In file inrimage/TclInrimageView.h:

namespace yav class TclInrimageView : public TclSceneObject

InrimageView interface


Public Classes

different DISPLAY_MODE for vectorial image only
we draw the vectorial image and the vectors
we draw only the vectorial image
we draw only the vectors
different LONG_MAX_MODE to compute the length of the vectors
in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is 2 * max ( voxel_length, voxel_width )
in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is max ( voxel_length, voxel_width )
in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is 2 * min ( voxel_length, voxel_width )
in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is min ( voxel_length, voxel_width )
different NORM_MODE to compute the norm of the vectors
the norm is proportionnal with the real norm

the norm is limited with the max length depending of the LONG_MAX_MODE
it avoids vectors to cross each other

Public Fields

DISPLAY_MODE displayMode
displayMode for vectorial image only (default value = WITHOUT_VECTOR)
longMaxMode controls the over-crossing of the vectors
NORM_MODE normMode
normMode controls the way to compute the norm of the vector
unsigned int under_sample_x
undersample coefficients to display the field of vectors
unsigned int vector_width
vector_width controls the appearance of the vectors
float vector_scale
vector_scale controls a general scale of the vectors
float alpha
coeff pour regler le rapport de norme dans le cas exponentiel
double col_min
seuils pour la couleur en fonction de la norme2D
bool withArrow
if we want to draw the end of the arrow or not

Public Methods

unsigned int getRef (void) const
raise ambigous getRef() function call
static const char* getTCLObjectName (void)
returns object id by command line arguments
void init (const char *install, const char *uninstall)
constructors common code
virtual ~TclInrimageView ()
destroys client and interface
InrimageView* getClient () const
returns client
static int list (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
raise ambigous list() function call
TclInrimageBackground* getInrimageBackground (SliceCamera *cam) const
returns the tcl inrimage background interface attached to a given slicecam
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
TCL object creation function
int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy TCL option
int sceneCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-scene TCL option
int GLScaleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-GLScale TCL option
int backgroundCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-background TCL option
int inrimageCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-inrimage TCL option
int displayModeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-displayMode TCL option
int longMaxModeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-longMaxMode TCL option
int normModeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-normMode TCL option
int vectorScaleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vectorScale TCL option
int colorScaleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vectorScale TCL option
int arrowCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-arrow TCL option


TclInrimageView (TclModule *m, TclInrimage *inr, TclScene2D *scene, bool _createGLScale=true)
builds object client from an inrimage then this interface
TclInrimageView (TclScene2D *scene, const std::type_info& id, InrimageView *inrview, const char *install=0, const char *uninstall=0)
builds interface for an existing client

returns the tcl inrimage interface attached to this object


InrimageView interface
different DISPLAY_MODE for vectorial image only

we draw the vectorial image and the vectors

we draw only the vectorial image

we draw only the vectors

different LONG_MAX_MODE to compute the length of the vectors

in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is 2 * max ( voxel_length, voxel_width )

in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is max ( voxel_length, voxel_width )

in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is 2 * min ( voxel_length, voxel_width )

in case of EXPONENTIAL MODE, max length is min ( voxel_length, voxel_width )

different NORM_MODE to compute the norm of the vectors

the norm is proportionnal with the real norm

the norm is limited with the max length depending of the LONG_MAX_MODE

it avoids vectors to cross each other

DISPLAY_MODE displayMode
displayMode for vectorial image only (default value = WITHOUT_VECTOR)

longMaxMode controls the over-crossing of the vectors

NORM_MODE normMode
normMode controls the way to compute the norm of the vector

unsigned int under_sample_x
undersample coefficients to display the field of vectors

unsigned int vector_width
vector_width controls the appearance of the vectors

float vector_scale
vector_scale controls a general scale of the vectors

float alpha
coeff pour regler le rapport de norme dans le cas exponentiel

double col_min
seuils pour la couleur en fonction de la norme2D

bool withArrow
if we want to draw the end of the arrow or not

unsigned int getRef(void) const
raise ambigous getRef() function call

static const char* getTCLObjectName(void)
returns object id by command line arguments


TclInrimageView(TclModule *m, TclInrimage *inr, TclScene2D *scene, bool _createGLScale=true)
builds object client from an inrimage then this interface
m - module this object is built in
inr - displayed inrimage
scene - scene to build client in
_createGLScale - boolean indicating if we should create GLScales associated with each background

TclInrimageView(TclScene2D *scene, const std::type_info& id, InrimageView *inrview, const char *install=0, const char *uninstall=0)
builds interface for an existing client
scene - client scene
id - object dynamic type
inrview - client
install - menu installation TCL command name
uninstall - menu uninstallation TCL command name

void init(const char *install, const char *uninstall)
constructors common code

virtual ~TclInrimageView()
destroys client and interface

InrimageView* getClient() const
returns client

static int list(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
raise ambigous list() function call

returns the tcl inrimage interface attached to this object

TclInrimageBackground* getInrimageBackground(SliceCamera *cam) const
returns the tcl inrimage background interface attached to a given slicecam

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
TCL object creation function

int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy TCL option

int sceneCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-scene TCL option

int GLScaleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-GLScale TCL option

int backgroundCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-background TCL option

int inrimageCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-inrimage TCL option

int displayModeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-displayMode TCL option

int longMaxModeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-longMaxMode TCL option

int normModeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-normMode TCL option

int vectorScaleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vectorScale TCL option

int colorScaleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vectorScale TCL option

int arrowCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-arrow TCL option

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling