In file triangulation/TriangulationTriangle3D.h:

class TriangulationTriangle3D : public TriangulationTriangle

a triangle of a 3D triangulation


Public Methods

TriangulationTriangle3D* getNeighbor (unsigned int i) const
returns one of its 3D triangle neighbor from its index
TriangulationVertex3D* getVertex (unsigned int i) const
returns a 3D triangle vertex from its index
TriangulationZone3D* getZone (void) const
returns the 3Dzone associated with that triangle
Vec3 getNormal () const
return the current normal orientation
void setTextureCoordinate (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value)
set textCoord j for vertex i;
double getTextureCoordinate (int i, int j)
get textCoord j for vertex i;
double getArea () const
returns the current triangle area
void computeNormal ()
compute the triangle normal and store it in normal
std::list <TriangulationLandmark *> ::iterator firstLandmark ()
the first landmark attached to the triangle
std::list <TriangulationLandmark *> ::iterator lastLandmark ()
the last landmark attached to the triangle
void addLandmark ( TriangulationLandmark *l)
add a landmark attached to the triangle
Triangulation3D* getTriangulation () const
returns the 3D triangulation the triangle belongs to


TriangulationTriangle3D (Triangulation *mesh, bool empty=false, TriangulationTriangle *n0 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *n1 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *n2 = 0, TriangulationVertex *v0 = 0, TriangulationVertex *v1 = 0, TriangulationVertex *v2 = 0, TriangulationEdge *e0 = 0, TriangulationEdge *e1 = 0, TriangulationEdge *e2 = 0, TriangulationZone *z=0)
virtual ~TriangulationTriangle3D ()
empty destructor

Protected Fields

Vec3 normal
triangle normal
double textCoord [3][4]
the texture coordinates of the three vertices
std::list <TriangulationLandmark *> landmarkList
the list of landmark

Inherited from TriangulationTriangle:

Public Methods

void setNeighboringTriangle(int i, TriangulationTriangle *t)
void setEdge(int i, TriangulationEdge *e)
void setVertex(int i, TriangulationVertex *v)
void setWhichNeighbor(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
void setWhichNeighbor(void)
int getRef(void) const
int getWhichNeighbor(int i) const
int getWhichNeighbor(const TriangulationTriangle *v) const
int neighborIndex(const TriangulationTriangle *v) const
bool isReal() const
void setReal()
void setVirtual()
void zoneRemoved(TriangulationZone *z)
void setZone(TriangulationZone *z)
TriangulationEdge* getEdge(unsigned int i) const
void swapNeighbors(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)

Protected Fields

TriangulationTriangle* neighbor[3]
TriangulationVertex* vertex[3]
TriangulationEdge* edge[3]
bool empty
unsigned int whichNeighbor[3]
int ref
Triangulation* triangulation
TriangulationZone* zone
VertexContour* vertexContour
SM2VertexTopology* vertexWindow
std::vector * neighborhood
unsigned int neighborhoodSize


a triangle of a 3D triangulation
Vec3 normal
triangle normal

double textCoord[3][4]
the texture coordinates of the three vertices

std::list <TriangulationLandmark *> landmarkList
the list of landmark


TriangulationTriangle3D(Triangulation *mesh, bool empty=false, TriangulationTriangle *n0 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *n1 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *n2 = 0, TriangulationVertex *v0 = 0, TriangulationVertex *v1 = 0, TriangulationVertex *v2 = 0, TriangulationEdge *e0 = 0, TriangulationEdge *e1 = 0, TriangulationEdge *e2 = 0, TriangulationZone *z=0)
mesh - the triangulation where the triangle is inserted
empty - if the triangle is real or virtual
n0 - first triangle neighbor,
n1 - second triangle neighbor,
n2 - third triangle neighbor,
v0 - first vertex,
v1 - second vertex,
v2 - third vertex,
e0 - first edge,
e1 - second edge,
e2 - third edge,
z - zone the triangle belongs


virtual ~TriangulationTriangle3D()
empty destructor

TriangulationTriangle3D* getNeighbor(unsigned int i) const
returns one of its 3D triangle neighbor from its index
i - neighbor number (0, 1 or 2)

TriangulationVertex3D* getVertex(unsigned int i) const
returns a 3D triangle vertex from its index
i - vertex index (0, 1 or 2)

TriangulationZone3D* getZone(void) const
returns the 3Dzone associated with that triangle

Vec3 getNormal() const
return the current normal orientation

void setTextureCoordinate(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value)
set textCoord j for vertex i;

double getTextureCoordinate(int i, int j)
get textCoord j for vertex i;

double getArea() const
returns the current triangle area

void computeNormal()
compute the triangle normal and store it in normal

std::list <TriangulationLandmark *> ::iterator firstLandmark()
the first landmark attached to the triangle

std::list <TriangulationLandmark *> ::iterator lastLandmark()
the last landmark attached to the triangle

void addLandmark( TriangulationLandmark *l)
add a landmark attached to the triangle

Triangulation3D* getTriangulation() const
returns the 3D triangulation the triangle belongs to

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling