53 références pour: 1990
- 1
Arai T., Cleary K., and others .
Design, analysis and construction of a prototype parallel link
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
volume 1, pages 205–212, Ibaraki, Japan, 3-6 Juillet 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture,hardware,6 dof robot.
- 2
Behi F., Mehregany M., and Gabriel K.J.
A microfabricated three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism.
In IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Workshop, pages 159–165, Napa
Valley, 11-14 Février 1990
Keywords: planar robot,micro robot.
- 3
Bellido A., Dedieu J-P., and Yakoubsohn J-C.
Combien existe-t-il d'octaèdres dont les longueurs des arêtes
sont données?
In Séminaire INRIA sur les robots parallèles,
Sophia-Antipolis, Février 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 4
Charentus S.
Modélisation et commande d'un robot manipulateur redondant
composé de plusieurs plate-formes.
Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse,
13 Avril 1990
Keywords: kinematics,redundant robot,modular robot.
- 5
Clavel R.
Device for the movement and positioning of an element in space,
11 Décembre 1990
United States Patent
4,976,582, Sogeva S.A.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,patent.
- 6
Dedieu J-P and Norton G.H.
Stewart varieties: a direct algebraic method for Stewart
SigSam, 24(4):42–59, Octobre 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 7
Geng Z., Haynes L.S., and Carroll R.L.
Direct forward kinematic solution of a general Stewart platform.
In ISRAM, volume 3, pages 11–17, Burnaby,
18-20 Juillet 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 8
Glazunov V.A. and others .
Classification principles and analysis methods for parallel-structure
spatial mechanisms.
J. of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, (1):41–49, 1990.
Keywords: design theory,kinetics.
- 9
Gosselin C.
Stiffness mapping for parallel manipulators.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 6(3):377–382,
Juin 1990
Keywords: statics,stiffness,passive compliance.
- 10
Gosselin C.
Determination of the workspace of 6-dof parallel manipulators.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 112(3):331–336,
Septembre 1990
Keywords: workspace.
- 11
Gosselin C. and Angeles J.
Singularity analysis of closed-loop kinematic chains.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 6(3):281–290,
Juin 1990
Keywords: singularity.
- 12
Gosselin C. and Angeles J.
Kinematic inversion of parallel manipulators in the presence of
incompletely specified tasks.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 112(4):494–500,
Décembre 1990
Keywords: optimal design,trajectory planning.
- 13
Hayward V. and Kurtz R.
Modeling of a parallel wrist with actuator redundancy.
In ARK, pages 1–13, Linz,
10-12 Septembre 1990
Keywords: redundant robot,wrist,3 dof robot,kinematics,design.
- 14
Helinski A.L.
Dynamic and kinematic study of a Stewart platform using
Newton-Euler techniques.
Research Report 13479, Tank Automotive Command,
Janvier 1990
Keywords: kinematics,dynamics,applications.
- 15
Innocenti C. and Parenti-Castelli V.
Direct position analysis of the Stewart platform mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 25(6):611–621, 1990.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 16
Iwara H.
Artificial reality with force-feedback: development of desktop
virtual space with compact master manipulator.
Computer Graphics, 24(4):165–170, Août 1990
Keywords: applications.
- 17
Jain S. and Kramer S.N.
Forward and inverse kinematics solution of the variable geometry
truss robot based on N-celled tetrahedron-tetrahedron truss.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 112(1):16–22,
Mars 1990
Keywords: truss,kinematics.
- 18
Kang H.J. and Freeman R.A.
An interactive software package (MAP) for the dynamic modeling and
simulation of parallel robotic systems including redundancy.
In ASME Int. Computer in Engineering Conf., pages 117–123,
Boston, 5-9 Septembre 1990
Keywords: dynamics,redundant robot,design.
- 19
Kassner D.J.
Kinematics analysis of a planar three-degree-of-freedom platform-type
robot manipulator.
Master's thesis, Purdue University, Purdue,
Décembre 1990
Keywords: planar robot,kinematics,singularity,workspace,maximal
- 20
Kokkinis T. and Millies P.
A dynamically redundant parallel manipulator.
In ISRAM, pages 527–532, Burnaby,
18-20 Juillet 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture,jacobian,redundant robot.
- 21
Kumar V.
Characterization of workspaces of parallel manipulators.
In ASME Proc. of the 21th Biennial Mechanisms Conf., pages
321–329, Chicago, 16-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: workspace,planar robot,maximal workspace.
- 22
Kurtz R.L.
Kinematic and optimization of a parallel robotic wrist mechanism with
Research Report TR-CIM-90-2, Université McGill, Montréal,
Janvier 1990
Keywords: redundant robot,mechanical architecture,optimal
- 23
Lin W., Duffy J., and Griffis M.
Forward displacement analysis of the 4-4 Stewart platform.
In ASME Proc. of the the 21th Biennial Mechanisms Conf.,
pages 263–269, Chicago, 16-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 24
McCloy D.
Some comparisons of serial-driven and parallel driven manipulators.
Robotica, 8(4):355–362, 1990.
Keywords: 2 dof robot,workspace,statics,stiffness.
- 25
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1990.
- 26
Merlet J-P.
Assembly modes and minimal polynomial formulation of the direct
kinematics of parallel manipulators.
In CSME Mechanical Engineering Forum 1990, pages 343–348,
Toronto, 3-9 Juin 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 27
Merlet J-P.
Assembly modes and direct kinematics of parallel manipulators.
