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Supported functions

In addition to basic arithmetic in $\mathbbm{Q}[x,\frac d{dx}]$, BERNINA provides the following operations on differential operators: adjoint, apply, coefficient, Darboux, decompose, degree, diff, eigenring, element, exponentialSolutions, exteriorPower, factor, kernel, leftGcd, leftLcm, Loewy, makeIntegral, normalize, polynomialSolution, radicalSolutions, rationalSolution,
rightGcd, rightLcm, symmetricKernel, symmetricPower and system. They are described in detail in the following manual pages. Note that an element of $\mathbbm{Q}(x)[\frac d{dx}]$ can be used whenever the type of an argument is given as $\mathbbm{Q}[x,\frac d{dx}]$, and that $L_1 / L_2$ computes the Euclidean quotient of $L_1$ by $L_2$ on the right.


Manuel Bronstein 2002-09-04