler is sched' and the final environment is env'. The order in which the expressions are evaluated is left unspecified.

Threads and Schedulers

The micro-step execution of a thread is noted:
th, sched, envth', sched', env'
At scheduler level, the execution of the thread number n is noted:
sched, n, envsched', env'
A phase of the scheduler consists in executing in turn all the threads linked in it. The format is:
sched, envsched', env'
Finally, an instant of the scheduler consists in cyclicly executing phases up to a point where no thread needs to be continued. The format is:
sched, env=>sched', env'

5.1.5 Syntax of Instructions

One gives the syntax of instructions considered in the semantics. The syntax is very close to the real syntax of programs. However, we feel free to make some simplifications when there is no deep impact over the semantics (for example, in if instructions, the else branch is not optional). Some extensions are also included in the syntax to ease the writing of the semantics rules (actually, these extensions never appear in programs). The syntax of instructions is:

inst =
   inst ... inst
|  atomic
|  non-atomic
Atomic instructions execute completely in one single instant:

atomic =
|  stop (exp)
|  suspend (exp)
|  resume (exp)
|  generate (exp)
|  generate (exp, exp)
Some special expressions are added to the ones of C:

exp =
|  <c-exp>

special_exp =
   <module>_create (exp, ..., exp)
|  return_code ()
|  self ()
Execution of non-atomic instructions can last several instants:

non-atomic =
|  halt
|  return
|  await (exp)
|  await (exp, exp)
|  join (exp)
|  join (exp,exp)
|  get_value (exp, exp, exp)
|  if (exp) then inst else inst end
|  while (exp) do inst end
|  repeat (exp) do inst end
|  run <module> (exp, ..., exp)
|  extensions
Some extensions are defined. They do not appear in real programs, but are introduced as intermediary instructions:

extensions =
|  repeat* (n, inst) do inst end
|  while* (exp, inst) do inst end
|  await* (event)
|  await* (event, n)
|  get_value* (event, n, v)
5.2 Instructions in REWRITE

One now considers the evaluation of expressions and the execution of instructions in the basic semantics Rewrite.

5.2.1 Expressions

Expressions are evaluated in the standard way of C. However, evaluation of some special expressions has an effect on the scheduler (for example, the creation of threads) or are using it. Thus, the general form of evaluation of expressions is:
exp|=sched, envvalue, sched', env'
In this rewriting, value is the value obtained by evaluating exp. The resulting scheduler is sched' and the resulting environment is env'. One now gives the semantics of special expressions.

Creation of Threads

New threads instances of a module m are created by calling the function m_create.
Rule 1: Create
(e1,...,en)|=sched, env(v1,...,vn), sched', env'

m_create(e1,...,en)|=sched, envt, sched'', env'
sched'' = sched'<orders += order (LINK_ORDER,t)>
The thread t is a new thread created from the module m, with (v1,...,vn) as arguments. It will be started only at the next instant.

Thread Code

A call to return_code returns the code of the current thread.
Rule 2: Return Code
return_code()|=sched, envsched.current.code, sched, env


A call to self returns the executing thread which is actually the current thread of the scheduler.
Rule 3: Self
self()|=sched, envsched.current, sched, env

5.2.2 Sequence of Instructions

The semantics of sequences is contained in three rules. In the first one, the execution of the first element of the sequence is not terminated and thus only this element is changed in the resulting instruction:
Rule 4: Sequence - Not Term
i0, sched, envi'0, sched', env'
s ≠ TERM

i0...in, sched, envi'0...in, sched', env'
The execution goes to the next component as soon as the previous one terminates:
Rule 5: Sequence - Term
i0, sched, envi'0, sched', env'
i1...in, sched', env'j, sched'', env''

i0...in, sched, envj, sched'', env''
Finally, one has also to consider for consistency reason the degenerated case where the list is empty:
Rule 6: Sequence - Empty
Ø, sched, envØ, sched, env

5.2.3 Atomic Instructions

C Code

Standard C code enclosed in "{" and "}" is an atomic instruction, executed in the standard way. This leads to rewritings of the form:
{<c-code>}, sched, envnothing, sched', env'
Note that the scheduler can also be changed by execution of standard C code because special expressions can appear in it.