In ISRAM, volume 3, pages 43–48, Burnaby,
18-20 Juillet 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 28
Merlet J-P.
Symbolic computation for the determination of the minimal direct
kinematics polynomial and the singular configurations of parallel
In ARK, Linz, 10-12 Septembre 1990
Keywords: singularity,forward kinematics.
- 29
Merlet J-P.
An algorithm for the forward kinematics of general 6 d.o.f. parallel
Research Report 1331, INRIA, Novembre 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 30
Mianowski K. and Nazarczuk K.
Parallel drive of manipulator arm.
In 8th RoManSy, pages 140–147, Cracovie,
2-6 Juillet 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot.
- 31
Millies P.
Kinematics of parallel robot arms.
Master's thesis, Université de Californie, Santa Barbara,
Mars 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 32
Murthy V.S.
Kinematics of serial manipulators and their parallel duals.
Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio State University, 1990.
Keywords: duality.
- 33
Nanua P. and Waldron K.J.
Direct kinematic solution of a special parallel robot structure.
In 8th RoManSy, pages 134–142, Cracow,
2-5 Juillet 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 34
Parenti-Castelli V. and Innocenti C.
Direct displacement analysis for some classes of spatial parallel
In 8th RoManSy, pages 123–130, Cracow,
2-6 Juillet 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 35
Parenti-Castelli V. and Innocenti C.
Forward displacement analysis of parallel mechanisms: closed-form
solution of PRR-3S and PPR-3S structures.
In ASME Proc. of the the 21th Biennial Mechanisms Conf.,
pages 263–269, Chicago, 16-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 36
Parushev P. and Chakarov D.
Structural investigation of manipulators with linear drivers.
In 8th RoManSy, pages 148–155, Cracovie,
2-6 Juillet 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 37
Pennock G.R. and Kassner D.J.
Kinematic analysis of a planar eight-bar linkage: application to a
platform-type robot.
In ASME Proc. of the 21th Biennial Mechanisms Conf., pages
37–43, Chicago, 16-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: planar robot,forward kinematics.
- 38
Pierrot F., Benoit M., Dauchez P., and Galmiche J-P.
High speed control of a parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 949–954, Ibaraki, Japan, 3-6 Juillet 1990
Keywords: kinematics,statics,dynamics,control.
- 39
Pierrot F., Reynaud C., and Fournier A.
DELTA: a simple and efficient parallel robot.
Robotica, 8:105–109, 1990.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 40
Reboulet C. and Pigeyre R.
Hybrid control of a 6 d.o.f. in parallel actuated micro-macro
manipulator mounted on a Scara robot.
In ISRAM, volume 3, pages 293–298, Burnaby,
18-20 Juillet 1990
Keywords: control,force feedback,micro-macro robot.
- 41
Reboulet C. and others .
Rapport d'avancement projet VAP, thème 7, phase 2.
Research Report 7716-c, CNES/DERA, Septembre 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot.
- 42
Reboulet C.
Les nouvelles architectures de robots: performances et perspectives
liées aux robots parallèles.
In 8ieme journées Robotique et Productique du CETIM, St
Etienne, 1990.
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 43
Romiti A. and Sorli M.
Flexible sensorized micro-assembly by a small parallel manipulator.
In Int. FAMOS Seminar, pages 181–189, Besançon,
18-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,asssembly.
- 44
Sarkissyan Y.L. and Parikyan T.F.
Analysis of special configurations of parallel topology manipulator.
In 8th RoManSy, pages 156–163, Cracovie,
2-6 Juillet 1990
Keywords: singularity.
- 45
Sarkissyan Y.L. and Parikyan T.F.
Manipulator, 1990.
Russian Patent
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,patent.
- 46
Schönherr M.
Der messwagen für ultraleicht-flugzeuge läuft,
Août 1990
DULV,Nr. 3.
Keywords: applications.
- 47
Schönherr M.
Vorrichtung zur messung des Kräfte und momente ruhender and
bewegte objkete, 9 Juin 1990
German Patent DE 4018558C2.
Keywords: applications,patent,force sensor.
- 48
Seguchi Y., Tanaka M., and others .
Dynamic analysis of a truss-type flexible robot arm.
JSME Int. J., 33(2):183–190, 1990.
Keywords: truss,dynamics,flexible robot,vibration.
- 49
Seguchi Y., Tanaka M., and others .
Criteria-oriented configuration control of adaptive structure and its
modular neural network representation.
In First Joint USA/Japan Conf. on adaptive structure, pages
402–421, Maui, Hawaii, 13-15 Novembre 1990
Keywords: truss,control.
- 50
Tanaka M. and others .
Motion/configuration control of a truss-type parallel manipulator
with redundancy.
In Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, pages 329–336,
ISCIE, Kyoto, 1990.
Keywords: truss,redundant robot.
- 51
Tanaka M., Seguchi Y., and others .
Kinematics of adaptive truss permitting nodal offset (configuration
and workspace reach).
In First Joint USA/Japan Conf. on adaptive structure, pages
691–714, Maui, Hawaii, 13-15 Novembre 1990
Keywords: truss,workspace.
- 52
Tonai S. and Matsushita S.
Parallel link robot arm, 7 Septembre 1990
United States Patent
Keywords: planar robot,patent,mechanical architecture,2 dof
- 53
Zhang C-D. and Song S.M.
Kinematics of parallel manipulators with a positional subchain.
In ASME Proc. of the 21th Biennial Mechanisms Conference,
volume 2, pages 271–278, Chicago, 16-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
J-P. Merlet