DOWNLOAD toolbox
NEW calibration toolbox :
no prior knowledge is needed on the camera or mirror parameters and we keep the flexibility of only
having to select four points for each calibration grid (we do not
have to select each corner individually).
The functions containing the projection model (and Jacobians) are available
separately in Matlab and as a C++ class with the associated mex functions.
The class is initialised with a file generated during the calibration process.
It enables the projection of 3D points but also the lifting of image points
to their projective rays.
This new "Omnidirectional
Calibration Toolbox" is a complete rewrite of the previous version.
It uses some functions from the "Caltech
Calibration Toolbox" by Jean-Yves Bouguet.
This page gives an example of a
calibration session. These images are
available for trying out the toolbox. You can find a calibration grid/pattern
The projection model
used is available here.
The toolbox has been successfully used to calibrate hyperbolic, parabolic,
folded mirror, spherical and wide-angle sensors.
IMPORTANT : the calibration parameters are calculated with Matlab
coordinates (which start at 1) and not with the C/C++ convention
(starting at 0).
I would like to thank the ACFR
(Australian Center for Field Robotics) for making available some
hyperbolic images, and in particular
Alex Brooks.
Projection model and parameters
The projection model used is described
here. It is a combination of the unified projection model from Geyer and Barreto
and a radial distortion function. This model makes it possible take into account the
distortion introduced by telecentric lenses (for parabolic mirrors) and gives
a greater flexibility (spherical mirrors can be calibrated).
The calibration will estimate :
- the extrinsic parameters corresponding to the rotation
(quaternion : Qw) and translation (Tw) between the grid and the mirror
- the parameters describing the mirror shape (xi)
- the distortion induced by the lens (eg. telecentric)
- the intrinsic parameters of the generalised camera : skew (alpha_c),
generalised focal lengths (gamma1,gamma2) and principal points (cc)
Calibration session
Please edit the 'SETTINGS.m' file first.
Start the toolbox in Matlab :
This window will appear :
Go to the directory containing the images.
If you would like to know straight away the use of the different
buttons, go to this section.
Mirror type
Click on "Mirror type":
1 or [] : parabola (xi=1)
2 : catadioptric (hyperbola,ellipse,sphere)
3 : dioptric (fisheye)
Choice :
Camera type : parabolic.
This step is only to constrain the minimisation in the parabolic
case (xi=1) and to avoid trying to extract the mirror border in the
dioptric case.
Loading images
"Load images"
will ask you for the base name of the images in the current
directory and their format :
Omni_Fixed_Values.m cameraAvecOmni_00.tif
cameraAvecOmni_02.tif cameraAvecOmni_04.tif
Omni_Fixed_Values.mat cameraAvecOmni_01.tif
cameraAvecOmni_03.tif cameraAvecOmni_05.tif
Basename camera calibration images (without number
nor suffix): cameraAvecOmni_
Image format: ([]='r'='ras', 'b'='bmp', 't'='tif', 'p'='pgm', 'j'='jpg',
'm'='ppm') t
image 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...
The images are now loaded and we are ready to start estimating the
intrinsic values and then calibrating the sensor.
Estimating the intrinsic parameters with
the mirror border
By pressing on "Estimate camera intri.",
we will calculate an estimate of the intrinsic parameters of the
underlying camera (generalised focal length and center).
In the case of a catadioptric sensor, the user is asked to click on the center of
the mirror:
Please click on the mirror center and then on the mirror inner border.
Calculating edges... done.
Rejecting inner points... done.
Doing a simplified RANSAC to obtain circle parameters... done.
Was the extraction successful ? ([]=yes, other=no) :
We then estimate the generalised focal length from points on a line image:
We are now going to estimate the generalised focal (gammac) from line images.
Which image shall we use ? ([] = 1) : 2
Please select at least 4 ALIGNED edge points on a NON-RADIAL line on the grid.
Click with the right button when finished.
Extracting grid corners
We are now ready to extract the grid corners which
will be used during the minimisation, press on
"Extract grid corners":
of the grid corners on the images
Number(s) of
image(s) to process ([] = all images) =
Window size
for corner finder (wintx and winty):
wintx ([] =
8) = Sub-pixel extraction in the catadioptric
case is less tolerant and we should try and keep the window size down.
winty ([] =
8) =
Window size
= 17x17
image 1...
(wintx,winty)=(8,8) - Window size = 17x17
(Note: To reset the window size, run script clearwin)
Please press
enter after zooming...
You can now zoom in on the calibration grid and press [ENTER] :
You now need to click on the four corners of the grid in clockwise
order :
The omni-lines should follow the grid.
You will then be asked for the size of the grid :
Size of each
square along the X direction: dX=42mm
Size of each
square along the Y direction: dY=42mm (Note: To reset the
size of the squares, clear the variables dX and dY)
Pressing on "Calibration"
will start the minimisation :
Aspect ratio optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 1) -> both components of fc
are estimated (DEFAULT).
Principal point optimized (center_optim=1) - (DEFAULT). To reject principal
point, set center_optim=0
Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) - (DEFAULT)
Main calibration optimization procedure - Number of images : 7
Gradient descent iterations : WARNING: removing singular matrix warning and
managing it internally.
1...2...(r) 3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...(r)
42...(r) 43...44...45...46...47...48...49...50...51...52...(r)
53...54...55...56...57...58...59...Matrix badly conditioned,
Estimation of uncertainties...done
Calibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):
Focal Length:
fc = [17.92581 17.91205 ] ± [ 0.18220 0.21302 ]
Principal point: cc = [ 980.75605
544.84446 ] ± [ 4.41434 4.64072 ]
alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] ± [ 0.00283 ] =>
angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 ± 0.16228 degrees
kc = [ -0.00008 0.00000 0.00000
-0.00000 0.00000 ] ± [ 0.00001
0.00000 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 ]
Pixel error+-std : err
= [ 0.17324 0.29971 ]+-[ 0.13750 0.24850 ]
Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations
(for reference).
The skew coefficient alpha_c is found to be equal to zero (within its
You may want to reject it from the optimization by setting est_alpha=0
and run Calibration
Some distortion coefficients are found equal to zero (within their
To reject them from the optimization set est_dist=[1;1;0;0;0] and run
(r) Indicates that the extrinsic parameters are being re-estimated independently.
"Pixel error" is the mean absolute error.
The number of iterations and how often the extrinsic parameters should
be computed can be changed in the "SETTINGS.m" file.
Analysing error
Three tools can be used to analyse the error :
- "Plot Pix/Rad errors"
that gives you the error in the image versus the distance
of the points from the image center :
- "Analyse error" this will give you
the reprojection error, each color is
associated to an image. This will help you identify the points that
have been incorrectly extracted.
You can then reextract corners using
"Recomp. corners".
- "Draw 3D" shows the grids in 3D :
calibrating, it is not sufficient to look at the absolute error. The
average over all the errors doesn't take into account the spatial
distribution of the error . The calibration might then depend on the
position of the grids (bias).
Different buttons and settings
The "SETTINGS.m" file contains the path to the toolbox
and variables for the minimisation (max. of iterations and step before
recomputing the extrinsic parameters).
Buttons :
- "Mirror type" to input the values of the mirror diameter and
- "Load images" to load the images used for the calibration
- "Estimate camera intri."
to obtain initial values for the calibration using the mirror border
- "Extract
grid corners" helps extract the grid corners for the calibration
- "Draw Grid Estimate"
projects in yellow the grid points according to
the calculated values, in red are the extracted points
- "Calibration"
launches the minimisation using the distance in the image
- "Rm Calibration"
removes the calibration parameters
- "Analyse
error" reprojects the error, this can be used to find images
where the points have not been properly extracted
- "Recomp. corners"
recomputes the point extraction after reprojecting the
grid points (this can be used when "Analyse Error" shows that some grid points
have been incorrectly extracted)
- "Draw 3D"
draws a 3D view of the camera and grids
- "Plot
Pix/Rad errors" plots the error in pixels versus
the distance of the points to the image center
- "Add/Suppress
images" makes it possible to add or remove images
- "Show
calib results" show the calibration values and errors
- "Save"
saves the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters, the grid points, ...
- "Load"
loads the values obtained during the calibration
- "Exit"
quits the program
The files that are not part of the "Caltech
Calibration Toolbox" by Jean-Yves Bouguet are
issued under the GPL license
Version 2.
If you have any suggestions, bug corrections please write to :
Improved Omnidirectional Calibration
Toolbox (don't forget to change the 'SETTINGS.m' file)
[BZ2] |
Projection functions (matlab, C++, mex files) |
Images to test the calibration toolbox |
Projection model |
[PDF] |
Calibration grid/pattern |
[PDF] |
Old toolbox
Old toolbox, no longer maintained.
Version 0.93
Omnidirectional Calibration
Toolbox (don't forget to change the 'SETTINGS.m' file)
Images to test the calibration toolbox |
Version 1.1
program to
undistort the images
[ZIP] [BZ2] |
Version 1.0 |
C example program to read the
undistorted calibration model
[BZ2] |
When I call the "Extract grid corners",
I get an error "identifier"
expected, "(" found." !
: Since version 0.92 (compatible with matlab 6), this
shouldn't happen anymore!