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polynomialSolution(L, g)

Parameter Type Description
L $\mathbbm{Q}[x,\frac d{dx}]$ A differential operator
g $\mathbbm{Q}[x]$ A polynomial


polynomialSolution($L,g$) returns either $[p]$ where $p \in \mathbbm{Q}[x]$ satisfies $L p = g$, or $[]$ if $L y = g$ has no solution in $\mathbbm{Q}[x]$.


polynomialSolution($L,0$) returns $[0]$ only when $L y = 0$ has no nonzero polynomial solution.


A particular polynomial solution of

x^3 \frac{d^3y}{dx^3}+x^2 \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}-2x \frac{dy}{dx} +2 y = 2 x^4

can be computed in the following way:
1 --> L := x^3*D^3+x^2*D^2-2*x*D+2;
2 --> p := polynomialSolution(L,2*x^4);
3 --> tex(p);

\begin{displaymath}[ {{1} \over {15}}\,x^{4} ]

Usage within MAPLE

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Manuel Bronstein 2002-09-04