In file triangulation/TriangulationEdge.h:

class TriangulationEdge : public ListElement<TriangulationEdge>

triangulation edge topology


Public Classes

enum IntersectionStatus
enum for labeling each edge when computing its intersection with a plane

Public Methods

void setVertex (int i, TriangulationVertex *v)
set ith vertex neighbor
void setTriangle (int i, TriangulationTriangle *t)
set ith triangle neighbor
TriangulationVertex* getVertex (unsigned int i) const
returns edge vertex
bool isReal () const
whether the edge is real or virtual
void setReal ()
set the edge as real
void setVirtual ()
set the edge as virtual
TriangulationVertex* getOtherVertex (const TriangulationVertex *v) const
returns the opposite vertex of an edge
TriangulationTriangle* getTriangle (unsigned int i) const
returns edge triangle
int getRef (void) const
returns edge reference
EdgeContour* getEdgeContour () const
return the contour edge associated with a given triangulation edge
virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeRemoval (void)
Edge removal transformation
virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSplit (TriangulationEdge *e1)
Edge split transformation
virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSwap (void)
Edge swap transformation


TriangulationEdge (Triangulation *triangulation, TriangulationVertex *v1, TriangulationVertex *v2, TriangulationTriangle *t1 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *t2 = 0, bool empty=false)
virtual ~TriangulationEdge ()
removes edge from edge list

Protected Fields

bool empty
if the edge is empty or not
unsigned short label
label that is used to computed plane intersection
TriangulationVertex* vertex [2]
edge 2 extremities
TriangulationTriangle* triangle [2]
edge 2 triangles triangle[0] is oriented from vertex[0] to vertex[1] triangle[1] is oriented from vertex[1] to vertex[0]
Triangulation* triangulation
triangulation this edge belongs to
EdgeContour* edgeContour
the contour edge associated with this contour
int ref
edge unique reference

Protected Methods

void changeOrientation ()
change the orientation of the edge


triangulation edge topology
enum IntersectionStatus
enum for labeling each edge when computing its intersection with a plane

bool empty
if the edge is empty or not

unsigned short label
label that is used to computed plane intersection

TriangulationVertex* vertex[2]
edge 2 extremities

TriangulationTriangle* triangle[2]
edge 2 triangles triangle[0] is oriented from vertex[0] to vertex[1] triangle[1] is oriented from vertex[1] to vertex[0]

Triangulation* triangulation
triangulation this edge belongs to

EdgeContour* edgeContour
the contour edge associated with this contour

int ref
edge unique reference

void changeOrientation()
change the orientation of the edge


TriangulationEdge(Triangulation *triangulation, TriangulationVertex *v1, TriangulationVertex *v2, TriangulationTriangle *t1 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *t2 = 0, bool empty=false)
triangulation - edge mesh
empty - if the edge is real or virtual
v1 - first edge vertex
v2 - second edge vertex
t1 - first edge triangle
t2 - second edge triangle


virtual ~TriangulationEdge()
removes edge from edge list

void setVertex(int i, TriangulationVertex *v)
set ith vertex neighbor

void setTriangle(int i, TriangulationTriangle *t)
set ith triangle neighbor

TriangulationVertex* getVertex(unsigned int i) const
returns edge vertex
i - vertex index (0 or 1)

bool isReal() const
whether the edge is real or virtual

void setReal()
set the edge as real

void setVirtual()
set the edge as virtual

TriangulationVertex* getOtherVertex(const TriangulationVertex *v) const
returns the opposite vertex of an edge
the vertex opposite to v
v - vertex of an edge

TriangulationTriangle* getTriangle(unsigned int i) const
returns edge triangle
i - triangle index (0 or 1)

int getRef(void) const
returns edge reference

EdgeContour* getEdgeContour() const
return the contour edge associated with a given triangulation edge

virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeRemoval(void)
Edge removal transformation

virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSplit(TriangulationEdge *e1)
Edge split transformation

virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSwap(void)
Edge swap transformation

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling