FIRE Space


FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) is an initiative under the ICT theme of the EU Framework Programme 7 (FP7). Projects such as ECODE, selected under Call 2 - Objective 1.6 "New Paradigms and Experimental Facilities" are the first step under FP7 towards building FIRE.

The FIRE Initiative is creating a multidisciplinary research environment for investigating and experimentally validating highly innovative and revolutionary ideas for new networking and service paradigms. FIRE is promoting the concept of experimentally-driven yet long-term research, joining the two ends of academy-driven visionary research and industry-driven testing and experimentation, in a truly multidisciplinary and innovative approach. To make this approach a reality, FIRE also aims at creating a large scale European Experimental Facility, built by gradually inter-connecting and federating existing and new testbeds for emerging or Future Internet architectures, services and technologies.

The EULER project, in the context of its STREP prerogatives, is committed to provide the needed help and support but also the adequate involvement in experimental activities as driven by the FIRE initiative.


FIRE Brochure

The new FIRE brochure 2014 document is available for downloading at (FIRE Brochure 2014). This publication gives an insight into what is real and usable today in FIRE. The FIRE Facility projects funded by the European Commission under FP7 ICT Objective 1.6 and the FIRE related international projects are presented here, with a focus on giving examples of experimentation that has been undertaken.

The FIRE brochure 2011 document is available for downloading: FIRE Brochure 2011 . This publication gives an insight into what is real and usable today in FIRE. FIRE projects, funded by the European Commission under FP7 ICT Objective 1.6, are presented here, with a focus on use cases as concrete examples of experimentation.

FIRE Video

The FIRE STATION support action has produced a new video that gives an overview of FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation), and the current FIRE activities. It is available for viewing or downloading at:

FIRE Group launched at LinkedIn

The FIRESTATION support action project has launched a LinkedIn FIRE group aiming to create a professional discussion forum for all FIRE related activities and projects. At the same time the FIRE group acts as a dynamic, interactive communication channel to all FIRE related meetings, news, events etc. All discussions will be fully visible, searchable, and shareable on the Web. FIRE Office team welcomes all to start new discussion topics and to follow activities happening in FIRE community.

More information available at

Upcoming FIRE Events

Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) events in relationship to the scientific and technical activities of the EULER project events are available here. These events are also accessible via the FP7 FIRE Events webpage.

FIRE Forum 2014 - 15 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium

The second FIRE Forum will be held on 15 October, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium (European Commission, Avenue Beaulieu 25 0/S1).

The whole FIRE community is invited as well as other relevant communities interested in Future Internet Research and Experimentation.

The main objective of the FIRE Forum is to share and exchange information between the FIRE constituencies and other initiatives and organisations regarding the involvement of other communities in experimental testing and to see how FIRE can adapt to fit the needs of such communities. This specific edition of the FIRE Forum will focus on IoT and 5G (TBC) and will also involve Japanese experts to discuss FIRE cooperation at the international level.

This workshop is an opportunity to:

  • Learn current status of FIRE activities
  • Understand how FIRE should evolve to bridge the gap between demands and facilities in H2020
  • Get to know the latest development and future plans of FIRE towards 2020
  • Interact with other workshop participants


FIRE Board technical workshop - 18 September 2014, Munich, Germany (co-located with the ECFI)

The next FIRE Board meeting will be held on Thursday 18 September in Munich, along with the ECFI-2 event. The aim of the meeting is to help the FIRE community address future technology challenges going forward, and also provide valuable input for consideration in the next Workprogramme (2016/2017).

Participation is upon invitation only.


Past FIRE events

1st Fed4FIRE competitive call for SME Experimenters - April 2, 2014

1st Fed4FIRE competitive call for SME Experimenters is a new instrument for SME's to get involved in FIRE activities

The particular task envisaged by this competitive SME call pertains to the execution of innovative experiments by SMEs that demonstrate technological expertise, novelty and quality in the area of Future Internet (e.g. in domains such as wired and wireless IP networks, cloud computing, software defined networks and innovative Internet services).

  • Call identifier – Fed4FIRE‐SME‐1
  • Call title – Innovative Experiments by SMEs
  • Language in which the proposal must be submitted – English
  • Date of close of call – 17h00 Brussels time on 2 April 2014
  • Important: Date of close of feasibility check – 17h00 Brussels time on 26 March 2014

The proposal must be:

  • Targeting innovative and industrial relevant experiments
  • Have a maximum duration of 4 months (including reporting period)
  • Submitted on‐line through the portal available on the project website

The proposer:

  • must be eligible for participation as SME in the EC FP7
  • will be linked to the Fed4FIRE consortium as subcontractor.

Financial information:

  • Max. funding request per experiment of € 25 000
  • Total available funding for this call: € 100 000

Beyond MOOCs: The Future of Learning on the Future Internet, Athens, Greece - March 20, 2014

Thursday 20 MAR 9:00-11:00 @ViMa


  • John Domingue - Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
  • Michael Boniface - IT Innovation, UK
  • Serge Fdida - University Pierre and Marie Curie, France
  • Spyros Denazis - University of Patras, Greece


Learning is a key human activity essential for personnel well-being and ensuring a good quality of life. Learning can take many forms from informal learning via online resources, workplace learning to update oneself on latest procedures or protocols to formal certified learning within established educational institutions. Learning is also an important concern when considered simply from a budgetary perspective. For example, in 2009 the EU budget on education was 6.2% of European GDP. Moreover, the education budget is currently being reduced in a number of EU regions, for example in Spain and Greece, which is an additional rationale for innovative solutions enabling the provisioning of cost-effective high quality learning. In this respect MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) represent “…an extension of the move towards online learning provoked by growing numbers of students, reducing learning and teaching budgets…”.

More info.

FIRE pre-FIA workshops, Athens, Greece - March 17-18, 2014

Pre-FIA workshops will be organized on 17 March morning - 18 March morning.

FIRE related pre-FIA workshops:

  • Testbed Interoperability (proposed by OpenLab, Fed4FIRE)
  • Evolution of FIRE: Facilities, Services and Collaboration Strategies for Sustainability (proposed by AmpliFIRE, CI-FIRE, FUSION)
  • Cross-breeding social networks and networked media in the Future Internet (STEER, affiliated to EXPERIMEDIA)

Additional workshop affiliated to OpenLab:

  • Mobile Crowdsensing, Social and Big Data as Innovation Enablers for Future Internet Cloud-based Architectures and Services

More in details in the FIRE wiki.

"Hands-on FIRE!" demonstrations, Athens, Greece - March 18-20, 2014

Cloud Federations and SDN/NFV: the highways towards improved QoE, Cost and Energy Efficiency, Athens, Greece - March 19, 2014

Wednesday 19 MAR 11:00-13:00 @Okeanos


  • Alexander Willner - Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
  • George D. Stamoulis - Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)
  • Roman Łapacz - Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)


This session aims at setting the stage for cloud federation and for Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigms as its enablers. Cloud federations are coalitions of small- and medium-size cloud operators that collaborate in order to offer a wider range of services and resources, achieve load balancing, accommodate demand spikes, and improve coverage and Quality of Experience (QoE) by means of sophisticated coordination mechanisms. The effective implementation of a cloud federation requires the definition of appropriate business agreements among the participants and the broad use of online mechanisms that dynamically adapt to cloud environment changes and demand unpredictability to meet the SLAs.

More info.

Hands on FIRE! 2014
Hands on FIRE! 2014

FIA Athens features an exhibition of innovative ICT projects, technologies and their demonstrations. The aim is to provide Future Internet stakeholders and other participants with up-to-date information and a hands-on experience on the latest Future Internet applications, systems and services, prototypes and innovative solutions. Moreover, the exhibition aims at addressing key questions for delegates and providing an informal networking environment.

Location: Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (MAICC)
Room: Nikos Skalkotas Foyer of the Megaron Athens International Conference Center
Dates & Times:

  • Monday 17 March 2014: 10am – 6pm: Build of exhibition
  • Tuesday 18 March 2014: 11am – 5:30pm: Exhibition
  • Wednesday 19 March 2014: 9am – 5:30pm: Exhibition
  • Thursday 20 March 2014: 9am – 1pm: Exhibition

More info.