Stop, Suspend, Resume

Execution of stop(t) adds the order to stop t to the list of orders.
Rule 7: Stop
e|=sched, envt, sched', env'

stop(e), sched, envnothing, sched'', env'
sched'' = sched'<orders += order (STOP_ORDER,t)>
Execution of suspend(t) adds the order to suspend t to the list of orders.
Rule 8: Suspend
e|=sched, envt, sched', env'

suspend(e), sched, envnothing, sched'', env'
sched'' = sched'<orders += order (SUSPEND_ORDER,t)>
Execution of resume(t) adds the order to resume t to the list of orders.
Rule 9: Resume
e|=sched, envt, sched', env'

resume(e), sched, envnothing, sched'', env'
sched'' = sched'<orders += order (RESUME_ORDER,t)>


A generate statement adds the generated event in the event set of the scheduler, and immediately terminates; moreover, the flag move is set to indicate that something new happened:
Rule 10: Generate - Pure
e|=sched, envv, sched', env'

generate(e), sched, envnothing, sched'', env'
sched'' = sched'<move = true><events += v>
Moreover, when a value is associated to the generation, it is added at the end of the table of values associated to the event.
Rule 11: Generate - Valued
(e1, e2)|=sched, env(v1,v2), sched1, env1
generate(v1), sched1, env1nothing, sched2, env2

generate(e1, e2), sched, envnothing, sched3, env2
sched3 = sched2<val(v1) += v2>

5.2.4 Non-Atomic Instructions

Cooperate, Halt, Nothing, Return

The cooperate statement finishes execution for the current instant and returns COOP. Nothing remains to be done at the next instant (thus, execution at the next instant will resume in sequence from the cooperate instruction):
Rule 12: Cooperate
cooperate, sched, envnothing, sched, env
The halt instruction never terminates:
Rule 13: Halt
halt, sched, envhalt, sched, env
The following rule is introduced for completeness; actually, the nothing instruction does not appear in real programs.
Rule 14: Nothing
nothing, sched, envnothing, sched, env
The return instruction forces the termination of the executing thread by returning the status RETURN. It also generates the event which signals the thread termination:
Rule 15: Return
generate (sched.current.signal), sched, envnothing, sched', env'

return, sched, envnothing, sched', env'


An instruction await first determines which event is awaited and then behaves as await*:
Rule 16: Await
e|=sched, envv, sched', env'
await* (v), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

await (e), sched, envi, sched'', env''
The waiting terminates when the awaited event is present:
Rule 17: Await - Present
v ∈ sched.events

await* (v), sched, envnothing, sched, env
Execution needs to be continued during the same instant when the awaited event is unknown (neither present nor absent):
Rule 18: Await - Unknown
v not in sched.events
sched.eoi = false

await* (v), sched, envawait* (v), sched, env
The await instruction cooperates when the awaited event is absent. The absence is detected because the event is not generated while the end of the current instant has been decided:
Rule 19: Await - Absent
v not in sched.events
sched.eoi = true

await* (v), sched, envawait* (v), sched, env

Limited Await

With a limited await, the waiting is limited to a fixed number of instants:
Rule 20: Limited Await
(e1,e2)|=sched, env(v,n), sched', env'
await* (v,n), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

await (e1,e2), sched, envi, sched'', env''
Rules for the limited await are very similar to the ones of the standard await, except that tests for the delay are introduced. The instruction immediately terminates when the delay is over, and in this case, the return code of the executing thread is set to ETIMEOUT.
Rule 21: Limited Await - Over
n ≤ 0

await* (v,n), sched, envnothing, sched', env
sched' = sched<current.code = ETIMEOUT>
The instruction also immediately terminates when the awaited event is present; in this case, the return code of the executing thread is set OK.
Rule 22: Limited Await - Present
n > 0
v ∈ sched.events

await* (v,n), sched, envnothing, sched', env
sched' = sched<current.code = OK>
The executing thread needs to be continued during the current instant while the awaited is unknown.
Rule 23: Limited Await - Unknown
n > 0
v not in sched.events
sched.eoi = false

await* (v,n), sched, envawait* (v,n), sched, env
The executing thread cooperates when the awaited event is absent. This can only happen at the end of the instant. In this case, the waiting delay is decremented.
Rule 24: Limited Await - Absent
n > 0
v not in sched.events
sched.eoi = true

await* (v,n), sched, envawait* (v,n-1), sched, env
An important point must be noticed: the previous rules describe a busy-waiting mechanism: actually, the await* instruction should activated at each micro-step of each instant, until the awaited event is present (except of course during instants where the executing thread is suspended).


The if instruction chooses a branch accordingly to the value of a boolean expression, and it executes it up to completion (which may take several instants; note that the expression is evaluated only once):
Rule 25: If - True
e|=sched, envtrue, sched', env'
i, sched', env'i', sched'', env''

if (e) then i else j end, sched, envi', sched'', env''
Rule 26: If - False
e|=sched, envfalse, sched', env'
j, sched', env'j', sched'', env''

if (e) then i else j end, sched, envj', sched'', env''


A while loop first evaluates the associated boolean expression and terminates if the returned value is false:
Rule 27: While - False
e|=sched, envfalse, sched', env'

while (e) do i end, sched, envnothing, sched', env'
Otherwise, the loop behaves as the auxiliary while* loop defined below:
Rule 28: While - True
e|=sched, envtrue, sched', env'
j = while* (e, i) do i end
j, sched', env'j', sched'', env''

while (e) do i end, sched, envj', sched'', env''
The auxiliary while* instruction runs the loop body up to termination, without re-evaluating the boolean condition; then, it rewrites as a standard while loop which evaluates the condition to determine if the body has to be run one more time.
Rule 29: While - Not Term
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
s ≠ TERM

while* (e, init) do i end, sched, envj, sched', env'
j = while* (e, init) do i' end
Rule 30: While - Term
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
while (e) do init end, sched', env'j, sched'', env''

while* (e, init) do i end, sched, envj, sched'', env''


A repeat loop executes its body a limited number of times. This number is the value of an expression which is first evaluated:
Rule 31: Repeat
e|=sched, envn, sched', env'
j = repeat* (n, i) do i end
j, sched', env'j', sched'', env''

repeat (e) do i end, sched, envj', sched'', env''
The loop terminates when the number of cycles to be performed is negative:
Rule 32: Repeat - Negative
n ≤ 0

repeat* (n, init) do i end, sched, envnothing, sched, env
Otherwise, the loop behaves as its body when it does not terminates:
Rule 33: Repeat - Not Term
0 < n
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
s ≠ TERM

repeat* (n, init) do i end, sched, envj, sched', env'
j = repeat* (n, init) do i' end
When the body terminates, the number of cycles to be performed is decremented and the loop is immediately restarted.
Rule 34: Repeat - Term
0 < n
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
j = repeat* (n-1, init) do init end
j, sched', env'j', sched'', env''

repeat* (n, init) do i end, sched, envj', sched'', env''

Get Value

The get_value instruction returns the with index n (it it exists) associated to a given event. First, three expressions are evaluated: the event, the index n, and the place where the result should be placed.
Rule 35: Get Value
(e1,e2,e3)|=sched, env(v,n,r), sched', env'
get_value* (v,n,r), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

get_value (e1,e2,e3), sched, envi, sched'', env''
The instruction immediately terminates if the value is available. In this case, the value is assigned to the result variable and the return code of the executing thread is set to OK.
Rule 36: Get Value - Available
length(sched.values(v)) > n

get_value* (v,n,r), sched, envnothing, sched', env'
sched' = sched<current.code = OK>
env' = env<r = (sched.values(v))(n)>
The instruction has to be continued if the value is not available while the current instant is not terminated:
Rule 37: Get Value - Unknown
length(sched.values(v)) ≤ n
env.eoi = false

get_value* (v,n,r), sched, envget_value* (v,n,r), sched, env
The instruction cooperates if the value is still not available at the end of the current instant. In this case, the return code is set to ENEXT which will indicate at the next instant that the value has not been got.
Rule 38: Get Value - Not Available
length(sched.values(v)) ≤ n
env.eoi = true

get_value* (v,n,r), sched, envnothing, sched', env
sched' = sched<current.code = ENEXT>


Nothing is done if the thread to be joined is already terminated:
Rule 39: Join - Terminated
e|=sched, envt, sched', env'
t.state = TERM

join (e), sched, envnothing, sched', env'
Otherwise, the instruction waits for the event which is generated when the thread terminates (see Threads):
Rule 40: Join - Not Terminated
e|=sched, envt, sched', env'
t.state ≠ TERM
await* (t.signal), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

join (e), sched, envi, sched'', env''

Limited Join

Limited join is similar to join, except that the delay is also tested for termination. The instruction immediately terminates if the thread to be joined is already terminated. In this case, the return code of the executing thread is set to OK.
Rule 41: Limited Join
(e1,e2)|=sched, env(t,n), sched', env'
t.state = TERM

join (e1, e1), sched, envnothing, sched'', env'
sched'' = sched'<current.code = OK>
If the thread to be joined is not already terminated, then the termination event is awaited.
Rule 42: Limited Join - Waiting
(e1,e2)|=sched, env(t,n), sched', env'
th.state ≠ TERM
await* (t.signal, n), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

join (e1, e2), sched, envi, sched'', env''


To run a module means to create a new instance of the module and to join it. Moreover, the instance is stored in the component called of the calling thread in order to be stopped when the calling thread is.
Rule 43: Run
m_create (e1,..., en)|=sched, envt, sched', env'
sched1 = sched'<current.called = t>
join (t), sched1,env' i, sched2, env2

run m (e1,..., en), sched, envi, sched2, env2
5.3 Threads and Schedulers in REWRITE

The semantics of threads and schedulers in Rewrite is now considered. One defines some auxiliary functions using a very simple self-explanatory syntax.

5.3.1 Threads

First, one defines the firing of a thread. A thread is fireable if it is not suspended and if its state is CONT:

fireable (thread)
   return thread.suspended = false and thread.state = CONT
To fire a fireable thread means to rewrite its body and to force the state to TERM if the rewriting produces RETURN.
Rule 44: Fireable Thread
fireable (t) = true
t.run, sched, envi, sched', env'

t, sched, envt', sched', env'
t' = t<run = i> <state = (if s = RETURN then TERM else s)>
To fire a thread which is not fireable has no effect.
Rule 45: Not Fireable Thread
fireable (t) = false

t, sched, envt, sched, env

5.3.2 Schedulers

During a phase, the scheduler performs a sequence of steps in which it fires all the threads linked to it. The nth step consists in firing the nth thread, considering it as the current thread of the scheduler:
Rule 46: Nth Thread
length(sched.linked) > n
t = sched.linked(n)
t, sched<current = t>, envt', sched', env'

sched, n, envsched'<linked(n) = t'>, env'
One now switches to the rules describing phases. The first rule corresponds to an empty scheduler. In this case, nothing is done during the phase:
Rule 47: Scheduler - Empty
length(sched.linked) = 0

sched, envsched, env
Otherwise, when the scheduler is not empty, all the threads are fired in turn:
Rule 48: Scheduler - Not Empty
length(sched.linked) = n+1
sched, 0, envsched1, env1
sched1, 1, env1sched2, env2
schedn, n, envnsched', env'

sched, envsched', env'
Note that threads are considered in a fixed order, which is the order of appearance in linked.

5.3.3 Instants

Instants are macro-steps of schedulers. Basically, an instant is a sequence of phases leading to a stable situation, where no thread remains to be continued. One first defines the function stable that determines if a scheduler is in a stable situation or not.

stable (sched)
   forall thread in sched.linked
       if (fireable (thread)) return false
   return true
The first rule corresponds to a phase leading to a stable situation. In this case, execution for the current instant is over.
Rule 49: Instant - Finished
sched, envsched', env'
stable (sched') = true

sched, env=>sched', env'
If the phase leads to an unstable situation, then the scheduler cyclically re-schedule all the threads. If no event is generated during a phase (move is still false at the end of the phase), then the scheduler decides that the current instant can be finished by setting the flag eoi to true.
Rule 50: Instant - Not Finished
sched, envsched', env'
stable (sched') = false
make_decision(sched'), env'=>sched'', env''

sched, env=>sched'', env''
where the function make_decision is:

make_decision (sched)
   if (sched.move = true) return sched<move = false>
   else return sched<eoi = true>

