European Commission Events
European Commission (EC) organized events in relationship with the activities of the EULER FP7 project.
Upcoming EC Events Synoptic
Event name | Location | Start | End |
Upcoming EC Events Details
European Commission (EC) organized events in relationship with the activities of the EULER FP7 project. Future Internet and FP7 related events are accessible via the Future Internet portal and the FP7 Events webpage.
Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) events in relationship to the scientific and technical activities of the EULER project events are listed here.
Net-Tech Future Coordination Meeting -- Brussels on October 23, 2014
The well known FP7 'Future Networks Concertation Meeting' has a new 'look and feel' in Horizon 2020 and is being renamed 'Net-Tech Future Coordination Meeting'. These regular meetings will bring together EU research-funded projects in the area of communications networks to exchange the latest research findings and ideas for future activities.
The Net-Tech Future Coordination Meeting is based on plenary & working groups, which focus on:
- Future Internet (FI)
- Converged and Optical Networks (CaON)
- Radio Access and Spectrum (RAS), and
- The Internet of Things European Research Cluster (IERC).
The first Net-Tech Future Coordination Meeting in Horizon2020 will be organised on October 23, 2014. Network techonologies and IoT projects will meet to share research results under the form of thematic cluster meetings. The cluster meetings will take place in the morning and the plenary meeting will take place in the afternoon. This day is followed by a 5G oriented workshop to explore potential for EU-Taiwan research cooperation. The agenda and the registration will be available early September.
5th EU-Japan Symposium in ICT Research and Innovation -- Brussels, October 16-17 2014
The 5th EU-Japan Symposium in ICT Research and Innovation will be held in Brussels on 16-17 October. Presentations of running joint EU-Japan projects will be given, followed by a workshop which will explore R&I cooperation opportunities with a number of priority themes both for the EU and Japan.
FIRE Forum 2014 - 15 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium
The second FIRE Forum will be held on 15 October, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium (European Commission, Avenue Beaulieu 25 0/S1).
The whole FIRE community is invited as well as other relevant communities interested in Future Internet Research and Experimentation.
The main objective of the FIRE Forum is to share and exchange information between the FIRE constituencies and other initiatives and organisations regarding the involvement of other communities in experimental testing and to see how FIRE can adapt to fit the needs of such communities. This specific edition of the FIRE Forum will focus on IoT and 5G (TBC) and will also involve Japanese experts to discuss FIRE cooperation at the international level.
This workshop is an opportunity to:
- Learn current status of FIRE activities
- Understand how FIRE should evolve to bridge the gap between demands and facilities in H2020
- Get to know the latest development and future plans of FIRE towards 2020
- Interact with other workshop participants
ICT Proposer's Day 2014 @ Florence, Italy - October 9-10, 2014
The European Commission has just announced that the ICT Proposer's Day 2014 will be held on 9-10 October, 2014 in Florence, Italy.
This event, organised by the European Commission, is specifically dedicated to networking and promoting research and innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. The event will focus on networking for the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2015. It will offer an exceptional occasion to build quality partnerships as it will connect academia, research institutes, industrial stakeholders, SMEs and government actors from all over Europe. The event will be free of charge. More information on the event will follow in June.
Stakeholders Consultation Workshop - Network Technologies Work Programme 2016-2017 29-30 September 2014, Brussels, Belgium
This workshop will bring together experts and stakeholders to refine ideas for future Network Technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) research and innovation that will be part of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017.
FIRE Board technical workshop - 18 September 2014, Munich, Germany (co-located with the ECFI)
The next FIRE Board meeting will be held on Thursday 18 September in Munich, along with the ECFI-2 event. The aim of the meeting is to help the FIRE community address future technology challenges going forward, and also provide valuable input for consideration in the next Workprogramme (2016/2017).
Participation is upon invitation only.
2nd European Conference on the Future Internet – ECFI - 17-18 September 2014, Munich, Germany

The 2nd European Conference on the Future Internet (ECFI) presents trends, technologies and innovations for the smart use of tomorrow‘s Internet in different application sectors. The event will bring together key stakeholders from large industry players as well as SMEs to discuss the development of Future Internet infrastructures and services in Europe. ECFI Munich will present cutting-edge research results on the European Internet infrastructures and services of the future, which have been developed in the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP). In addition, the event will mark the start for the SME-driven innovation phase of the programme, where the FI-PPP will invest 80 million euros for application and service projects driven by European SMEs. The FI-PPP is a European programme for Internet-enabled innovation aiming to accelerate the development and adoption of Future Internet technologies in Europe.
Past EC Events Synoptic
Event name | Location | Start | End | |
EUCNC | European Conference on Networks and Communications | Paris, France | 29/06 | 02/07/2015 |
EUJapan | 5th EU-Japan Symposium on ICT Research and Innovation | Brussels, Belgium | 16/10 | 17/10/2014 |
FIRE Forum | FIRE Forum | Brussels, Belgium | 15/10 | 15/10/2014 |
ICT Proposers Day | ICT Proposers Day 2014: FIRE | Florence, Italy | 09/10 | 10/10/2014 |
SCW | Stakeholders Consultation Workshop - Network Technologies Work Programme 2016-2017 | Brussels, Belgium | 29/09 | 30/09/2014 |
ECFI | 2nd European Conference on the Future Internet | Munich, Germany | 17/09 | 18/09/2014 |
FIS | 5th European Summit on the Future Internet | Luxembourg | 12/06 | 13/06/2014 |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | Athens, Greece | 18/03 | 20/03/2014 |
FNMS | Future Network and Mobile Summit | Lisbon, Portugal | 03/07 | 05/07/2013 |
FNMS | Future Network & Mobile Summit | Berlin, Germany | 04/07 | 06/07/2012 |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | Aalborg, Denmark | 10/05 | 11/05/2012 |
FICW | 6th Future Internet Cluster Topic Workshops | Poznan, Poland | 27/10 | 27/10/2011 |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | Poznan, Poland | 24/10 | 28/10/2011 |
FIREweek | Future Internet Conference Week | Poznan, Poland | 24/10 | 28/10/2011 |
FNMS | Future Network & Mobile Summit | Warsaw, Poland | 15/06 | 17/06/2011 |
FICW | 5th Future Internet Cluster Topic Workshops | Warsaw, Poland (collated with FNMobile Summit) | 14/06 | 14/06/2011 |
ESFI | 2nd European Summit on the Future Internet | Luxembourg | 06/06 | 07/06/2011 |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | Budapest, Hungary | 17/05 | 19/05/2011 |
FICW | 4th Future Internet Cluster Topic Workshops | Budapest, Hungary (collocated with FIA) | 16/05 | 16/05/2011 |
FET | The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition | Budapest, Hungary | 04/05 | 06/05/2011 |
FutureNetworks | Future Networks 7th FP7 Concertation Meeting | Brussels, Belgium | 10/02 | 11/02/2011 |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | Ghent, Belgium | 16/12 | 17/12/2010 |
FIREweek | Future Internet Conference Week | Ghent, Belgium | 13/12 | 17/12/2010 |
FIArch | Open Workshop on the Future Internet Architecture Limitations | Brussels, Belgium | 26/10 | 26/10/2010 |
EUJapan | 3rd EU-Japan symposium on Future Internet and New Generation Networks | Tampere, Finland | 20/10 | 22/10/2010 |
FIS | ESF/COST Future Internet and Society: A Complex Systems Perspective | Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy | 02/10 | 07/10/2010 |
ICT 2010 | biennial event organised by the European Commission | Brussels, Belgium | 27/09 | 29/09/2010 |
FIREweek | Future internet research and innovation | Barcelona, Spain | 30/06 | 01/07/2010 |
FIWC | Future Internet Workshop & Cluster meeting, collocated with the Future Network & Mobile Summit | Florence, Italy | 15/06 | 18/06/2010 |
ESFI | 1st European Summit on the Future Internet | Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg | 02/06 | 03/06/2010 |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | Valencia, Spain | 14/04 | 16/04/2010 |
Past EC Events - Year 2014
Pre-FIA Workshop @ Athens, Greece - March 17-18, 2014
- Workshop Details: 17 March 14:00-17:30 and Tuesday 18 March, 09:30-13:00
- Workshop online agenda: (day 1) and (day 2)
- FIA2014 Programme, including Pre-FIA Workshops:
- Exhibition:
- Hashtags: #FIA_Athens, @FIAAthens2014, #ICT_FIRE/@ICT_FIRE
The European Commission’s FIRE programme has brought Europe several large-scale test beds and platforms addressing a broad range of applications, services and technologies for the Future Internet. These facilities have already supported advanced experiments proving that experimentally-driven research and innovation are key mechanisms for the development of the Future Internet. As many of these facilities are mature enough to be opened up for wider use, now is the time to explore ways of making them sustainable after EC or national funding has expired.
Evolution of FIRE: Facilities, Services and Collaboration Strategies for Sustainability, 17-18 March 2014, FIA2014 (, Athens, hosted by AmpliFIRE, CI-FIRE and FUSION, looks at both the demand and supply side of FIRE facilities to help define pathways towards sustainability by creating a dynamic ecosystem that can continue to evolve over time. The workshop focuses on opportunities for business, service-related, infrastructural, technical and organisational collaboration within and outside FIRE, zooming in on FIRE’s role in relation to the demands of business players and to other large-scale Future Internet Facilities.
On the supply side, the workshop targets potential providers of test beds, FIRE projects, developers and operators from FIRE, the FI-PPP, EIT ICT Labs, Living Labs, as well as national and regional test beds. On the supply side, it is of particular interest to small and medium-sized businesses and large corporations who can gain insight on rekindling innovation and facilitating business creation through new product and service validation across diverse sectors.
Future Internet Assembly @ Athens, Greece - March 18-20, 2014

FIA@Athens 2014
FIA@Athens will take place on 18-20 March at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (MAICC), one of the finest and most technologically advanced conference venues in Europe. Situated in the city centre yet surrounded by its own extensive landscaped gardens, Megaron offers a stunning environment, exceptional aesthetics, cutting edge technology and unrivalled client service. Find more about MAICC here.
This year FIA focuses on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation, and more specifically, on the formulation of the new Internet technological landscape based on network/cloud integration & virtualisation SDN/NFV and innovative software, services and cloud technologies that enable application innovation.
FIA Athens 2014 is co-organised by the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET S.A.). GRNET is a state-owned company, operating under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education - General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Its mission is to provide high-quality Infrastructure and services to the academic, research and educational community of Greece, and to disseminate ICT to the general public.
'FIA2014 program announced' Registration and accommodation information is now available
Visit the FIA2014 website to explore the event's main program, featuring parallel sessions on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation. Prior to the event, thirteen pre-FIA workshops will also take place.
The website provides all you need to know about the topics, agendas and speakers for each session and workshop.
You can now register to attend FIA2014. Early booking discounts for hotels expire on Friday, January 31st.
Past EC Events - Year 2013
FIRE @ ICT2013 Vilnius Lithuania - November 6-8, 2013
ICT 2013 will take place 6-8 November in the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO in Vilnius, Lithuania.
ICT2013 will bring together Europe's best & brightest in ICT research, with businesses old & new, web start-ups and digital strategists to chart a path for Europe's ICT research policy. Join us to share your vision for the future with EU policy-makers, and see the latest advances in EU-funded ICT research. More than 4000 researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, young people and politicians are expected in Vilnius. The event will focus on Horizon 2020 - the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020. ICT 2013 includes:
- conference
- exhibition
- networking sessions
- investment forum
- activities for students and young researchers
Please find some last-minute details and reminders about the Vilnius event:
Nikolaos Isaris will present the two FIRE objectives in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2015-16 on Thursday 7th November at 16:45 in room H1B. Please, see the relevant link.
On Friday 8 November at 11:00, also in room H1B, is the presentation of the International Cooperation activities in Future Internet (EU-Japan and EU-Brazil). Please, see the link
The following FIRE projects will have a demonstration booth at the ICT2013 exhibition to show current experiments being run real-time on the (remote) facilities:
- CONFINE: Booth number 5B3
- CREW: Booth number 4B19
- Fed4FIRE/OpenLab: Booth number 4A8
- FIBRE: Booth number 02.05
- OFERTIE: Booth number 5G8
- SmartSantander/EAR-IT: Booth number 5D13
- SUNRISE: Booth number 4A6
Additionally, the AmpliFIRE project will have a FIRE Info Kiosk at booth number 4A5.
AmpliFIRE is also organising a competition relating to the FIRE projects having demo stands at ICT2013. Participation is easy:
- Get questionnaires at any FIRE project stand (FIRE/AmpliFIRE, CONFINE, CREW, Fed4FIRE/OpenLab, FIBRE, OFERTIE, SmartSantander), answer the questions and return it to the FIRE/AmpliFIRE stand nr. 4A5 before Thursday 5pm.
- Join us on Friday morning between 09:00 and 10:30 at the FIRE networking booth #7 (Future Internet Experimentation in 2020) to check the winners
Prizes include FIRE goodies, a mention in the Press Release and a video interview with each winner. The result will also be announced in the FIRE promotion material.
An interactive discussion between FIRE and FI-PPP representatives, on a "speed-dating" basis, will close the AmpliFIRE networking session.
All demo descriptions are available in the FIRE wiki at link and a comprehensive information package is on the FIRE web at link.
eChallenges e-2013 Conference and Exhibition (Dublin, Ireland) - October 9-11, 2013

eChallenges e-2013
Supported by the European Commission, the 23rd annual Conference & Exhibition takes place in Malahide, Dublin, Ireland from 09 - 11 October. Focused on Applied ICT addressing major Societal Challenges, and showcasing strategic keynote presentations, technical and policy papers, case studies and workshops, eChallenges brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt, good practice and innovation.
Please follow eChallenges e2013 on and retweet the Call for Papers.
Core Thematic Priorities for eChallenges e-2013
- Applied ICT addressing Societal Challenges
- eHealth and mHealth
- eGovernment, eParticipation & eDemocracy
- eInclusion
- Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
- Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills
- Intelligent Content and Semantics
- Sustainable Environment
- Emerging Technologies & Infrastructures
- Future Internet & Smart Cities
- eInfrastructures & Smart Grid
- Living Labs
- Cloud Computing
- Mobile Applications
- RFID & Networked Enterprise
- Security and Identity Management
More information is available at
We are now inviting extended abstracts (1,200 - 1,500 words) for technical papers, visionary papers, business and government case studies. Proposals to arrange 90 minute thematically focused workshop sessions are also welcome. Related themes and suggestions for papers and sessions are outlined in the Call for Papers
Call for Papers Important Deadlines
- Submission deadline for Extended Abstracts: 08 March 2013
- Acceptance decision: 05 April
- Submission of full paper: 30 April
The scientific programme for eChallenges e-2013 is based on an open Call for Papers and the conference language is English.
Papers should focus on a research or eAdoption topic on which a case study, initial or final results can be published. General project descriptions are not appropriate. All papers must highlight the level of innovation and actual or expected impact.
Extended abstracts should provide a good overview of your full paper and cover the following headings:
- Introduction - Issues to be addressed
- Objectives of your paper
- Methodology Used
- Technology or Business Case Description
- Conclusions and Summary Recommendations
Workshop proposals must also be registered by 08 March Each workshop proposal should be supported by a minimum of two papers per workshop session. Authors submit abstracts via Abstract Submission process, as these will be double blind peer reviewed by the IPC.
Campus Party Europe 2013 sees launch of FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab - September 2-6, 2013
Thomas Michael Bohnert, Head of Research Area Service Engineering, started a discussion on Linkedln on that topic inside the Future Internet Research group.
2 - 6 September 2013, London, United Kingdom
More details on the Campus Party Europe 2013 can be found here
Future Network & Mobile Summit 2013 (Lisbon, Portugal) - July 3-5, 2013

Future Network & Mobile Summit 2013
Future Network & MobileSummit 2013 takes place in Lisbon, Portugal, 03 - 05 July 2013. This is the twenty-second in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts delegates from industry and research to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, discuss business opportunities and identify opportunities for international research collaboration under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7). It will thus contribute to showcasing European research in the field, and position it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world.
In the context of convergence and innovation, the 22nd Future Network and MobileSummit will address the challenges of building the Future Internet Infrastructures, based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications technologies.
Calls for Papers and Workshop Proposals
- Workshop proposals should be submitted online by 31 January 2013
- Papers (up to 8 pages using Future Network and MobileSummit Template) submitted online by 08 February
- Feedback from Technical Programme Committee by 08 April
- Submission of Final Paper (using Future Network and MobileSummit Template) online by 26 April for editorial review and quality check
The electronic Call for Papers can be downloaded here.
Celebrating the 10th Future Internet Assembly (FIA) Conference - May 8-10, 2013
May 8-10th Dublin 2013
The Future Internet Assembly (FIA) is a research community driven initiative supported by more than 150 research projects that have recognised the need to strengthen European activities on the Future Internet to maintain European competitiveness in the global marketplace.
The community has established a successful and unique conference that brings together experts from several distinct, but interrelated areas in the EU Framework Programme 7. Importantly, the participants share scientific and technical results and discuss cross-domain research topics around the notion of creating new Future Internet technologies, applications, and services with a global perspective.
Who should attend FIA Dublin 2013?
The 10th Future Internet Assembly provides a unique insight into the technology areas that will be prioritised in the Horizon 2020 IST (Information Society Technologies) project.
The FIA Conference programme showcases the state of the art of European research in areas such as Internet of Things, Green ICT, Mobile games in the cloud, Next Generation Networks, Internet Security including insights in to the scientific and technological challenges, which need to be addressed in the Horizon 2020 programme; providing an invaluable insight for anyone considering participating in that programme.
In particular FIA 2013 is an ideal opportunity to engage with potential project partners. With this in mind, we have structured the conference to optimise opportunities for engagement and dialogue among participants. Attendees will also have the opportunity to interact with the commission framework staff and leading industry and academic players in the European Framework Programme throughout the formal workshops or during the social events and coffee breaks.
A further highlight of FIA Dublin 2013 proceedings will see the hosting of a Future Internet Public Private Partnership information day, on May 10th to launch the next phase of the research programme.
Registration: Further information: Further information on the conference programme and registration can be found at
Please Note: The FIA Dublin 2013 programme offers special rates for students.
Future Internet week (Dublin, Ireland) - May 8-10, 2013
Following the FIA Aalborg that took place in May 2012, the next major event for the European Future Internet Community is scheduled to take place in Dublin from 8-10 May 2013.
Past EC Events - Year 2012
Events organized by the European Commission that are not in relationship with the activities of the EULER project.
2nd European Gender Summit (Brussels, Belgium) - November 29-30, 2012

2nd Gender Summit 2012
The European Parliament will host the 2nd European Gender Summit 2012 on 29-30 November in Brussels. You can see the programme and speakers' details on The Summit brings together top-level science and policy leadership to discuss the latest gender research evidence and gender equality actions taken by leading science institutions, and to introduce consultation on the creation of a Joint Gender Quality Standard.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to align research, innovation and gender mainstreaming policy agendas to improve quality and effectiveness of the scientific endeavour at national and European levels at a time of important challenges facing society.
Speakers include: Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn and Deputy Director-General Dr Anneli Pauli (DG Research & Innovation), Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission Prof Anne Glover, Pro Rector Prof Curt Rice (University of Tromsø), Vice Rector Prof Simone Buitendijk (LERU - League of European Research Universities), Head of Research Prof Dr Thomas Illig (Helmholtz Centre Munich), Director of Integrative Activities Dr Wanda Ward (NSF - United States National Science Foundation), and Head of Quality Assurance and Programme Development Dr Ulrike Eickhoff (DFG - German Research Foundation).
Registration for the Summit is already open and offers excellent 'early bird' rates until the 7th of September.
ICT Proposers' Day 2012 (Warsaw, Poland) - September 26-27, 2012
The ICT Proposers' Day is a unique networking opportunity to build partnerships and projects targetting the new Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme for 2013.
Participants who wish to present their project idea at the event are invited to upload their presentation via the online networking platform on this website. Guidelines for presentations (length, submission deadline) vary between priorities. Check on those pages the draft agenda of the networking sessions.
The event will provide:
- first-hand information from the European Commission on the upcoming calls for proposals and the Work Programme 2013 of European ICT Research & Development, offering around 1.5 billion euro of EU funding
- an opportunity to present and discuss your project idea during one of the networking sessions on the programma
- an online networking platform for exchanging ideas and finding right partners to form project consortia
- a face2face brokerage event with pre-arranged meetings within the ICT Proposers' Day
- guidance on how to present a successful proposal
Online registration extended till 25 Sept. 12:00
due to extensive interest. Over 2100 participants have registered so far! Registration will be possible on-site unless maximum capacity is reached earlier.
To get the maxiumum out of your participation, check out the final programme and start networking online in advance of attending the event.
Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 (Berlin, Germany) - July 4-6, 2012

Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012
Future Network & MobileSummit 2012 is the twenty-first in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 500 delegates from industry, government and research to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, discuss business opportunities and identify opportunities for international research collaboration under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7). It will thus contribute to showcasing European research in the field, and position it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world.
Future Network & MobileSummit 2012 will address all the challenges of building the Future Internet Infrastructure, which will be based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications infrastructures. It showcases European research in the field, and positions it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world.
The Scientific Programme incorporates all the key constituents of Future Communication Networks including the themes Radio Access and Spectrum, Converged and Optical Networks, Future Internet Technologies and Integrated Space Communications.
Supported by the European Commission and Net!Works European Technology Platform, the Future Network & MobileSummit's reputation is based on high quality networking, high-level industry/policy plenary that discuss strategic issues for Future Networks, paper and workshop sessions that showcase original results in all areas of mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications systems and networks.
Future Network & MobileSummit 2012 is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Germany Section.
While European funded research results are of particular interest, innovative research funded commercially or at national level is equally interesting from a community perspective. The participation of representatives of leading commercial, research and regulatory organizations in the Conference Community ensures a stimulating and high quality networking environment.
Call for Papers
- Submission deadline for full papers: 09 December 2011
- Acceptance decision: 31 January 2012
- Final Paper Submission: 09 March 2012
The scientific programme for Future Network & MobileSummit 2012 is based on an open Call for Papers and the conference language is English.
Interested presenters are encouraged to prepare a paper up to 8 pages and submit online by 09 December.
All papers are double blind peer reviewed by the Technical Programme Committee. Please ensure that there are no contact details within the text of your paper submission for review (Word document or PDF), the properties of the file or the file name prior to uploading it onto the server. Please enter all authors and co-authors details as part of the online submission form. Please ensure that the paper uploaded by 09 December is your final version to be reviewed as all papers will be assigned to the TPC following the paper submission deadline.
Accepted papers will be presented orally in the scientific/technical tracks in the Programme. They may be grouped within the track into appropriate thematic Workshops. Papers not selected for oral presentation may be accepted for presentation in the Poster sessions. It is planned that papers accepted for oral presentation should be suitable for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. Best papers will be selected for publication in an IEEE journal.
Authors will receive feedback by 31 January. Accepted authors will then be invited to submit a final paper taking account of feedback provided for inclusion in the conference proceedings by 09 March.
The electronic Call for Papers can be downloaded from here .
Future Network Technologies Research and Innovation in HORIZON2020 - June 29, 2012

Future Network Technologies Research and Innovation
HORIZON2020 will be a seven-year programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) with an € 80 billion budget, implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness.
Future Network Technologies research in HORIZON2020 will primarily be addressed under the Industrial Leadership pillar. The Industrial Leadership pillar will aim at making Europe a more attractive location to invest in research and innovation, by promoting activities where businesses set the agenda. It will provide major investment in key industrial technologies, maximise the growth potential of European companies by providing them with adequate levels of finance and help innovative SMEs to grow into world-leading companies.
- Call to Action - May 15, 2012
We are seeking advice, comments and input on stakeholders’ specific areas of interest to address and help prioritise in a strategic manner the needs and challenges in network communications research in Europe in HORIZON2020. We call on researchers from industry and academia, providers, manufacturers, current and future users of networks communications, to act together for a shared, convincing and trusted common EU goal! Take this challenge with us and submit your contributions before 15 May 2012! You can upload it directly via this website, mentioning if you agree to have the content publicly available at a later stage, after the workshop takes place: Submit your stakeholder contribution here!.
- Open Workshop - June 29, 2012
The results of this consultation will be presented at an Open Workshop organised on 29 June 2012 in Brussels, where key contributions will be invited to make a presentation of their ideas for HORIZON2020 Future Networks Research.
1st International INFINITY Project Workshop (Thessaloniki, Greece) - June 1, 2012

INFINITY Project Workshop
The 1st international INFINITY Project Workshop will be held in conjunction with the 8th international Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities - TRIDENTCOM 2012, which will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, 11-13 of June 2012, with the aim of gathering and exchanging information on the existing research testbeds in Europe.
The INfrastructures for the Future Internet commuNITY project - INFINITY - aims at identifying, analyzing and cataloguing existing and emerging experimental infrastructures, with the objective of creating a new repository of FI infrastructure capabilities and capacities that facilitates the creation of an international community working together to deliver the Future Internet.
Infrastructure owners responding to this call have the chance of promoting their testbed facilities to the community of researchers, to exchange their experiences with other infrastructure owners and to be included in the upcoming INFINITY Project's infrastructure repository.
For further information on the workshop program, access to and usage of our online system, submission instructions for authors of papers and for pre-registering to the workshop please visit For any further questions, please contact the INFINITY workshop organizers at We are looking forward to your participation. For further information about TridentCom please contact the organizing committee at
- Important dates
Submission deadline extended: April 16, 2012Notification date extended: April 30, 2012Camera ready deadline extended: May 14, 2012Workshop date: June 11, 2012
Measurements and Measurement Tools (Aalborg, Denmark) - May 9, 2012
In the framework of the FI conference activities, EULER organises a FIRE thematic workshop entitled “Measurements and Meaurement Tools”. This workshop aims at presenting current developments on measurements and associated tools in research projects within the FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) initiative of the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7). Measurements and measurement tools will be key elements in the operation and management of future network infrastructures, at the equipment and network performance monitoring level but also in support of higher-level control functionality such as on-line analysis and diagnostic. These tools also play a fundamental role in measurement-based experimental research relying on the experimental evaluation and benchmarking of project outcomes including protocols, systems, etc., by means of reliable and verifiable tools.
This workshop consists of 11 talks from 10 different FIRE European projects and a final round talbe. Speakers will present their current needs and developments on measurements and associated tools in the context of experimental research. It is organised in four sessions:
- Session 1: Introduction and motivation of the workshop thematic.
- Session 2: Measurement and tools needs in FIRE.
- Session 3: Presentation of tools developed in FIRE.
- Session 4: Round table discussion (how to bridge the gap).
The expected outcomes of this workshop are:
- identify what can be performed/reached by means of cooperation between projects from a directory of tools accessible to the FIRE community at large up to the joint development of tools, under which conditions, etc.
- determine needs and document best practices in tools development for measurement-based experimental research.
The agenda is available here and presentation will be made available after the workshop.
Please follow the registration process available here:®step=start and select EULER workshop.
Additional information
- Newsletter Δ
- Leaflet
- FIREstation web.
EU-Brazil Cooperaton on ICT R&D (Aalborg, Denmark) - May 9, 2012

Future Internet week in Aalborg
The next FI week will take place between 7 and 11 May 2012 in Aalborg Denmark. Registration will open on March 1st.
In the context of the Future Internet Week in Aalborg, we are organizing next 9 May a workshop on EU-Brazil Cooperation on ICT R&D with a view towards preparing the second Joint Call later in the year.
This workshop will involve experts from ICT research areas who have a strong potential for future cooperation and therefore might be interested in a new EU-Brazil coordinated call in the ICT field. This call includes topics in the area of cloud computing for science; sustainable technologies, services and applications for a smarter society and for large events, including experimental infrastructures and open services platforms, not forgetting the social dimension. Hybrid broadcast-broadband TV applications and services will also be addressed.
After the introduction of the call topics and of the rules for EU-Brazil cooperation under the ICT coordinated call, there will be presentations from related running projects and short presentations ("Elevator Pitches") where experts and organizations will present their ideas, indicating their needs for future collaboration. They may also offer their expertise for potential future international consortium partnerships. Finally, this event opportunity will support the networking between experts and organizations from EU and Brazil as well as it will stimulate the international ICT cooperation for the next coordinated call.
If interested in making a short (5-7 minutes) presentation (Elevator Piches) please contact Jorge Pereira me before 1st May 2012, with the title of the proposed presentation, speaker name and contact details.
Tentative agenda available here.
Future Internet week (Aalborg, Denmark) - May 7-11, 2012

Future Internet week in Aalborg
The next FI week will take place between 7 and 11 May 2012 in Aalborg Denmark. Registration will open on March 1st.
The next FIA will take place on 10 and 11 May 2012 in Aalborg Denmark. FIA is a community event where you can meet other researchers in the area of Future Internet (including networking, security, software, things, media and experimentation). FIA is THE place for fundamental discussions supported by working groups, such as the architecture of the Future Internet or a roadmap for research in Horizon 2020 (the new name for FP8). But there is also place for one-off discussions around recent trends that when properly understood by projects will make their results more competitive and more ready for commercial exploitation. Think for instance about HTML5 and mobile computing using tablets. Does your project already understand what these cool technologies can bring?
The theme of FIA Aalborg will be "Smart cities and Internet of Things". Topics related to this theme are encouraged, but other topics are welcome as well. As always, we mostly welcome workshops that are relevant for multiple domains; suggesting a workshop with somebody from another domain might be a good start.
Call for Ideas
- Submission: 02 December 2011
The FIA Steering Committee will select from these topics a balanced programme. First results will be known around 15 December.
So, in line with “Smart cities and Internet of Things”, be street smart, do your thing, and send us your suggestions...
Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (Brussels, Belgium)
Internet bring us? An economic analysis of the European Internet industry and the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP). Come, listen and see the study outcomes!
Open Workshop in Brussels on 3 May 2012, 11:oo – 16:oo
Final workshop of the study "The economic and societal impact future Internet technologies, services and application will enable in Europe and elsewhere - A quantitative study 2015-2020"
Programme, abstract and details:

Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
Open Information Day in Aalborg on 9 May 2012 13:oo – 18:3o
The upcoming open information day for call 2 (i.e. phase 2) of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) aims to provide all information potential proposers need to prepare a proposal for the call 2. Phase 1 of the FI-PPP is ongoing today and consists of a set of projects which prepare the architectural ground work for the large scale trials called for in phase 2 (i.e. call 2). Don't miss this opportunity to join the FI-PPP!
Programme, abstract and details:
Tune into the Future Internet PPP Call 2 Information Day!

Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
FI-WARE Open Call for additional project partners - April 25, 2012
The FP7 project FI-WARE, part of the Future Internet Public Private Partnership, announces its first Open Call for new project partners.
FI-WARE will deliver a novel service infrastructure, building upon elements (called Generic Enablers) which offer reusable and commonly shared functions making it easier to develop Future Internet Applications in multiple sectors. This infrastructure will bring significant and quantifiable improvements in the performance, reliability and production costs linked to Internet Applications – building a true foundation for the Future Internet. The project will develop Open Specifications of these Generic Enablers, together with a reference implementation of them available for testing. This way, it is aimed to develop working specifications that influence Future Internet standards.

FI-WARE Open Call
Three Open Calls have been finally planned with a total grant devoted to all of them of 12.3 M€. This first Open Call asks for organizations that can contribute or develop the Generic Enablers related to middleware and business models. Total funding available for new partners is up to 2 Million Euro. The planned schedule associated to the first Open Call is
- Deadline for proposal submission: 25th April 2012
- Proposal evaluation: 26th April 2012 - 9th May 2012
- Delivery of Consensus View Report from the experts to all proposers: 16th May 2012
- Negotiation: Mid May 2012 - Mid June 2012
- Acceptance by FI-WARE Consortium: Mid June 2012
For further information, please refer to or email
Publication of the second Open Call is scheduled in April 2012.
Past EC Events - Year 2011
4th European Conference ServiceWave 2011 - October 26-28, 2011

4th European Conference ServiceWave 2011
ServiceWave 2011 Conference, the premier European forum for practitioners, academics and public administration to set the research agenda towards a Future Converged Internet, will take place from Wednesday the 26th till Friday the 28th of October 2011 in Poznan, Poland, in co-location with the Future Internet Assembly, FIRE and many other events being part of the Future Internet week.
Highlights of the ServiceWave 2011programme include:
- Conference Opening: The conference will be opened by talk by Rainer Zimmermann about the European Commission's view on the Future Internet and industrial keynotes by Reinhold Achatz from Siemens and Duygu Öktem from Turk Telekom.
- Scientific Programme: Novel ideas and research results of 26 papers will be presented in 9 sessions around the topics Business Services, Cloud Computing, Security, Privacy and Trust and Service Engineering Fundamentals.
- Invited FI-PPP Talks: In this dedicated session about the FI-PPP, three use case projects (ENVIROFI, Finest, FINSENY) will present their most recent results.
- Joint FIA/FIRE/ServiceWave Demonstration evening: The joint demonstration evening on the 26th of October will be a continuation of ServiceWave’s popular evening event in which 14 selected demonstrations will showcase tool support and automation on specific Future Internet aspects originating from different application domains.
- Scientific Workshops: ServiceWave 2011 will also host the following 4 scientific workshops fostering the discussion on emerging issues and relevant aspects of the Future Internet: EDBPM, OCS, NESSOS and WAS4FI.
- Gala Dinner at the Archaeological Museum of Poznan
Future Internet Assembly (FIA Poznan) - October 24-28, 2011

Future Internet week in Poznan
In connection with the Polish Presidency in the EU Council in the second half of 2011, the "Future Internet Week" Conference will be held in Poznan, Poland from 24-28 October 2011 in the Lecture - Conference Centre of Poznan University of Technology.
Many Future Internet events will take place during the Future Internet Week in Poznan, Poland from 24-28 October.
- 24 October: Future Internet Conference will develop recommendations for the integration of future internet with regional development through so-called "smart specialisations",
- 25-26 October: The 8th Future Internet Assembly with a key note speech of Prof. Boleslaw Szymanski: Internet-enabled Social Transformation: Social Networks, Crowd-Sourcing and Opinion Formation and 12 FIA Workshops addressing cross cutting research topics
- 26-28 October: ServiceWave, with a scientific programme, invited FI-PPP talks and scientific workshops
- 26-27 October: FIRE Conference and FIRE Call 8, see separate announcement in this newsletter,
- 26 October: Joint ServiceWave/FIA/FIRE Demonstration evening: The joint demonstration evening will be a continuation of ServiceWave’s popular evening event in which 14 selected demonstrations will showcase tool support and automation on specific Future Internet aspects originating from different application domains,
- 26-27 October: Internet of Things Conference and research cluster workshop,
- 26 October: Future Internet Proposers' Day,
- 27 October: Future Internet Cluster Workshop,
- 27 October: Future Internet Socio-Economics Workshop,
- 27-28 October: ICT Finance Market Place, a one-day coaching event where experienced coaches from relevant industry areas will help innovative SME's operating in the ICT Sector to develop their pitching skills towards potential investors.
Registration is now open! Click here!
Future Internet (FI) Week - old information - October 24-28, 2011
The "Future Internet Week" Conference in Poznan (October 24-28, 2011) includes a series of events and meetings: Future Internet Poland, Coordination of the European FIF of Member States, Internet of Things, European Network of Living Labs, FIRE Conference/FIRE Event, Future Internet Poland, Coordination of the European FIF of Member States, Future Internet Assembly, Internet of Things, European Network of Living Labs, ICT Committee, Service Wave, FI Socio Economics (FISE) Working Group, ICT Clusters Forum, FI Cluster Meeting, Enterprise Europe Network, ICT Finance Marketplace, FP ICT Contact Point Meeting, FI Proposers' Day and a number of other side events. Thanks to this conference, Poland will become the centre of Future Internet, presenting innovative solutions and boosting international and intersectoral collaboration.
More details available at
4th European Conference ServiceWave 2011 - old information - October 26-28, 2011
The ServiceWave 2011 Conference series is the premier European forum for practitioners, researchers, and educators to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns and to set the agenda for research on the Future Converged Internet of Content (IoC), Services (IoS), Things (IoT) and related underlying network technologies. ServiceWave fosters cross-community excellence by bringing together industrial and academic experts from various disciplines. ServiceWave 2011 will be held in Poznan, Poland.
Call for Paper
- Paper submission May 16, 2011
- Paper acceptance notifications July 1, 2011
- Camera-ready copy submission August 1, 2011
Call for Demonstrations
- Paper and video submission June 3, 2011
- Paper acceptance notifications July 1, 2011
- Camera-ready copy submission August 1, 2011
More details available at
Information Day on Call8 of FP7 Objective ICT-2011.1.2 - September 27, 2011
This one day event is a unique opportunity to understand the Objective 1.2 (Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering) Call 8 of the FP7-ICT Work Programme as well as to build quality partnerships. The Information Day will be the perfect platform for you to meet researchers with similar or complementary research interest to form consortia for project proposals. You will also receive information about the scope of Objective 1.2 and the procedure for preparing a proposal from Commission officials.
To profit from the on-line networking opportunities, simply create your profile and submit, browse through proposal presentations, technology requests and offers, and comments left by other proposers.
Registration for the event is open free of charge! Feel like visiting the on-line networking features available on the Information Day website
PARADISO Event - September 7-9, 2011
PARADISO explores how the full benefits and potential of the Internet can be enjoyed by tomorrow’s societies, in order to contribute to a better world. It is important that today’s children, who will be the main users of the Internet of the future, should be able to make their voices heard.
- Call for contributions - Jun. 30 2011. They can do exactly that through PARADISO’s drawing contest, which invites young people to draw or paint how they see the Internet affecting their lives in the future. The contest (closing date: June 30, 2011) is open to primary/elementary schools from Europe and other regions of the world. It is expected that teachers will play a leading role, facilitating collaborative working so that one entry per class is sent.
- PARADISO Event in Brussels - September 7-9, 2011. The winning entries will be announced at PARADISO’s international conference at the European Commission in Brussels from September 7 to 9, 2011. They will be displayed on the PARADISO and European Commission websites and also in the form of large posters at the entrance to the conference venue. For detailed information on how to participate, please download the contest flyer in English. Also French, German, Italian and Spanish versions of the flyer are available here. For any further information, contact
European Future Internet Initiative: 3rd Usage Areas Workshop - June 28-29, 2011
This workshop aims to cultivate a common discussion between the stakeholders from all sectors using, and planning to use, the services and facilities of Future Internet (FI) to build an extended FI community and to foster a holistic cross sector approach to accelerating the Future Internet in Europe. The workshop will enable a detailed discussion on the Usage Areas requirements and in particular how they can be part of the bigger picture of Future Internet evolution in Europe. A specific ambition will be to identify how additional usage areas may share and benefit from the approach of the FI-PPP while working under complementary programmes. Another ambition is to promote an ongoing discussion about the priorities and the activities in the community not yet involved in the PPP and how to organise this. As space at this event is limited early registration is recommended. All registrations will be accepted until we reach the capacity of the venue and then the registration page will be closed.
Venue: Husa President Hotel, Blvd du Roi Albert II, Brussels, Belgium
Draft agenda .
3rd Annual Internet of Things Europe 2011 - June 28-29, 2011
Now in its third year, the Internet of Things Europe Conference, run with the support of the European Commission, will bring together top level speakers from industry, EU institutions, governments and academia to engage in an interactive debate on the current and future trends relating to the Internet of Things. This event will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange views and experiences on how the Internet of Things will re-shape real-life applications and services, exploring the major trend towards M2M and the merging of the online and offline worlds, and discussing the challenges ahead.
This 3rd edition will be held at the Management Centre Europe in Brussels, Belgium. More details available at
FUNEMS2011: Future Network & MobileSummit 2011 - June 15-17, 2011
Future Network and MobileSummit 2011 takes place in Warsaw, Poland. This is the twentieth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 500 delegates from industry and research to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, discuss business opportunities and identify opportunities for international research collaboration under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7). It will thus contribute to showcasing European research in the field, and position it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world. More details are available at: Future Network Summit.
Fifth Future Internet Cluster Topic - June 14 2011
Since March 2010, the European Commission and the FP7 Network of Excellence “Euro- NF” have organised three Future Internet Cluster Workshops (FICWs) on specific topics with a broad potential impact for Europe, ranging from Future Network Architectures (First FICW) via mobility and security (Second FICW) to socio-economic aspects of Future Internet (Third FICW).
- Fifth FICW: 2nd Topic Workshop on Future Network Architectures. Tuesday June 14, 2011 - Warsaw, Poland (collated with FNMobile Summit).
- Call for contributions (Mar. 30 2011). More details are available at: CfP . Date of close of the call March 30th, 2011.
2nd European Summit on the Future Internet - June 6-7 2011
The 2nd European Summit on the Future Internet, taking place in Luxembourg, will be held on the 6-7th June 2011 and will provide a natural forum for the presentation and discussion of the issues, trends and actions confronting the future of the Internet. Particular emphasis will be given to presenting the first set of successful projects from the Future Internet PPP call. The summit will be followed by two workshops taking place on the 7th June. These will focus on two of the most pressing matters 1) The end of IPv4 and the birth of IPv6 and 2) e-Government and the Future Internet – problems, approaches and actions.
- Call for Participation (June 6-7 2011)
- EU Summit FI Web Site: Future Internet Summit.
** Free Registration:
** Please note: Limited attendance, First Come, First Served !
- EU Summit FI Web Site: Future Internet Summit.
- Call for contributions (Apr. 15 2011):
- Call for contributions details are available at: Future Internet Summit
Green paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding (May 20 2011)
On 9th February 2011, the European Commission presented a Green Paper which proposes major changes to EU research and innovation funding to make participation easier, increase scientific and economic impact and provide better value for money.
Future Internet Week (Budapest) - May 16-19, 2011
Next FI Week will take place in Budapest, Hungary. For more information please see: It includes FIRE concentration day, Future Internet Assembly and Future Internet Forum.
- Help shape the next FIA event in Budapest. There is an open invitation to propose and vote for topics before 23 January. Please go to: and participate.
- ICT Proposers' Day 2011 is dedicated to networking and promoting research & development in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. The event will provide academia and business sectors, SMEs and government actors from all over Europe a platform for building partnerships and exchange ideas for participating in upcoming calls for proposals offering more than one billion € of EU funding. About 2500 participants are expected to attend. Please go to:
- Minutes of the Future Internet Assembly. The Future Internet Assembly was held in the frame of the Future Internet Week in Budapest, Hungary from 17-19 May 2011. The FIA Budapest report is available for download. More information is available at link or directly via pdf .
FIRE Research Workshop - May 16, 2011
The first FIRE Research Workshop -organized during the FI Week Conference (Budapest) - will be a full day workshop starting at 9:00 CET and finishing at 17:00. The focus of the FIRE research workshop will be on the experimentally driven research dimension of FIRE and in particular, to improve the visibility and the involvement of the experimental-driven FIRE projects as well as increase researcher attendance and their active participation to FIRE events and workshops.
This should lead to a scientific and technical discussion forum that will allow projects and researchers working on similar subjects to share and challenge their ideas and results with their peers. By offering this opportunity the workshop aims at increasing the incentives for researchers’ participation, without intending to replace or compete with established research conferences and workshops.
To implement the above ambition it is proposed to setup a small scale forum in the form of a workshop, which allows researchers to share and discuss their experimental research results and best practices by means of short, targeted and well scoped presentations. By structuring them by similar research topics or objectives (multi-media/content networking, wireless, self-adaptive/cognitive networks, routing system, etc.), researchers would be able to challenge, compare and contrast practices, methodologies, and in particular obtained results. More details are available here .
- Call for contribution. The FIRE research workshop expects your active contribution to form the agenda. Please visit and contribute to the development of the agenda. If you have any questions please contact us via
- Presentations. The presentations from the FIRE Research workshop in Budapest are now available at
Fourth Future Internet Cluster Topic - May 16, 2011
Since March 2010, the European Commission and the FP7 Network of Excellence “Euro- NF” have organised three Future Internet Cluster Workshops (FICWs) on specific topics with a broad potential impact for Europe, ranging from Future Network Architectures (First FICW) via mobility and security (Second FICW) to socio-economic aspects of Future Internet (Third FICW).
- Fourth FICW: ICT and sustainability. Monday May 16, 2011 – Budapest, Hungary (collocated with FIA).
- Call for contributions (Mar.30 2011). More details are available at: CfP . Date of close of the call March 30th, 2011.
Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) - May 8, 2011
The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is awarded for recent results in applied networking research that are relevant for transitioning into shipping Internet products and related standardization efforts. Researchers with relevant, recently published results are encouraged to apply for this prize, which will offer them the opportunity to present and discuss their work with the engineers, network operators, policy makers and scientists that participate in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and its research arm, the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). Third-party nominations for this prize are also encouraged.
The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) consists
- cash prize of $500 (USD) and travel grant to attend the week-long IETF meeting (airfare, hotel, registration, stipend)
- invited talk at the IRTF Open Meeting
- and recognition at the IETF plenary, invitation to related social activities, potential for additional travel grants to future IETF meetings, based on community feedback
Important Dates:
- Applications close: May 8, 2011
- Notifications: May 31, 2011
- IETF-81 Meeting: July 24-29, 2011
Applications are submitted by email to More details available here.
1st Future Internet Assembly Research Roadmap for Framework 8 - March 31, 2011)
The EU Coordination Action Effectsplus and the Future Internet Assembly (FIA) are developing a roadmap for research into all aspects of the Future Internet. As part of this effort they are organising an Open Day / workshop on 31st March 2011. The workshop will also include the opportunity to review contributions received to date as well as to hear new contributions to be presented at the workshop.
- Call for participation. Researchers working in the field of Future Internet are invited to contribute and present at the workshop, with the intention that they will shape the content and impact of the roadmap.
Date: Thursday 31st March, 10.00 AM to 4.00pm
Location: European Commission, Beaulieu 25, room 0/S1 , Brussels
For more information please see - Call for contributions (Mar.20 2011). As part of this effort they are organising an Open Day workshop on 31 March 2011 in Brussels. Researchers working in the field of Future Internet are invited to contribute short position papers, to be presented at the workshop, with the intention that they will shape the content and impact of the roadmap. The solicited contribution will present a good future vision, recognition of major changes in the use and application of technology, recognition of significant obstacles and challenges, and potential solutions. These contributions will be synthesised and published as part of the research roadmap. Contributors will present their ideas and discuss them at the Open Day in Brussels. Written contributions to the roadmap should be send by 20th March 2011. Instruction on how to structure the contributed input are available here .
- Call for contributions (Mar.20 2011). The Commission is seeking the views of all interested individuals and organisations on these proposed changes and on the specific questions set out in the Green Paper. The deadline for contributions is Friday 20 May 2011. The responses received will be analysed carefully be the Commission services. They will be used to design the proposals, to be presented by the Commission by the end of 2011, for a legislative decision of the Council and Parliament on the Common Strategic Framework. Please go to:
- Call for Exhibitors (Feb.28 2011). Projects are invited to apply for a demonstration stand in the Exhibition. More information is available at Exhibitors.
- Pre-Conference Events (Jun.14 2011). A number of pre-conference events will take place on Tuesday 14 June such as Proposers' Networking Day for FP7-ICT Call 8 & Celtic-Plus Call 2, Future Internet Cluster Workshop on Future Network Architectures, European Workshop on Broadband Femtocell Networks, Putting Mobile Services into Context, Technologies for LTE-Advanced: from Theory to Practice, Next Generation Converged Access Networks.