FIRE+ Information Day: Horizon 2020 - Future Internet, Brussels, Belgium - January 31, 2014

Directorate "Net Futures" will organise an Information Day presenting the Future Internet topics within Call 1 (opened on 11 December 2013, closing date: 23 April 2014) of the new EU framework programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020.

Date and venue:
Friday, 31 January 2014, 9:30 – 16:30
Building Albert Borschette
Rue Froissart 36
1040 Brussels
The participants will benefit from a general presentation in the morning on the programme and its instruments followed by four parallel sessions introducing each Future Internet topic within the LEIT work programme 2014 – 2015.

The topics that are open for proposals in 2014 are:

  • ICT 5 – Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures
  • ICT 6 – Smart optical and wireless network technologies
  • ICT 7 – Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services
  • ICT 9 – Tools and Methods for Software Development
  • ICT 11 – FIRE+ (Future Internet Research & Experimentation)
  • ICT 13 – Web Entrepreneurship
  • ICT 14 – Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet

Under International Cooperation the coordinated call with Japan comprises the following topics:

  • EUJ 1 – Technologies combining big data, internet of things in the cloud
  • EUJ 2 – Optical communications
  • EUJ 3 – Access networks for densely located users
  • EUJ 4 – Experimentation and development on federated Japan – EU testbeds

The parallel sessions in the afternoon will be dedicated to networking and shall open the stage for participants who wish to present their visions and ideas for research and innovation actions. For this purpose, slides (max. 3 per participant) can be uploaded by registered participants only. No commercial presentations will be accepted. The slides will remain available to the public after the event.

Register here
Upload your slides here

DEADLINE for both: Wednesday, 22 January 2014 eob

Please select one area. Each area comprises several topics (except Net Innovation: ICT 13 – Web Entrepreneurship) and each offers a morning session followed by two afternoon networking sessions. Places are limited and are attributed on a first come, first served basis. More information
For any questions please contact: CNECT-E2-COMMUNICATIONS(at)

FIRE Projects Day, Brussels, Belgium - January 30, 2014

The AmpliFIRE CSA organises a “FIRE Projects Day” on Thursday 30th January 2014, 14.00 – 16.30.

Venue: European Commission, Avenue Beaulieu 25 0/S1.

It is open to all FIRE projects and projects related to FIRE. The objective of this workshop is threefold: Inform the new FIRE projects about the FIRE program, facilities, portfolio and community; Let the new projects present their project and discuss their expectations as regards the FIRE community; Discuss potential collaborations within the FIRE community.

The agenda:

  • 14.00 – 14.20 Opening: FIRE program, facilities, portfolio, community overview
  • 14.20 – 15.40 Short presentations of the new FIRE projects (call 10 projects)
  • 15.40 – 16.30 Discussion on issues brought up by the new projects

Please register by sending an email to Sarah Guigon (sguigon(at), with full name and nationality.

EINS Internet Science Summer School - Oct. 7-11, 2013

The Network of Excellence on Internet Science (EINS) organizes a Summer School on Behavioral Analysis and Emergence of Networks. The school will be held in Annecy, France -- October 7-11, 2013.

The program is really attractive including a lecture by the founder of Socio-physics, S. Galam from Polytechnique, France.

If you would like to participate to this event that will allow you a.o. to cross-fertilize disruptive ideas and concepts in networking with thought leaders in the domain please do not hesitate to contact Dimitri Papadimitriou.

If you decide to register by your own, please select EINS partner with reduced fee (110 instead of 600 Euros). Concerning local accommodation we can provide you low rate student flat.

FIRE engineering workshop - Nov. 6-7, 2012

In this context the Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) Initiative under the lead of the FIRESTATION support action organises a two days engineering workshop that will give the opportunity to interested experts meet and discuss the different aspects of the endeavour.