5.3.4 Inter Instants Processing

One finally considers the chaining of instants and more specifically the actions performed between two successive instants. Actually, these actions are regrouped at beginnings of instants and are specified by the function start_instant. The call start_instant(sched,env) resets the two flags eoi and move of the scheduler and incorporates in sched the events and orders that have been produced (by the program or by the external world) during the previous instant; then it removes the terminated threads and resets those that are not suspended; finally, it finalize the stopped threads:

start_instant (sched,env)
   sched.eoi = false
   sched.move = false
   transfer_events (sched)
   process_orders (sched,env)
   reset_threads (sched)
   finalize_stopped_threads (sched)

Transfer Events

The transfer_events functions sets the events and the table of values associated to them, according to the broadcast orders.

transfer_events (sched)
    sched.events = get_events (to_broadcast)
    sched.val = get_values (to_broadcast)
    sched.to_broadcast = Ø
The call get_events (x) returns the list of events extracted from x; get_values (x) returns the table build from the couples (event,value) belonging to x. Note that previous elements of events are lost; this is coherent as events are always resets at the beginning of each new instant.

Processing Orders

The various orders (others than the broadcast ones) are processed in turn by the function process_orders.

process_orders (sched,env)
    forall order in previous
       if (order.kind = SUSPEND_ORDER) 
           order.thread.suspended = true
       else if (order.kind = RESUME_ORDER)  
           order.thread.suspended = false
       else if (order.kind = STOP_ORDER)    
           sched.to_finalize += thread
           thread.state = TERM
       else if (order.kind = LINK_ORDER)
           sched.linked += order.thread
    sched.orders = Ø

Stopped threads are places into the to_finalize list in order to be processed later. Thus, orders issued from finalizer execution will be performed at the next instant, and not during the current one. As a consequence, no instantaneous can occur from a finalizer sending orders to the scheduler running it.

Reset Threads

The function reset_threads eliminates from linked the threads that are terminated or unlinked and sets to CONT the status of the remaining threads that are not suspended.

reset_threads (sched)
    forall thread in sched.linked
       if (thread->state = TERM)
          sched.linked -= thread
       else if (thread->suspended = false and thread->state = COOP)
          thread.state = CONT


To finalize a thread means to set its state to TERM, to add the signaling event in the list of events, to call the finalizer of the thread, and finally to recursively finalize the called thread, if there is one.

finalize (sched,env,thread)
   if (thread.state = TERM) return
   thread.state = TERM
   sched.events += thread.signal
   sched = sched'
   env = env'
   if (thread.called != NULL) finalize (sched,env,thread.called)
where sched',env' results from the execution of thread.finalizer in sched,env:
thread.finalizer, sched, envnothing, sched', env'
All threads which must be finalized are processed by the scheduler in turn:

finalize_stopped_threads (sched)
   forall thread in sched.to_finalize
      finalize (thread)
   sched.to_finalize = Ø

This ends with the inter-instant actions that are performed by the scheduler at each beginning of instant.

Chaining Instants

Finally, the execution accross instants, starting from an environment env, of a scheduler sched is a chain of rewritings of the form:
sched, env=>sched1, env1
start_instant(sched1,env1), =>sched2, env2
start_instant(sched2,env2), =>sched3, env3
This concludes the description of the semantics Rewrite.
5.4 REPLACE Semantics

One now considers the Replace semantics, which is a variant of the basic semantics Rewrite, designed to limit the creation of new instructions during the rewriting process. Actually, no new instruction is created by Replace during rewritings, and to rewrite an instruction basically means to change its state.

5.4.1 Sequence

The first instruction to be considered is the sequence which receives a state indicating which element is currently executed. One introduces explicitely the sequence operator seq in order to assign a state to it. The state is an integer which can be added as an index to the sequence operator. The execution begins with the first component (with index 0):
Rule 51: Sequence - Init
seq0 (i0, ..., in), sched, envi, sched', env'

seq (i0, ..., in), sched, envi, sched', env'
Execution stays in the same component while it is not terminated:
Rule 52: Sequence - Stay
ik, sched, envi'k, sched', env'
s ≠ TERM

seqk (i0, ..., ik, ..., in), sched, envj, sched', env'
j = seqk (i0, ..., i'k, ..., in)
Execution goes to the next component as soon as the current one terminates:
Rule 53: Sequence - Next
ik, sched, envi'k, sched', env'
seqk+1 (i0, ..., in), sched', env'i'', sched'', env''

seqk (i0, ..., in), sched, envi'', sched'', env''
Finally, execution terminates when the last component does:
Rule 54: Sequence - Term
seqn+1 (i0, ..., in), sched, envseqn+1 (i0, ..., in), sched, env

5.4.2 Atomic Instructions

Atomic instructions have no state but always rewrite in themselves, producing the status TERM. Actually, the execution which passes through an atomic instruction is under control of the instruction which encloses it (typically, a sequence). One just gives the rule for C code:
{<c-code>}, sched, env{<c-code>}, sched', env'
Note that now the atomic instruction does not anymore rewrite in nothing, but in the same instruction.

5.4.3 Non-Atomic Instructions

Non-atomic instructions have states. We only give the semantics of some of them to show the introduction of states and the way they are managed. The semantics of others instructions should be straightforward.


The cooperate has a state which indicates if the control has or not passed through the instruction. Actually, a simple tag is needed. The cooperate statement returns COOP and sets its state to return TERM at the next instant. One now has two rules for cooperate:
Rule 55: Cooperate
cooperate, sched, envcooperatetrue, sched, env
Rule 56: Cooperate - Term
cooperatetrue, sched, envcooperatetrue, sched, env


An await instruction has a state which stores the awaited event. First, the awaited event is stored in the state:
Rule 57: Await (State)
e|=sched, envv, sched', env'
awaitv (e), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

await (e), sched, envi, sched'', env''
The waiting terminates when the awaited event is present:
Rule 58: Await - Present (State)
v ∈ sched.events

awaitv (e), sched, envawaitv (e), sched, env
Execution must be continued when the awaited event is unknown (neither present nor absent):
Rule 59: Await - Unknown (State)
v not in sched.events
sched.eoi = false

awaitv (e), sched, envawaitv (e), sched, env
Finally, the instruction cooperates when the awaited event is absent:
Rule 60: Await - Absent (State)
v not in sched.events
sched.eoi = true

awaitv (e), sched, envawaitv (e), sched, env
Note that actually the difference with the corresponding rules of Rewrite consists in the replacement by a state of the await* extension of the syntax.


The if instruction chooses a branch, according to the value of a boolean expression, and executes it up to completion. A boolean state is added to store which branch is chosen:
Rule 61: If
e|=sched, envv, sched', env'
ifv(e) then i else j end, sched', env'k, sched'', env''

if (e) then i else j end, sched, envk, sched'', env''
Rule 62: If - True
i, sched, envi', sched', env'

iftrue (e) then i else j end, sched, envk, sched', env'
k = iftrue (e) then i' else j end
Rule 63: If - False
j, sched, envj', sched', env'

iffalse (e) then i else j end, sched, envk, sched', env'
k = iffalse (e) then i else j' end


One major difference of Replace with Rewrite concerns the loops. In Replace, loops bodies are not duplicated as in Rewrite (using the extended instructions repeat* and while*), but are reset at the end of each cycle, in order to be ready for the next cycle. One only considers here while loops. A while loop first evaluates the associated boolean expression A state is introduced to store the fact that the expression is evaluated or not. The state is actually a simple tag. The loop terminates if the value of the expression is false:
Rule 64: While - False
e|=sched, envfalse, sched', env'

while (e) do i end, sched, envwhile (e) do i end, sched', env'
Otherwise, the loop sets its state:
Rule 65: While - True
e|=sched, envtrue, sched', env'
whiletrue (e) do i end, sched', env'j, sched'', env''

while (e) do i end, sched, envj, sched'', env''
The body is run up to termination, without re-evaluating the boolean condition.
Rule 66: While - Not Term
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
s ≠ TERM

whiletrue (e) do i end, sched, envwhiletrue (e) do i' end, sched', env'
When the body terminates, it is reset using the reset function defined in Reset Function, in order to be re-executed from the beginning:
Rule 67: While - Reset
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
while (e) do reset(i) end, sched', env'j, sched'', env''

whiletrue (e) do i end, sched, envj, sched'', env''


The thread to be joined is first determined and stored in the instruction state:
Rule 68: Join
e|=sched, envt, sched', env'
joint (e), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

join (e), sched, envi, sched'', env''
Nothing is done if the thread is already terminated:
Rule 69: Join - Terminated
t.status = TERM

joint (e), sched, envjoint (e), sched, env
Otherwise, the instruction waits for the termination signal:
Rule 70: Join - Waiting
t.status ≠ TERM
awaitt.signal (t.signal), sched, envi, sched', env'

joint (e), sched, envjoint (e), sched', env'

5.4.4 Reset Function

The reset function is used by loops to reset their body at the beginning of each cycle. To reset a term actually means to erase all indices appearing in it. The recursive definition of reset is straightforward and is left to the reader. For example, consider:

repeat3 (5) do 
   seq0 (
       awaite (event),
The result of reseting the previous instruction is:

repeat (5) do 
      await (event),
A strong property holds concerning the reset function: the basis of an instruction, which is the instruction without any indices in it, never changes during the rewriting process. That is, one has:
i, sched, envi', sched', env'
implies reset(i) = reset(i'). In Replace, the rewriting is thus just a change of instruction states. This is the reason why it can be implemented more efficiently than Rewrite, without creation of new instructions during execution (except of course when new threads are created).
5.5 OPTIM Semantics

One now considers a variant of the previous semantics Replace, called Optim, in which threads are not busy-waiting for events. This variant basically uses queues associated to events in which waiting threads are stored. A special queue to store threads that are submitted to deadlines (because they execute limited forms of await and join) is also defined. There are few changes with the previous semantics and only the major ones are given in the sequel. First, one adds the new status WAIT to the possible ones returned by the rewriting of instructions. This status corresponds to a registration in a waiting queue. Second, one adds three new fields to schedulers:

  • A table, named waiting (initially empty), which associates to an event the list of threads waiting for it.
  • An integer instant which holds the current instant number (initially 0).
  • A list of threads, named timer (initially empty), whose elements are the threads waiting for a deadline.
Finally, a new field deadline is added to threads to store the maximal instant to be considered by limited instructions.

5.5.1 Atomic Instructions

Amongst the atomic instructions, only the generate instruction has to be changed. Indeed, in addition to what was previously done, a generate statement awakes all the threads waiting for the generated event:
Rule 71: Generate - Pure
e|=sched, envv, sched', env'

generate(e), sched, envnothing, sched'', env'
sched'' = awake_all (sched',v)<move = true><events += v>
The awake_all function awakes all the threads waiting for the generated event:

awake_all (sched, event) 
    forall thread in sched.waiting (event)
       awake (sched,thread,event)
    return sched
To awake a thread means to change its state to CONT and to unregister it from the queues where it is registered. Of course, this is for threads that are effectively waiting for the event and that are not suspended.

awakeable (thread)
   return thread.suspended = false and thread.state = WAIT
The awake function is defined by:

awake (sched,thread,event)
   if (awakeable (thread)) 
       thread.state = CONT,
       sched.waiting(event) -= thread
       sched.timer -= thread

5.5.2 Non-Atomic Instructions

One only considers the changes concerning the await statement (changes for other instructions are straightforward).


An await instruction first determines the awaited event and stores it in its state:
Rule 72: Await
e|=sched, envv, sched', env'
awaitv(e), sched', env'i, sched'', env''

await (e), sched, envi, sched'', env''
The waiting terminates when the awaited event is present:
Rule 73: Await - Present
v ∈ sched.events

awaitv(e), sched, envawaitv(e), sched, env
The executing thread is put in the state WAIT and registered in the waiting list when the awaited event is not present:
Rule 74: Await - Unknown
v not in sched.events

awaitv(e), sched, envawaitv(e), sched', env
sched' = sched<waiting(v) += sched.current>

Limited Await

With a limited await, the waiting is limited to a fixed number of instants:
Rule 75: Limited Await
(e1,e2)|=sched, env(v,n), sched', env'
sched1 = sched'<current.deadline = n + sched.instant>
awaitv(e1,e2), sched1, env'i, sched2, env2

await (e1,e2), sched, envi, sched2, env2
Rule 76: Limited Await - Over
sched.current.deadline > sched.instant

awaitv(e1,e2), sched, envawaitv(e1,e2), sched', env
sched' = sched<current.code = ETIMEOUT>
Rule 77: Limited Await - Present
sched.current.deadline ≤ sched.instant
v ∈ sched.events

awaitv(e1,e2), sched, envawaitv(e1,e2), sched', env
sched' = sched<current.code = OK>
When the waiting is effective, the current thread is registered in the timer and in the waiting list associated to the awaited event:
Rule 78: Limited Await - Unknown
t = sched.current
t.deadline ≤ sched.instant
v not in sched.events

awaitv(e1,e2), sched, envawaitv(e1,e2), sched', env
sched' = sched<waiting(v) += t><timer += t>

5.5.3 Schedulers

The change in the scheduler concerns the processing of the timer which is introduced in start_instant:

start_instant (sched,env)
   sched.eoi = false
   sched.move = false
   timer_processing (sched)
   transfer_events (sched)
   process_orders (sched,env)
   reset_threads (sched)
   finalize_stopped_threads (sched)
where the function timer_processing is defined by:

timer_processing (sched)
   sched.instant = sched.instant + 1
   forall thread in sched.timer
     if (awakeable (thread) and thread.deadline ≤ sched.instant) 
        awake (thread),
A point must be noted: to perform supplementary calls to the awake function is not dangerous, in the sense that it cannot change the meaning of a program. Indeed, to awake a thread which has not to be awaken will leads to reintroduce it into the game, and does not change the actions that the thread has to perform. This basically means that spurious awake actions are not a problem. The consequence is that one can choose to never unregister threads from the timer, without risk of perturbating the execution later. This actually can be useful for optimizing implementations.
5.6 Conclusion

One has precisely defined the semantics of the cooperative part of Loft using rewriting rules. In a first step, one has described the semantics Rewrite with a set of about 50 rules covering all the aspects of the cooperative part of the language. The rules are simple to be understood one by one, and one can be rather confident that they capture the essence of the language. Actually, a way to make this confidence stronger is to implement the semantics as is, and to execute tests covering the largest possible set of various aspects of the language. This is of course possible because the semantics is basically deterministic, which allows one to implement it in a straightforward way. A direct implementation of the semantics is however unsatisfactory when considered in terms of efficiency for at least the following reasons:

  1. A huge number of instructions appear as intermediary results in the rules. From an implementation point of view, they are wasting memory and should not be created at all.
  2. The threads are busy-waiting events, which waste CPU cycles. Note that a thread which is waiting for an event tests for it at each micro-step of each instant, up to the possible generation of it.
  3. Sequencing of instructions has to be explicitely executed, and is not just implicit as for example in standard C.
  4. All the threads linked to a scheduler are considered in turn during each phase. Thus, to determine which is the next thread to execute is not constant in time, but linear in the number of threads linked to the scheduler.
Actually, the main interest of Rewrite is to serve as a reference for teaching and implementation purposes. Two improved semantics are defined which model more efficient implementations. The variant Replace of Rewrite is defined to deal with the first previous point. In it, the construction of new instructions is replaced by the introduction of states in instructions. Instead of creating a new instruction from an old one, one just changes the state. Replace is transformed to avoid busy-waiting (previous point 2), using queues in which threads that are waiting for events are stored. This leads to the variant Optim which is closer to an efficient implementation of Loft than the previous semantics. The two last points are not covered at the semantics level but will be considered later in section Implementations, when implementation of Loft is discussed. To end with semantics concerns, one should notice that the non-cooperative part of Loft is not considered by any of the previous semantics. To cover the whole language, a way that should be explored is the chemical abstract machine paradigm [10] to deal with nondeterministic aspects arising in this case.

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