Public Deliverables (PU) are made available after approval by the European Commission
Del. No. | Deliverable title | WP no. | Lead | Nature | Level | Delivery date | ||
D5.1 | IT and Knowledge management tools | 5 | INRIA | R | PU | M03 | 466 | |
D4.1 | Performance objectives, evaluation criteria, and metrics | 4 | A-LBELL | R | PU | M06 | 533 | |
Rep. | First Year Project Report (Year 1) | 1 | A-LBELL | R | CO | M12 | 8 | |
D2.1 | Routing system architecture | 2 | A-LBELL | R | PU | M12 | 570 | |
D3.1 | Graph-based topology modelling | 3 | CTI | R | PU | M12 (v1.0) M18 (v2.0) | 581 | |
D3.2 | Measurement-based topology modelling | 3 | UCL | R | PU | M12 | 563 | |
D5.2 | Dissemination Plans | 5 | UPC | R | CO | M12 | 37 | |
D4.2 | Experimental methodology, scenarios, and tools | 4 | UPMC | R | PU | M15 | 433 | |
D4.3 | Experimental tools | 4 | INRIA | P | PU | M15 | web | -- |
D3.3 | Graph analysis/mining | 3 | INRIA | R | PU | M18 (M24) | 0 | |
D3.4 | Measurement data analysis/mining | 3 | UPMC | R | PU | M18 (v1.1rev) | 495 | |
Rep. | Second Year Project Report (Year 2) | 1 | A-LBELL | R | CO | M24 | 8 | |
D2.2 | Routing scheme design and specification | 2 | A-LBELL | R | PU | M24 | 715 | |
D5.3 | Dissemination Intermediate report | 5 | UPC | R | CO | M24 (v1.0) M24 (v1.1) M33 (v1.2) | 39 | |
D4.6 (former D3.5) | Experimental analysis of routing schemes performance | 4 | A-LBELL | R | PU | M39 | 417 | |
D2.4 (former D3.6) | Experimental analysis of routing schemes against policy dynamics | 2 | CTI | R | PU | M39 | 17 | |
D4.4 | Routing scheme(s) protocol components emulation/prototyping | 4 | iMinds | P | PU | M39 | 8 | |
D4.5 | Experimental evaluation of the routing scheme(s) protocol components | 4 | iMinds | R | PU | M39 | 7 | |
Rep. | Third Year Project Report (Year 3) | 1 | A-LBELL | R | CO | Oct.2013 | 2 | |
D2.3 | Consolidated routing scheme design and low-level specification | 2 | A-LBELL | R | PU | M42 | 0 | |
D5.4 | Dissemination Final report | 5 | UPC | R | CO | M42 | 0 | |
D5.5 | Exploitation Plans | 5 | A-LBELL | R | CO | M45 | 0 | |
Rep. | Fourth Year Project Report | 1 | A-LBELL | R | CO | Jun.2014 | 0 | |
Rep. | Final Project Report | 1 | A-LBELL | R | CO | Jun.2014 | 0 |
Deliverable numbers in order of delivery dates Numbering uses the following convention: <WP number> . <Deliverable number within that WP> Nature of the deliverable using one of the following codes: R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other Dissemination level using one of the following codes: PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Month in which the deliverables will be available. Month 1 marking the start date of the project.