WARNING: This webpage is about the previous version of medInria, please find the new 2.x version at:
Thank you for your interest in medInria.
MedINRIA is a free collection of softwares developed within the Asclepios research project. It aims at providing to clinicians state-of-the-art algorithms dedicated to medical image processing and visualization. Efforts have been made to simplify the user interface, while keeping high-level algorithms. MedINRIA is available for Microsoft windows XP/Vista, Linux Fedora Core, MacOSX, and is fully multithreaded.
Latest Release : v1.9.0 - Countdown release... Download now!
NEW : Diffusion Tensor Image (DTI) registration is available in the ImageFusion module. Check out the Release Notes!
MedINRIA documentation. Download now!
Some tutorial videos are available
Note: MedINRIA is a free software for non-commercial use only! For other usage, please contact the developers. Please read carefully the
terms of use before downloading.
In MedINRIA, each application is called a Module, and can be loaded dynamically from a single main window.
The MedINRIA project is now powered by gforge: http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/medinria. The INRIA gforges provide a full set of tools for developers and users: mailing-lists, forums, bug tracker, etc. We recommend MedINRIA users to subscribe to the following mailing lists:
Three forums have been created for your convenience:
For more screenshots click here.