In file inrimage/TclInrimage.h:

namespace yav class TclInrimage : public TclObject, public Owner<Inrimage>

Tcl interface for any inrimage


Public Classes

crop command enum
initialize new box for cropping
cancel: delete crop box
done crop along crop box

Public Methods

Inrimage* getClient (void) const
returns TclObject client
unsigned int getX (void) const
return image X dimension
unsigned int getY (void) const
return image Y dimension
unsigned int getZ (void) const
return image Z dimension
double getVX (void) const
return image X voxel size
double getVY (void) const
return image Y voxel size
double getVZ (void) const
return image Z voxel size
Inrimage::WORD_TYPE getType (void) const
return image words type
unsigned int getVdim (void) const
return image vectorial dimension
unsigned int getWdim (void) const
get image words size (in bytes)
void* getData (void) const
return image data buffer
void*** getArray (void) const
returns pointer a 3D buffer for a scalar image or interleaved vectorial image
void**** getVarray (void) const
returns a 4D buffer for a vectorial non-interleaved image
unsigned int getWordSize () const
get image word size
WORD_KIND getWordKind () const
get word kind
SIGN getWordSign () const
get word sign
VECTORIAL_MODE getVectorialMode () const
void redraw (void) const
refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed
void resizeAndRedraw (void) const
refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed resize the viewer to the image size
void resizeVoxelsAndRedraw (void) const
refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed resize the viewer to the image voxel size
void rescaleGLAndRedraw (void) const
reset GL bounds to inrimage min and max refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed
void changeAndRedraw (void)
redraw new inrimage in any viewer it is displayed
void save (const TclString& newname)
saves image as
void save (void) const
saves image using name
static Inrimage::WORD_TYPE typeFromString (char *)
returns the inrimage type corresponding to given string
static char* typeToString (Inrimage::WORD_TYPE)
returns a static string corresponding to given type
static yav::CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivityFromString (char *str)
returns the connectivity type corresponding to given string
static int load (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
loadImage command callback
static TclInrimage* load (const TclString& name, TclModule *m, bool interlace = true, bool fileinterlace = true)
loads an inrimage, catch exceptions and returns an error message in module result string if an error occured
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
createInrimage command callback
static int view (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
view command callback
static TclInrimage* getInterface (Inrimage *inr)
get TclInrimage from image pointer
virtual void dying (const ObjectPointer < Inrimage > &g)
die on inrimage deletion
static void read (const TclString &filename, Scene2D *scn)
file scene read method
int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy command option
int nameCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-name command option
int sizeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-size command option
int saveCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-save command option
int anisotropicDiffusionCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-anisotropicDiffusion command option
int copyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-copy command option
int histogramCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-histogram command option
int redrawCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-redraw command option
int slicecamsCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-slicecams command option
int vectorialCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vectorial command option
int floatingCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-floating command option
int glboundsCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-glbounds command option
int cropCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-crop command option
int isolateRegionCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-isolateRegion command option
int zeroRegionCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-zeroRegion command option
int voxelCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-voxel command option
int windowingCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-windowing command option
int flipCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-flip command option
int switchCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-switch command option
int melCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-mel command option
int typeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-type command option
int arithCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-artih command option
int logicCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-logic command option
int thresholdCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-threshold command option
int lookupCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-lookup command option
int cropHistogrammCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-cropHistogram command option
int noiseCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-noise command option
int connexeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-connexe command option
int chamferCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-chamfer command option
int fillCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-fill command option
int morphoCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-morpho command option
int gradientCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-gradient command option
int convoluteCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-convolute command option
int recfilterCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-recfilters command option
int laplacianCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-laplacian command option
int splitCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-split command option
int componentsCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-component command option
int dftCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-dft command option
int undersampleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-undersample command option
int oversampleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-oversample command option
int resampleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option
int transformCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-transform command option
int interpCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-interpolation command option
int extrapCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-extrapolation command option
int regionCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-region command option
int curvatureCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-curvature command option
static void CreateInrimagePhotoFormat (void)
creates new photo type


TclInrimage (TclModule *m, const std::type_info& info, Inrimage *data)
Creates an interface object for an existing inrimage
TclInrimage (TclModule *m, const TclString& name, bool headerOnly = false, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_INTERLACED, VECTORIAL_MODE filevm = VM_INTERLACED) throw(Inrimage::ImageNotFound, Inrimage::UnknownImageType, Inrimage::InvalidHeader, Inrimage::InvalidData, Inrimage::UnknownType)
Reads inrimage from file whose path is given as argument
TclInrimage (TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, unsigned int vdim = 1, unsigned int wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wordKind = WK_FIXED, SIGN sign = SGN_SIGNED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
Creates an inrimage with given size and word type
TclInrimage (TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, void *data, unsigned int vdim = 1, unsigned int wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wordKind = WK_FIXED, SIGN sign = SGN_SIGNED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
Creates an inrimage with given size and word type
TclInrimage (TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE wt, unsigned int vdim = 1, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_NON_INTERLACED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
creates an inrimage from its size and its type
TclInrimage (const TclInrimage& img) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::InvalidVectorialMode, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize, Inrimage::NotEnoughMemory)
creates an replica of img

returns TclObject client

Protected Methods

static int FileReadInrimage (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Channel ch, const char *fileName, Tcl_Obj *formatString, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int srcX, int srcY)
read an inrimage from a file
static int StringReadInrimage (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *string, Tcl_Obj *formatString, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int srcX, int srcY)
built XZ or YZ pixmap of an inrimage that has already been read
static int FileMatchInrimage (Tcl_Channel ch, const char *fileName, Tcl_Obj *format, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp)
fetch if the given file is an inrimage
static int StringMatchInrimage (Tcl_Obj *string, Tcl_Obj *formatString, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp)
fetch if the given string is an inrimage


TclInrimage (const std::type_info& info, TclModule *m, const TclString& name, bool headerOnly = false, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_INTERLACED, VECTORIAL_MODE filevm = VM_INTERLACED) throw(Inrimage::ImageNotFound, Inrimage::UnknownImageType, Inrimage::InvalidHeader, Inrimage::InvalidData, Inrimage::UnknownType)
Reads inrimage from file whose path is given as argument
TclInrimage (const std::type_info& info, TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, unsigned int vdim = 1, unsigned int wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wordKind = WK_FIXED, SIGN sign = SGN_SIGNED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
Creates an inrimage with given size and word type
TclInrimage (const std::type_info& info, TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE wt, unsigned int vdim = 1, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_NON_INTERLACED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
creates an inrimage from its size and its type

Private Fields

static char* types []
inrimage type strings


Tcl interface for any inrimage

TclInrimage(const std::type_info& info, TclModule *m, const TclString& name, bool headerOnly = false, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_INTERLACED, VECTORIAL_MODE filevm = VM_INTERLACED) throw(Inrimage::ImageNotFound, Inrimage::UnknownImageType, Inrimage::InvalidHeader, Inrimage::InvalidData, Inrimage::UnknownType)
Reads inrimage from file whose path is given as argument. File can be an INRIMAGE(4) gzipped or not, an anlayse, a GIF or a RGB irix file.
UnknownImageType unsupported inrimage type
InvalidHeader invalid inrimage header
InvalidData invalid image data
UnknownType unknown file format
info - dynamic object type
m - module this image was created in
name - inrimage file name
headerOnly - only image header is read if headerOnly is set to true
vm - if image has a vectorial type, it can be read interlaced (default) or non interlaced by giving WM_NON_INTERLACED as third argument
filevm - if VM_NON_INTERLACED, data is considered as non-interlaced @excpetion ImageNotFound image file not found

TclInrimage(const std::type_info& info, TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, unsigned int vdim = 1, unsigned int wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wordKind = WK_FIXED, SIGN sign = SGN_SIGNED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
Creates an inrimage with given size and word type. The inrimage data buffer is allocated
info - dynamic object type
module - this image was created in
xdim - image number of columns
ydim - image number of rows
zdim - image number of planes
vdim - image vectorial dimension
wdim - image word size in bytes
wordKind - image word kind
sign - image word sign
vx - distance between voxels in the X direction
vy - distance between voxels in the Y direction
vz - distance between voxels in the Z direction

TclInrimage(const std::type_info& info, TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE wt, unsigned int vdim = 1, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_NON_INTERLACED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
creates an inrimage from its size and its type
InvalidSize xdim, ydim and zdim should be > 0 @excpetion UnknownType unsupported inrimage type
InvalidVoxelSize voxels size should be > 0.0
info - dynamic object type
m - module this image was created in
xdim - image number of columns
ydim - image number of rows
zdim - image number of planes
wt - image type
vdim - vectorial dimension (for WT_FLOAT_VECTOR and WT_DOUBLE_VECTOR only, ignored otherwise)
vm - vectorial mode (for WT_FLOAT_VECTOR and WT_DOUBLE_VECTOR only, ignored otherwise)
vx - distance between voxels in the X direction
vy - distance between voxels in the Y direction
vz - distance between voxels in the Z direction


TclInrimage(TclModule *m, const std::type_info& info, Inrimage *data)
Creates an interface object for an existing inrimage
m - module this image was created in
info - dynamic object type
data - inrimage object

TclInrimage(TclModule *m, const TclString& name, bool headerOnly = false, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_INTERLACED, VECTORIAL_MODE filevm = VM_INTERLACED) throw(Inrimage::ImageNotFound, Inrimage::UnknownImageType, Inrimage::InvalidHeader, Inrimage::InvalidData, Inrimage::UnknownType)
Reads inrimage from file whose path is given as argument. File can be an INRIMAGE(4) gzipped or not, an anlayse, a GIF or a RGB irix file.
UnknownImageType unsupported inrimage type
InvalidHeader invalid inrimage header
InvalidData invalid image data
UnknownType unknown file format
m - module this image was created in
name - inrimage file name
headerOnly - only image header is read if headerOnly is set to true
vm - if image has a vectorial type, it can be read interlaced (default) or non interlaced by giving WM_NON_INTERLACED as third argument
filevm - if VM_NON_INTERLACED, data is considered as non-interlaced @excpetion ImageNotFound image file not found

TclInrimage(TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, unsigned int vdim = 1, unsigned int wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wordKind = WK_FIXED, SIGN sign = SGN_SIGNED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
Creates an inrimage with given size and word type. The inrimage data buffer is allocated
module - this image was created in
xdim - image number of columns
ydim - image number of rows
zdim - image number of planes
vdim - image vectorial dimension
wdim - image word size in bytes
wordKind - image word kind
sign - image word sign
vx - distance between voxels in the X direction
vy - distance between voxels in the Y direction
vz - distance between voxels in the Z direction

TclInrimage(TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, void *data, unsigned int vdim = 1, unsigned int wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wordKind = WK_FIXED, SIGN sign = SGN_SIGNED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
Creates an inrimage with given size and word type. If data is 0, the image is not allocated. If data is non 0, image data points to it.
InvalidSize xdim, ydim and zdim should be > 0 @excpetion UnknownType unsupported inrimage type
InvalidVoxelSize voxels size should be > 0.0
m - module this image was created in
xdim - image number of columns
ydim - image number of rows
zdim - image number of planes
data - image data buffer
vdim - image vectorial dimension
wdim - image word size in bytes
wordKind - image word kind
sign - image word sign
vx - distance between voxels in the X direction
vy - distance between voxels in the Y direction
vz - distance between voxels in the Z direction

TclInrimage(TclModule *m, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE wt, unsigned int vdim = 1, VECTORIAL_MODE vm = VM_NON_INTERLACED, float vx = 1.0, float vy = 1.0, float vz = 1.0) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::UnknownType, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
creates an inrimage from its size and its type
InvalidSize xdim, ydim and zdim should be > 0 @excpetion UnknownType unsupported inrimage type
InvalidVoxelSize voxels size should be > 0.0
m - module this image was created in
xdim - image number of columns
ydim - image number of rows
zdim - image number of planes
wt - image type
vdim - vectorial dimension (for WT_FLOAT_VECTOR and WT_DOUBLE_VECTOR only, ignored otherwise)
vm - vectorial mode (for WT_FLOAT_VECTOR and WT_DOUBLE_VECTOR only, ignored otherwise)
vx - distance between voxels in the X direction
vy - distance between voxels in the Y direction
vz - distance between voxels in the Z direction

TclInrimage(const TclInrimage& img) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize, Inrimage::InvalidVectorialMode, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize, Inrimage::NotEnoughMemory)
creates an replica of img
InvalidSize image dimension should be > 0
InvalidVectorialMode img has scalar vectorial mode for vectorial image or opposite
InvalidVoxelSize img has <= 0 voxel size
NotEnoughMemory unable to allocate image buffer
img - image to copy


Inrimage* getClient(void) const
returns TclObject client

returns TclObject client

unsigned int getX(void) const
return image X dimension

unsigned int getY(void) const
return image Y dimension

unsigned int getZ(void) const
return image Z dimension

double getVX(void) const
return image X voxel size

double getVY(void) const
return image Y voxel size

double getVZ(void) const
return image Z voxel size

Inrimage::WORD_TYPE getType(void) const
return image words type

unsigned int getVdim(void) const
return image vectorial dimension

unsigned int getWdim(void) const
get image words size (in bytes)

void* getData(void) const
return image data buffer

void*** getArray(void) const
returns pointer a 3D buffer for a scalar image or interleaved vectorial image

void**** getVarray(void) const
returns a 4D buffer for a vectorial non-interleaved image

unsigned int getWordSize() const
get image word size

WORD_KIND getWordKind() const
get word kind

SIGN getWordSign() const
get word sign

VECTORIAL_MODE getVectorialMode() const

void redraw(void) const
refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed

void resizeAndRedraw(void) const
refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed resize the viewer to the image size

void resizeVoxelsAndRedraw(void) const
refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed resize the viewer to the image voxel size

void rescaleGLAndRedraw(void) const
reset GL bounds to inrimage min and max refresh inrimage in any viewer it is displayed

void changeAndRedraw(void)
redraw new inrimage in any viewer it is displayed

void save(const TclString& newname)
saves image as
newname - new image file name

void save(void) const
saves image using name

crop command enum

initialize new box for cropping

cancel: delete crop box

done crop along crop box

static Inrimage::WORD_TYPE typeFromString(char *)
returns the inrimage type corresponding to given string

static char* typeToString(Inrimage::WORD_TYPE)
returns a static string corresponding to given type

static yav::CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivityFromString(char *str)
returns the connectivity type corresponding to given string

static int load(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
loadImage command callback

static TclInrimage* load(const TclString& name, TclModule *m, bool interlace = true, bool fileinterlace = true)
loads an inrimage, catch exceptions and returns an error message in module result string if an error occured
inrimage loaded, 0 if an error occured
name - image file name
m - module to create interface
interlace - whether vectorial data should be interlaced
fileinterlace - whether source file is interlaced

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
createInrimage command callback

static int view(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
view command callback

static TclInrimage* getInterface(Inrimage *inr)
get TclInrimage from image pointer

virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer < Inrimage > &g)
die on inrimage deletion

static void read(const TclString &filename, Scene2D *scn)
file scene read method

int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy command option

int nameCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-name command option

int sizeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-size command option

int saveCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-save command option

int anisotropicDiffusionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-anisotropicDiffusion command option

int copyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-copy command option

int histogramCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-histogram command option

int redrawCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-redraw command option

int slicecamsCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-slicecams command option

int vectorialCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vectorial command option

int floatingCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-floating command option

int glboundsCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-glbounds command option

int cropCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-crop command option

int isolateRegionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-isolateRegion command option

int zeroRegionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-zeroRegion command option

int voxelCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-voxel command option

int windowingCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-windowing command option

int flipCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-flip command option

int switchCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-switch command option

int melCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-mel command option

int typeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-type command option

int arithCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-artih command option

int logicCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-logic command option

int thresholdCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-threshold command option

int lookupCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-lookup command option

int cropHistogrammCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-cropHistogram command option

int noiseCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-noise command option

int connexeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-connexe command option

int chamferCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-chamfer command option

int fillCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-fill command option

int morphoCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-morpho command option

int gradientCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-gradient command option

int convoluteCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-convolute command option

int recfilterCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-recfilters command option

int laplacianCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-laplacian command option

int splitCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-split command option

int componentsCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-component command option

int dftCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-dft command option

int undersampleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-undersample command option

int oversampleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-oversample command option

int resampleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option

int transformCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-transform command option

int interpCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-interpolation command option

int extrapCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-extrapolation command option

int regionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-region command option

int curvatureCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-curvature command option

static void CreateInrimagePhotoFormat(void)
creates new photo type

static int FileReadInrimage(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Channel ch, const char *fileName, Tcl_Obj *formatString, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int srcX, int srcY)
read an inrimage from a file

static int StringReadInrimage(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *string, Tcl_Obj *formatString, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int srcX, int srcY)
built XZ or YZ pixmap of an inrimage that has already been read

static int FileMatchInrimage(Tcl_Channel ch, const char *fileName, Tcl_Obj *format, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp)
fetch if the given file is an inrimage

static int StringMatchInrimage(Tcl_Obj *string, Tcl_Obj *formatString, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp)
fetch if the given string is an inrimage

static char* types[]
inrimage type strings

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling