WARNING: This webpage is about the previous version of medInria, please find the new 2.x version at:


Thank you for your interest in medInria.

previous MedINRIA 1.x

MedINRIA: screenshot n. 3

MedINRIA is a free collection of softwares developed within the Asclepios research project. It aims at providing to clinicians state-of-the-art algorithms dedicated to medical image processing and visualization. Efforts have been made to simplify the user interface, while keeping high-level algorithms. MedINRIA is available for Microsoft windows XP/Vista, Linux Fedora Core, MacOSX, and is fully multithreaded.

Latest Release : v1.9.0 - Countdown release... Download now!
NEW : Diffusion Tensor Image (DTI) registration is available in the ImageFusion module. Check out the Release Notes!

MedINRIA documentation. Download now!

Some tutorial videos are available

Note: MedINRIA is a free software for non-commercial use only! For other usage, please contact the developers. Please read carefully the terms of use before downloading.

In MedINRIA, each application is called a Module, and can be loaded dynamically from a single main window.

Features of Interest

This section describes some of the main algorithms available in MedINRIA.

Customized packages

Depending on the medical application, different MedINRIA customized packages are available. They contain a customized version (interface and algorithms) of the modules which are needed for this application.

List of MedINRIA customized packages:

Mailing lists and Forums

The MedINRIA project is now powered by gforge: http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/medinria. The INRIA gforges provide a full set of tools for developers and users: mailing-lists, forums, bug tracker, etc. We recommend MedINRIA users to subscribe to the following mailing lists:

  1. medinria-annoucement: To be aware of new releases annoucement. Click here to subscribe;
  2. medinria-users: To submit questions/answers or suggestions to other users. Click here to subscribe;

Three forums have been created for your convenience:

  1. open-discussion: For general discussions;
  2. help: Help me please!;
  3. features-request: Post here any request for features you would like MedINRIA to have;


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For more screenshots click here.

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