Prospective authors from academia and industry are invited to submit extended abstracts of results from research and experimentation work, demonstrating best practices and approaches to experimentation and novel use of experimentation facilities. Experimental facilities providers are invited to submit extended abstracts that demonstrate details of advanced capabilities of their testbeds. Two categories of papers will be considered:

  • Advanced functions of experimental facilities
  • Experimentation results from the research community

Topics of the FIRE research work include but are not limited to:

  • Monitoring in large scale testbeds
  • Innovative measurements methodologies and tools
  • Methodologies and tools for benchmarking
  • Validation experiments for Future Internet Architecture concepts
  • Experiments on advanced service usage in the application sectors
  • Deployment and management of experiments and their lifecycle
  • Integrated wireless and wired experiments
  • Large scale testbed federation and cooperation of heterogeneous testbeds
  • Testbed virtualization
  • Governance and trustworthiness in testbed federations

The workshop proceedings will be published online at web site. Selected contributions will be invited for a peer review publication (TBD). Of particular interest will be contributions that demonstrate results of experimentation work.

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 3 pages including references, figures and tables, formatted according to the Authors’ Instructions for contributions to LNICST proceedings. Detailed submission and format instructions are available on the website:

Important dates

  • Deadline: 21 September 2012
  • Acceptance notification: 15 October 2012
  • Workshop 6-7 November 2012

The registration is now open at:

The preliminary agenda on FIRE wiki at:

More information
More information on FIRE web and FIRE wiki

Report of the workshop
A report is available at:

Further information and all presentations are available at:


EU-Brazil Co-ordinated Call - Dec. 12, 2012

A contact mail address in Brazil for information about the EU-Brazil Co-ordinated Call

The following mailbox has been set up for enquiries about the Brazilian side of the EU-Brazil Co-ordinated Call:

At the following link is also the presentation by CNPq, which was made at the ICT Proposers' Day in Warsaw, Poland, on 26/09/2012:

Note that, despite the fact that the Brazilian part of the Call will only be opened in November 2012, it will still be closed as planned on 12th December 2012.

The CONFINE Open Call - Oct. 31, 2012

The deadline for proposals to the first CONFINE project Open Call has been extended to: Wednesday October 31, at 17:00h Brussels time.

More information is at:

ICT Proposers' Day 2012 (Warsaw, Poland) - September 26-27, 2012

The ICT Proposers' Day is a unique networking opportunity to build partnerships and projects targetting the new Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme for 2013.

FIRE sessions will be streamed at the ICT Proposers' Information Days in Warsaw. The following FIRE-related sessions at the ICT Call 10 Information Day in Warsaw will be streamed live at:

1. 26th September, 11:00 - FP7 rules and proposal making
2. 26th September, 14:45 - International Cooperation, including the EU-Brazil 2nd Coordinated Call
3. 27th September, 09:00 - International aspects of Obj 1.7 FIRE
4. 27th September, 14:30 - EU-Japan R&D cooperation

  • Update

FIRE at the ICT proposer's day in Warsaw - Video published
FIRE - Future Internet Research Experimentations, presentation at the ICT proposer's day in Warsaw on September 27 2012 published on YouTube at:
New test bed facilities, experimentally driven research and coordination & support actions.

More information and presentations/documents at:
More information about FIRE at:

Open Consultation on "FIRE in Horizon 2020" - Sep. 21, 2012

Contributions are requested from all interested parties, from potential facility providers to experimenters, from technology to application developers, from SMEs to European and national projects, brought together by the need to experiment, test and validate in the real world, involving the targeted end-users, technical solutions as well as services and applications.

The deadline for contributions is 14 September 2012.

The final workshop will endorse a common position and identify concrete objectives, mechanisms and expected impact for FIRE in Horizon 2020.

More details:

"FIRE Hands-on Demo evening" during Future Internet week (Aalborg, Denmark) - May 10

After the success of the joint FIRE, ServiceWave and FIA Demonstration evening in Poznan (ref. to FIRE web), to keep momentum for FIRE projects, FIRE STATION has planned to organize similar type of “FIRE Hands-on Demo evening” on Wednesday May 9th 2012 during FI-Week in Aalborg/Denmark.

The whole demo concept is still under development: guided tour or similar event as in Poznan. Of course it’s success relies on your FIRE project active participation. One idea is to invite specific target groups/visitors on Future Internet area like PPP; additionally national & international initiatives/projects etc. Main target is to promote the good work currently on-going in FIRE and to start practical level discussions about future co-operation possibilities in relaxed atmosphere.

In case your project is not willing to participate, please reply by December 9. If no reply, we consider your project included as one of the preliminary demo owner. More information & practicalities for IP-projects in the next Architecture Board-meeting on January 26th 2012 in Brussels; STREP-projects to be informed separately. Feedback/proposals/advices welcome before it.

Measurements and Measurement Tools (Aalborg, Denmark) - May 9, 2012

In the framework of the FI conference activities, EULER organises a FIRE thematic workshop entitled “Measurements and Meaurement Tools”. This workshop aims at presenting current developments on measurements and associated tools in research projects within the FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) initiative of the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7). Measurements and measurement tools will be key elements in the operation and management of future network infrastructures, at the equipment and network performance monitoring level but also in support of higher-level control functionality such as on-line analysis and diagnostic. These tools also play a fundamental role in measurement-based experimental research relying on the experimental evaluation and benchmarking of project outcomes including protocols, systems, etc., by means of reliable and verifiable tools.

This workshop consists of 11 talks from 10 different FIRE European projects and a final round talbe. Speakers will present their current needs and developments on measurements and associated tools in the context of experimental research. It is organised in four sessions:

  • Session 1: Introduction and motivation of the workshop thematic.
  • Session 2: Measurement and tools needs in FIRE.
  • Session 3: Presentation of tools developed in FIRE.
  • Session 4: Round table discussion (how to bridge the gap).

The expected outcomes of this workshop are:

  • identify what can be performed/reached by means of cooperation between projects from a directory of tools accessible to the FIRE community at large up to the joint development of tools, under which conditions, etc.
  • determine needs and document best practices in tools development for measurement-based experimental research.

The agenda is available here and presentation will be made available after the workshop.

Please follow the registration process available here: and select EULER workshop.

Additional information

Innovation Union Flagship event - December 5-6, 2011

The event will take place on December 5-6, 2011 at the Brussels Meeting Center and is the key event for the Innovation Union with participation from many DGs. The organisers anticipate more than 1200 participants including leading CEOs, high-level policy makers, research centers, venture capitalists, top-researchers and innovators etc. The programme is still in draft form and therefore not published yet.

In parallel with the conference programme there will be an exhibition with about 45 research stands (depending on the space available) where the emphasis is 1) Projects funded by the framework programme or the CIP programme, 2) Mature projects that can really demonstrate concrete examples with very strong visual elements, attractive and hands-on experience for the visitors – this is the key criterion.

All research fields can be covered but additional points will be given to projects that offer solutions in relation to the big challenges as identified in the Innovation Union. These are: active and healthy ageing, energy challenges, clean and smart mobility, agricultural productivity and sustainability, fast and secure communication, reducing and recycling waste etc.

FIRE events during Future Internet week (Poznan) - October 26-27

Updated information about the upcoming FIRE-related events in the Future Internet Week in Poznan:

  1. Poznan: Registration for the Future Internet Week (24-28 October) is open. See:
  2. Poznan: The FIRE event in the Future Internet Week (Wednesday 26 October 14:30 - Thursday 27 October, 18:00).
    Note that this event includes an Information Day session for Call 8 ( FP7-ICT-2011-8 objective 1.6) on Thursday afternoon (14:30 - 18:00).
    The latest programme can be found at
    • Wednesday 26 October, 14:30 - 18:15:
      • Opening by the EC
      • Feedback from the 1st Open Calls from the projects BonFIRE, TEFIS and OFELIA
      • Overview of the 1st Open Calls from the projects CREW, SmartSantander and OpenLab
      • Information about the new Call 7 FIRE facility projects (Experimedia, Confine, OpenLab)
      • FIRE and the FI-PPP
    • Thursday 27 October, 10:00 - 13:30
      • Formal methodologies for testing, and the use of FIRE testbeds for standards validation (led by MyFIRE, but with presentations from most of the FIRE facility projects)
    • Thursday 27 October, 14:30 - 18:30
  3. Poznan: The FIRE session in FIA
    FIA takes place from Tuesday 25 October, 09:00 - Wednesday 26 October, 13:30 (see:
    FIRE is leading the session 2.3: "International Collaboration on Testbeds" on the Tuesday afternoon (15:00 - 17:00).
  4. Poznan: Joint ServiceWave/FIA/FIRE Demonstration evening
    A joint ServiceWave/FIA/FIRE Demonstration evening will take place on 26 October with 6 FIRE demonstrations: TEFIS, OFELIA, OpenLab, CREW, N4C and FIRE STATION (Infokiosk).
    More information can be found at:
  5. Poznan: IPv6 Workshop
    A workshop on IPv6 deployment will take place on Friday 28 October, organised by the EC and the EC project 6DEPLOY's IPv6 Cluster Whilst aimed at IPv6 Deployment in European Public Authorities, this one-day workshop can be interesting for any organisations considering how to integrate IPv6 into their networks and services.
  6. Summary of the results from the 1st Open Calls from the projects BonFIRE, TEFIS and OFELIA. More details will be given in the dedicated session in Poznan on Wednesday afternoon, but a summary is given below:
    • BonFIRE, 29 proposals received, 4 selected:
      • TurboCloud (Partners: RedZinc and Cloudium Systems)
      • VCOC: Virtual Clusters on Federated Cloud Sites (Partner: CESGA)
      • ExSec: Experimenting Scalability of Continuous Security Monitoring (Partner: CETIC)
      • TEOS: Testing Optimization in Service Ecosystems (Partner: University of Manchester)
    • TEFIS, 22 proposals received, 4 selected:
      • Smart Ski resort (Partner: University of Geneva)
      • Dynamic Quality User Experience Enabling Mobile Multimedia Services (Partner: Institute of Communication and Computer systems (ICCS))
      • Augmented Reality Collaborative workspace using future internet videoconferencing platform for remote education and learning (Partner: Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)
      • Experimenting with Quagga Open API and cross-layer Coordinated networks (Partner: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
    • OFELIA, 21 proposals received, 2 selected:
      • VERTIGO(Virtual Topologies Generalization in OpenFlow networks)
      • EXOTIC (Extending OpenFlow to Support a future Internet with a Content-Centric model)

FIRE events during Future Internet week (Poznan) - old information -

The next Future Internet week will be held at the Poznan International Fair Centre on October 24-28, 2011.

  • FIRE Event (Poznan) - October 26-27, 2011
    • Expected outcome: The outcome of the event is the linking of the demand for experimentation and testing by the research community to the offerings of the FIRE facilities, as well as a better understanding of the capabilities of the FIRE facilities, the future evolution plans. Finally the event should stimulate further the ongoing efforts for developing sustainability models for the research testing experimentation facilities.
    • Agenda: Draft version
    • Location: Poznan, Poland
  • Joint FIA, FIRE and ServiceWave Demonstration - October 26, 2011
As for the FIRE Event held in Ghent on Dec.2010, there will be exhibition space available during the FI week in Poznan for demonstrations, in conjunction with the co-located Service Wave conference.
Building up on the success of the demonstration sessions held in Stockholm in 2009 and Ghent in 2010, the Demonstration Program for 2011 is intended to showcase innovative implementation approaches, technologies and tools related to the Future Converged Internet of Content (IoC), Services (IoS) and Things (IoT).
If there are sufficient FIRE demos, we will investigate if they can all be grouped together in one area ("FIRE Village"). Therefore, in order to estimate the space required, please inform <> if you submit a proposal.

2nd FIRE Open Calls Information Day - Sep.14, 2011

The projects CREW (, SmartSantander ( and OpenLab organise an information day that will take place in Brussels on 14 September 2011. The open calls are a perfect opportunity for researchers and experimenters to get involved in Future Internet Research and Experimentation in a very practical way. The calls are open to all applicants subject to the rules described in the applicable guides.

More information can be found at open-call and information-day. Participation is free of charge but registration is compulsory. Registration deadline is 26 August 2011!!!

Internet and Societies conference - European Commission - Sep.7-9, 2011

The PARADISO FP7 project invites you to register for the "Internet and Societies: new innovation paths" forward-looking high-level conference organized at the European Commission in Brussels (Charlemagne building), on September 7-9, 2011.

The event is free of charge but early registration (to be made online) is recommended because of limited room capacity at the venue.

The draft agenda of the conference has just been released:

  • The event will start on September 7, 2011 at 18:30 with a cocktail reception and a keynote speech.
  • Ms Neelie Kroes, VP of the European Commission and European Digital Agenda Commissioner, will open the conference on Sept. 8 at 9:30. Then, keynote speakers from Europe and the rest of the world will share their visions of the foreseeable interactions between Internet and societal developments and of related new innovation paths. PARADISO recommendations on research to be developed under FP8 will be presented as well.
  • On Sept. 9, participants are invited to a workshop, during which the event topics will be openly discussed, in order that event conclusions and recommended next steps can be based on contributions from the largest number of stakeholders.

For further information please visit, where updated information on the conference is provided, or contact

FIRE research workshop, a Future Internet Week event - May 16, 2011

The first FIRE research workshop will be a full day workshop starting at 9:00 CET and finishing at 17:00. The focus of the FIRE research workshop will be on the experimentally driven research dimension of FIRE and in particular, to improve the visibility and the involvement of the experimental-driven FIRE projects as well as increase researcher attendance and their active participation to FIRE events and workshops. This should lead to a scientific and technical discussion forum that will allow projects and researchers working on similar subjects to share and challenge their ideas and results with their peers. By offering this opportunity the workshop aims at increasing the incentives for researchers’ participation, without intending to replace or compete with established research conferences and workshops.
To implement the above ambition it is proposed to setup a small scale forum in the form of a workshop, which allows researchers to share and discuss their experimental research results and best practices by means of short, targeted and well scoped presentations. By structuring them by similar research topics or objectives (multi-media/content networking, wireless, self-adaptive/cognitive networks, routing system, etc.), researchers would be able to challenge, compare and contrast practices, methodologies, and in particular obtained results. More details are available here .

  • Call for contribution. The FIRE research workshop expects your active contribution to form the agenda. Please visit and contribute to the development of the agenda. If you have any questions please contact us via
  • Presentations. The presentations from the FIRE Research workshop in Budapest are now available at
  • Minutes of the Future Internet Assembly. The Future Internet Assembly was held in the frame of the Future Internet Week in Budapest, Hungary from 17-19 May 2011. The FIA Budapest report is available for download. More information is available at link or directly via pdf .

Final Conference of FP 7 ICT project N4C - Apr.14, 2011

The FP 7 ICT project N4C ( - Networking for Communications Challenged Communities - concludes with April 2011. Maria Udén (project manager for N4C) invites researchers to attend their Final Conference - an internet event on 14th April 2011 that can be followed from office, travel or other, using laptop only. Among the highlights, the conference offers the launch of a video where Vint Cerf, asses the project outcomes. But take a look at the programme - it includes several renowned speakers and interactive sessions with chat. Poster contributions are warmly welcome. There will be a small number of openings (in proportion to the N4C contributions). Kindly contact the conference chair Dr. Maria Udén and Dr. Caroline Wamala (Cc) directly for posters or other questions.
For more information please see invitation .

OFELIA: 1st Open Call for an additional project partner - Mar.30, 2011

The aim of the OFELIA project is to create a unique experimental facility that allows researchers to not only experiment on a test network but to control the network itself precisely and dynamically. To achieve this, the OFELIA facility is based on the emerging networking technology OpenFlow. In the scope of Open Calls designed to stimulate the use of the facilities, the project OFELIA solicits proposals for extension of the OFELIA experimental testbed. More details are available at: Date of close of the call 17h00 (CET) on March 30th, 2011.

First Canada-EU Workshop on the Future Internet at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - Mar.23-25, 2011

The major objective of this event is to explore prospects for deeper exchange and collaboration between the Canadian and European research communities in the area of Future Internet in Europe. The EC has now confirmed that there will be a FIRE session at the EU Canada Workshop. The FIRE session is planned (but it could change) to be on 24 afternoon.

At this stage the following have already confirmed their participation: Vasilis Maglaris, NOVI (can also talk about OneLab and Federica) and Jacques Magen, FIRE STATION (will provide information on all FIRE projects and the FIRE initiative as a whole).

In addition, the following people have shown interest and shall confirm their participation: Sotiris Nikoletseas (HOBNET), Maria Uden (N4C), and Anika Sällström (on behalf of TEFIS, to be confirmed).
If any other projects is interested in attending the event with a representative, contact Dimitri. In addition, if you have a specific message to be delivered there on your behalf, please also let him know.

1st FIRE Open Calls Information Day - Feb.9, 2011)

An Information Day is being organized on 9 February 2011 in Brussels regarding the Open Calls to be published by three of the new FIRE experimental facilities: BonFIRE, OFELIA and TEFIS (with also some preliminary information from CREW and SmartSantander). These Calls follow similar procedures as standard FP7 Calls and benefit from funding from the projects. This Information Day is organized in conjunction with the Future Networks 7th Concertation meeting which is held on 10 and 11 February, also in Brussels.

All details are available at: The on-line registration will be opened shortly at the same link.

FIRE Architecture Board

The FIRE Architecture Board (AB) is formed by members from all FIRE facility projects, partners in the FIREStation support action, members of MyFIRE support action and adjunct individuals from some FIRE projects.

The main goal of the AB is to support the decision process when selecting activities to extend the Call 5 (and later Call 7 and beyond) experimental facilities, and also to find ways to homogenize access to facilities, support some level of federation of the facilities, and to find collaboration on development that are common to the facilities.

Since the AB is the only forum for collaboration in FIRE at the moment, other issues have to be dealt with in the AB. These are e.g. how to create sustainability of facilities, how to describe the content of the facilities, and where and how to support the expansion of the user base of the facilities. These issues might later on be dealt with by some other forum, within FIREStation.

Summary of FIRE Architecture Board meeting:

FIRE Documents

The FIRE document sub-space includes documents produced by the various FIRE Expert Groups and FIRE Support Actions (FIREStation previously FIREWorks). These documents are often subject to review request (when indicated in red).

  • FIRE Brochure 2011 : The new FIRE brochure 2011 document is available for downloading. This publication gives an insight into what is real and usable today in FIRE. FIRE projects, funded by the European Commission under FP7 ICT Objective 1.6, are presented here, with a focus on use cases as concrete examples of experimentation.
  • FIRE Portfolio Analysis (1st update)
    • The 1st FIRE Portfolio Update is intended for anyone who is interested in the FIRE initiative, the current topics being researched and the status of the testing facilities that are available for use by FIRE STREPs and beyond.
    • It describes the current FIRE landscape of projects, the experiments that have been - and are being - performed on the facilities and also common topics being studied in the various Working Groups comprising representatives of the IPs within the Architecture Board.
    • It supersedes the original FIRE Portfolio Analysis document that was produced by the FIREworks project in 2010.
    • Additional information could be find at
  • FIRE Facility Analysis and Usage in the FIRE research projects (Call 2 and Call 5 Projects).
  • Preliminary list of events including conferences and meetings of direct and less direct interest to FIRE projects and participants. This list will be extended by the events EULER intends to participate to. For this purpose EULER project partners are requested to provided needed information Event name, location, dates but also "reason for participation/objective of participation".

FIRE Experimental Facilities

FIRE Presentations

FIRE Support Actions

  • FIREworks is the Support Action (SA) funded from FP7 Call 2, Objective 1.6 "New paradigms and experimental facilities" that coordinates and supports interworking of testbed activities in Europe and their respective connections outside of Europe, mainly to North America and Far East. The FIREworks objectives are 1) Develop the Strategy for Future Internet Research and Experimentation in Europe, 2) Create the European concept for testing federation, and 3) Establish the European Future Internet Research and Experimentaton Initiative and involve all relevant stakeholders.
  • FIREStation is the Support Action (SA) funded from FP7 Call 5, Objective 1.6 "New paradigms and experimental facilities" that provides the FIRE Initiative with an active hub that matches, guides and co-ordinates demand for - and offering of - experimentation facilities in the context of future networks and services. The heterogeneous and modular field of Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) with its national and international stakeholder groups requires information sharing, cohesion building, community building and a single point of contact to co-ordinate and promote the FIRE approach with respect to the following main requirements: 1) Facilities need synchronization, resource optimization, and common efforts in order to offer customers the best possible service and ensure their sustainability beyond project life times, and 2) Researchers need correct and timely knowledge about the available resources, easy access, high usability and appropriate tools to run and monitor their experiments.