6. FairThreads in C

6. FairThreads in C


Concurrent Programming with Fair Threads
The LOFT Language

Previous chapter: Semantics
Next chapter: Implementations


6.1 FairThreads Overview
  6.1.1 Creation
  6.1.2 Orders
  6.1.3 Basic Primitives
  6.1.4 Managing Events
  6.1.5 Linking
  6.1.6 Automata
  6.1.7 Miscellaneous
6.2 Examples
  6.2.1 Complete Program
  6.2.2 Automaton Use
6.3 Comparison with Loft
  6.3.1 Ease of Programming
  6.3.2 Private Stacks
  6.3.3 Select
6.4 Comparison with POSIX Threads
    Threads and Scheduling
    Mutex and Condition Variables
    Thread Termination
    Thread Cancellation
    Control over Threads


1. Introduction
2. The Language LOFT
3. Examples - 1
4. Programming Style
5. Semantics
6. FairThreads in C
7. Implementations
8. Examples - 2
9. Related Work
10. Conclusion
11. Annex A: API of FairThreads
12. Annex B: LOFT Reference Manual
13. Annex C: the LOFT Compiler

FairThreads is an alternative to standard threads, which is very close to Loft. FairThreads is first presented; then some little examples are given; finally, FairThreads is compared with Loft and with standard POSIX threads.
6.1 FairThreads Overview

The API of FairThreads is overviewed in this section. All functions are presented, but some details, such as error codes, are for simplicity not considered here. The API is summarized in the annex.

6.1.1 Creation


FairThreads explicitly introduces schedulers, of type ft_scheduler_t. Before being used, a scheduler must be created by calling the function ft_scheduler_create. In order to be executed, a scheduler must be started by a call to the function ft_scheduler_start. Note that several schedulers can be used without problem simultaneously in the same program. Each scheduler is run by a dedicated native thread which gives the control in turn to the threads linked to the scheduler.


Fair threads are of type ft_thread_t. The call ft_thread_create(s,r,c,a) creates a thread in the scheduler s. The thread is run by a dedicated native thread. The creation becomes actual at the beginning of the next instant of s. The thread is automatically started as soon as it is created. The function r is executed by the thread, and the parameter a is transmitted to it. If stopped (by ft_scheduler_stop), the thread switches execution to the function c to which a is also transmitted.


Events are of the type ft_event_t. An event is created by calling the function ft_event_create which takes as parameter the scheduler in charge of it.


Automata are fair threads of the type ft_thread_t created with the function ft_automaton_create. The thread returned by ft_automaton_create(s,r,c,a) is executed as an automaton by the scheduler s, which means that it is run by the native thread of the scheduler. The function r executed by the automaton must be defined with the macro DEFINE_AUTOMATON.

6.1.2 Orders

Control of Threads

The call ft_scheduler_stop(t) gives to the scheduler which executes the thread t the order to stop it. The stop will become actual at the beginning of the next instant of the scheduler, in order to assure that t is in a stable state when stopped. The call ft_scheduler_suspend(t) gives to the scheduler which executes t the order to suspend t. The suspension will become actual at the beginning of the next instant of the scheduler. The function ft_scheduler_resume is used to resume execution of suspended threads.

Broadcast of Events

The function ft_scheduler_broadcast(e) gives to the scheduler of the event e the order to broadcast it to all the threads running in the scheduler. The event will be actually generated at the beginning of the next instant of the scheduler. The call ft_scheduler_broadcast_value(e,v) associates the value v to e (v can be read using ft_thread_get_value).

6.1.3 Basic Primitives


The call ft_thread_cooperate() is the explicit way for the calling thread to return control to the scheduler running it. The call ft_thread_cooperate_n(i) is equivalent to a sequence of i calls ft_thread_cooperate().


The call ft_thread_join(t) suspends the execution of the calling thread until the thread t terminates (either normally or because it is stopped). Note that t needs not to be linked to the scheduler of the calling thread. With ft_thread_join_n(t,i) the suspension takes at most i instants.

6.1.4 Managing Events

Generating Events

The call ft_thread_generate(e) generates the event e in the scheduler which was associated to it, when created. The call ft_thread_generate_value(e,v) adds v to the list of values associated to e during the current instant (these values can be read using ft_thread_get_value).

Awaiting Events

The call ft_thread_await (e) suspends the execution of the calling thread until the event e becomes generated. Execution is resumed as soon as the event is generated. With ft_thread_await_n (e,i), the waiting takes at most i instants.

Selecting Events

The call ft_thread_select(k,array,mask) suspends the execution of the calling thread until the generation of one element of array which is an array of k events. Then, mask, which is an array of k boolean values, is set accordingly. With ft_thread_select_n(k,array,mask,i), the waiting takes at most i instants.

Getting Events Values

The call ft_thread_get_value(e,i,r) is an attempt to get the ith value associated to the event e during the current instant. If such a value exists, it is returned in r and the call immediately terminates. Otherwise, the value NULL is returned at the next instant.

6.1.5 Linking

Link and Unlink

The call ft_thread_unlink() unlinks the calling thread t from the scheduler in which it was previously running. Then, t will no longer synchronize, instant after instant, with other threads linked to the scheduler. Actually, after unlinking, t behaves as a standard native thread. The call ft_thread_link(s) links the calling thread to the scheduler s. The calling thread must be unlinked when executing the call. The linkage becomes actual at the beginning of the next instant of s.


In presence of unlinked threads, locks can be needed to protect data shared between unlinked and linked threads. Standard mutexes are used for this purpose. The call ft_thread_mutex_lock(p), where p is a mutex, suspends the calling thread until the moment where p can be locked. The lock is released using ft_thread_mutex_unlock. Locks owned by a thread are automatically released when the thread terminates definitively or when it is stopped.

6.1.6 Automata

Automata are coded using macros. Here are the macros to define the automaton structure:
  • AUTOMATON(aut) declares the automaton aut.
  • DEFINE_AUTOMATON(aut) starts definition of the automaton aut.
  • BEGIN_AUTOMATON starts the list of states.
  • END_AUTOMATON ends the list of states.
A state with number num starts with one of the following macros:
  • STATE(num) introduces a standard state.
  • STATE_AWAIT(num,event) and STATE_AWAIT_N(num,event,delay) are states to await event.
  • STATE_JOIN(num,thread) and STATE_JOIN_N(num,thread,delay) are states to join thread.
  • STATE_STAY(num,n) is a state which keeps execution in it for n instants.
  • STATE_GET_VALUE(num,event,n,result) is a state to get the nth value associated to event.
  • STATE_SELECT(num,n,array,mask) and STATE_SELECT_N(num,n,array,mask,delay) are generalizing STATE_AWAIT and STATE_AWAIT_N to an array of events of length n.
Going from one state to another one is done with the macros:
  • GOTO(num) blocks execution for the current instant and sets the state for the next instant to be state num.
  • GOTO_NEXT blocks execution for the current instant and sets the state for the next instant to be the next state in the list of states.
  • IMMEDIATE(num) forces execution to jump to state num which is immediately executed.
  • RETURN immediately terminates the automaton.
Finally, the following macros define some special variables:
  • SELF is the automaton.
  • LOCAL is the local data of the automaton.
  • SET_LOCAL(data) sets the local data of the automaton.
  • ARGS is the argument which is passed at creation to the automaton.
  • RETURN_CODE is the error code set by the macros run during automaton execution.

6.1.7 Miscellaneous

Current Thread

The calling thread is returned by ft_thread_self().

Current Scheduler

The scheduler of the calling thread is returned by ft_thread_scheduler().


The call ft_pthread(t) returns the native pthread which executes the fair thread t. This function gives direct access to the Pthreads implementation of FairThreads. In the rest of the paper, native thread and pthread will be considered as synonymous.


The function ft_exit is equivalent to pthread_exit. The basic use of ft_exit is to terminate the pthread which is running the function main, without exiting from the process running the whole program.
6.2 Examples

One only gives two small examples just to show the programming style in FairThreads. The first example is a complete executable programs, and the second is an automaton.

6.2.1 Complete Program

The following code is a complete example of FairThreads program, made of two threads linked to the same scheduler.

#include "fthread.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void h (void *id)
   while (1) {
      fprintf (stderr,"Hello ");
      ft_thread_cooperate ();

void w (void *id)
   while (1) {
      fprintf (stderr,"World!\n");
      ft_thread_cooperate ();

int main (void)
  ft_scheduler_t sched = ft_scheduler_create ();
  ft_thread_create (sched,h,NULL,NULL);
  ft_thread_create (sched,w,NULL,NULL);
  ft_scheduler_start (sched);
  ft_exit ();
  return 0;
The program outputs Hello World! cyclically. Note the call of ft_exit to prevent the program to terminate before executing the two threads. Execution of linked fair threads is round-robin and deterministic: the two messages Hello and World! are always printed in this order.

6.2.2 Automaton Use

The following automaton switches control between two threads, according to the presence of an event. The automaton switch_aut has three states. The first state resumes the first thread to run (initially, one assumes that both threads are suspended). The switching event is awaited in the second state, and the threads are switched when the event becomes present. The third state is similar to the second, except that the threads are exchanged.

   void       **args    = ARGS;
   ft_event_t   event   = args[0]
   ft_thread_t  thread1 = args[1]
   ft_thread_t  thread2 = args[2]
     STATE (0)
        ft_scheduler_resume (thread1);
     STATE_AWAIT (1,event)
        ft_scheduler_suspend (thread1);
        ft_scheduler_resume  (thread2);
     STATE_AWAIT (2,event)
        ft_scheduler_suspend (thread2);
        ft_scheduler_resume  (thread1);
The automaton behavior is actually the one of a thread running the following function:

void switch_aut (void *arg)
   void       **args    = arg;
   ft_event_t   event   = args[0]
   ft_thread_t  thread1 = args[1]
   ft_thread_t  thread2 = args[2]
   ft_scheduler_resume (thread1);
   while (1) {
      ft_thread_await (event);
      ft_scheduler_suspend (thread1);
      ft_scheduler_resume  (thread2);
      ft_thread_cooperate ();    
      ft_thread_await (event);
      ft_scheduler_suspend (thread2);
      ft_scheduler_resume  (thread1);
      ft_thread_cooperate ();
6.3 Comparison with Loft

The two main differences between Loft and FairThreads concerns the ease of programming and the expressiveness given by the existence of private stacks.

6.3.1 Ease of Programming

The first main difference relies of course on the fact that Loft is a language while FairThreads is an API. It indeed implies two very different styles of programming. In Loft, one writes reactive programs which are linked with standard C code through atoms. In FairThreads, one basically writes C code in which some function calls are reactive primitives. Thus, the reactive structure of Loft programs certainly appears more clearly than in FairThreads programs. Actually, in FairThreads native threads are the rule and the automata are the exception, while it is the converse in Loft. The passage from a thread to an automaton can need in FairThreads the complete rewriting of the code in order to fit with the automata format. In Loft, the passage from an automaton to a thread or vice-versa is extremely simplified, and is actually concentrated in the keyword native. For example, the Loft module that corresponds to the previous switch_aut automaton is:

module switch_aut (ft_event_t event,ft_thread_t thread1,ft_thread_t thread2)
resume (local(thread1));
while (1) do
   await (local(event));
   suspend (local(thread1));
   resume (local(thread2));
   await (local(event));
   suspend (local(thread2));
   resume (local(thread1));
end module
it produces code which is very similar to the previous automaton. However, by adding the native keyword, the code produced would be very close to the one of the corresponding fair thread. The linking mechanism of Loft is a simplification of the one of FairThreads as there is no need in Loft to be unlinked in order to be able to link to another scheduler. Actually, when linking to a target scheduler, the unlinking of the source scheduler is implicit in Loft. The important point is that is does not implies that the thread stays unlinked, which would need the use of a native thread. The arguments of threads in FairThreads have to be passed through an unique parameter of type void*. This complicates things when several arguments have to be passed to a same thread. Actually, these arguments have to be packed in one new structure whose reference is passed to the thread. In case of an automaton, the arguments are accessed with the macro ARGS. An implicit scheduler is always present in Loft which is not the case in FairThreads where there is no implicit main function which would create it. The local variable in Loft have to be explicitely declared as local in Loft while they coincide with local C variables in FairThreads. This is an aspect that is simpler in FairThreads than in Loft.

6.3.2 Private Stacks

FairThreads offers possibilities that do not exist in Loft and which are related to the stacks. Actually, in FairThreads all the threads, except automata, use their own private stack, as they are basically pthreads. The opposite holds in Loft where threads, except instances of native modules, do not need a private stack to execute. The existence of a private stack allows to code functions that are not tail-recursive. For example, consider the following recursive function, which is not tail-recursive because a printing action occurs after the recursive call:

void sum_aux (int n)
   if (n == 0) { printf ("0"); return; }
   ft_thread_cooperate_n (n);
   sum_aux (n - 1);
   printf ("+%d",n);
The execution exits after a call to the previous function:
void sum (void *k)
   sum_aux ((int)k);
   printf (" = instant number\n");
One also defines a function to trace the instants:

void trace_instants (void *n)
   int i = 0;
   while (1){
      printf ("\ninstant %d: ", i++);
Finally, the main function is defined by:

int main(int argc, void** argv)
  ft_scheduler_t sched = ft_scheduler_create ();
  ft_thread_create (sched,trace_instants,NULL,NULL);
  ft_thread_create (sched,sum,NULL,argv[1]);
  return 0;
Given the argument n, the program exits at the instsnt number s where s is the sum of the n first instegers. For example, with n equals to 4, on gets:

instant 0:
instant 1:
instant 2:
instant 3:
instant 4:
instant 5:
instant 6:
instant 7:
instant 8:
instant 9:
instant 10: 0+1+2+3+4 = instant number
Thus, the thread executing sum absolutely needs a stack to store the partial results of the recursive calls because several instants are passing before the final result is computed.

6.3.3 Select

There is no counterpart in Loft of the ft_thread_select functions. Thus, the waiting of one amongst several events must be coded indirectly in Loft. Next versions of Loft should certainly propose a primitive similar to ft_thread_select of FairThreads.
6.4 Comparison with POSIX Threads

When comparing FairThreads with POSIX, the first point to note is of course that FairThreads is basically cooperative while POSIX is basically preemptive. More precisely, threads linked to the same scheduler are executed cooperatively. As a consequence, data protection is considered very differently in the two contexts: in POSIX mutexes are basically used for that purpose, while in FairThreads schedulers are used for the same purpose. If one is sure that a data can only be accessed by the threads linked to a given scheduler, one can safely deduce that no race condition occur for the data. If accessing the data needs more than simple atomic instructions, a boolean variable can be used to lock and unlock the variable. In this case, however, one is in a situation very similar to the one using mutexes, with all their identified problems. The second point to note when comparing FairThreads and POSIX is that FairThreads proposes the notion of an automaton which does not need the full power of a kernel thread to execute. Using automata, one can pass around the limitations of POSIX implementations in which threads are mapped onto kernel threads. One ends the comparison with POSIX by detailing some others important differences.

Threads and Scheduling

The POSIX notion of a thread attribute and the related functions pthread_attr_* do not exist in FairThreads in which threads are more simply of two types: standard fair threads or automata. Like POSIX (and unlike Java), there is no primitive to start a fair thread which will be automatically run after creation by ft_thread_create. Equality of fair threads is standard pointers equality as the type ft_thread_t is a pointer type (no equivalent of pthread_equals). Data local to a thread can be defined in POSIX with the notion of keys and of thread-specific data (functions pthread_key_* and pthread_getspecific, and pthread_setspecific). There is no direct counterpart in FairThreads. However, the POSIX functions for data local can be used in FairThreads by means of the ft_pthread function. The pthread_once function of POSIX can be simply implemented with a boolean in FairThreads as one is in a cooperative context. The functions related to POSIX scheduling policies (for example pthread_setschedparam) are of no use in FairThreads where only one policy is available: the fair one. Note that this policy more or less corresponds to the SCHED_FIFO policy of POSIX.


Priority of POSIX do not exist in FairThreads. Priority-based systems can be coded in FairThreads using several schedulers to manage the various priority levels. This is another reason why FairThreads is simpler than POSIX.

Mutex and Condition Variables

All the functions related to mutexes (pthread_mutex_* and pthread_muttexattr_*) have no counterpart in FairThreads, where locks are not needed when one stays in the cooperative part of it. As stated before, schedulers in FairThreads can be used to structure applications around protected data which are only accessed by linked threads; in this respect, schedulers are playing a role very similar to the one of mutexes. Events in FairThreads basically correspond to condition variables of POSIX. To generate an event corresponds to pthread_cond_broadcast and to await it corresponds to pthread_cond_wait. The limited variant pthread_cond_timedwait is the counterpart of ft_thread_await_n except that in FairThreads deadlines are counted in instants. There is no direct counterpart for the nondeterministic pthread_cond_signal of POSIX which must be coded in FairThreads in a way similar as the one presented in Single Notification.

Thread Termination

The notion of a detached thread (pthread_detach) has no counterpart in FairThreads where termination of all threads can be tested at any moment by ft_thread_join. Joining a thread in FairThreads and in POSIX are very similar except that no value are returned by terminating fair threads.

Thread Cancellation

To kill a thread is done in FairThreads with the ft_scheduler_stop function. In POSIX, the cancellation mechanism with the related functions (for example, pthread_setcancelstate) can be used for that purpose. However, it implies that the cancelled thread is in the correct mode and has set meaninful cancellation points. In FairThreads thread cancellation can naturally only occurs at beginning of instants. In this respect, FairThreads is much more simpler than POSIX.

Control over Threads

The suspend-resume mechanism of FairThreads has no direct counterpart in POSIX where it must be coded indirectly. Note that the equivalent functionnality has disapeared from the recent versions of Java (it is deprecated).

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