In file inrimage/InrimageView.h:

class InrimageView : public Sliceable, public Owner<Inrimage>

A viewer for an inrimage slice


Public Methods

virtual ~InrimageView ()
destruction: do not delete visualized inrimage
virtual void dying (const ObjectPointer < Inrimage > &)
die on inrimage deletion
void focusCamera (SliceCamera& cam)
focus camera on image center
virtual void createdCamera (SliceCamera& cam)
add a camera in inrimage view management if needed
virtual void doCreateCamera (SliceCamera& cam)
add a camera in inrimage view management
void deletedCamera (SliceCamera& cam)
remove a camera from inrimage view management
Scene2D* getScene (void) const
return this object scene
InrimageBackground* getBackgroundFromCamera (SliceCamera *cam)
returns eventually the TclImage associated with a given slice camera
virtual void translate (const Vec2& t)
Translates the 2D object
virtual void rotate (const Rotation2D &r)
Rotates the 2D object: no rotation available for images
virtual void scale (const double s)
Scales the 2D object
virtual void updateCenter (Vec2& center, unsigned int& n)
Returns the graphic object center and weight.
virtual void select (Camera2D *)
nothing done when an image is selected
virtual double updateRadius (const Vec2& center)
Returns the graphic object radius given its center
virtual double computeClosestDistance (DataTypes::MouseClick& mc) const
Return MAXDOUBLE, an image is considered as background and may not be selected
std::list <InrimageBackground *> ::iterator firstBackground ()
return iterator on the first background
std::list <InrimageBackground *> ::iterator lastBackground ()
return iterator on the last background
Inrimage* getInrimage () const
returns the pointed inrimage
virtual void changeInrimage (Inrimage *inr)
Modifies the pointed image and Updates all images
void refreshCameras (void)
reset inrimageBackgrounds objects list pointers to cameras
virtual void unselect (Camera2D *)
nothing done when an image is unselected
virtual void redraw (Camera2D *cam)
default redraw function for sliceable objects
InrimageSliceInterface* getSliceInterface () const
returns the slice interface associated with the image


InrimageView (Inrimage *inr, Scene2D *scene, bool _createGLScale=true)
Normal constructor by specifiying the inrimage to display

Protected Fields

InrimageSliceInterface* sliceInterface
the slice interface linked to the image
std::list <InrimageBackground *> backgroundList
the list of backgrounds associated with the inrimage view
bool createGLScale
whether we should create

Protected Methods

void init (void)
constructors common code


InrimageView (Inrimage *inr1, Inrimage *i, Scene2D *scene, bool _createGLScale=true)
Constructor that does not call init()
InrimageView (const TclString &filename, Scene2D *scene)
Constructor that reads image from a file


A viewer for an inrimage slice

InrimageView(Inrimage *inr1, Inrimage *i, Scene2D *scene, bool _createGLScale=true)
Constructor that does not call init()
inr1 - inrimage to draw
inr2 - dummy inrimage pointer
scene - scene to build data in
_createGLScale - boolean indicating if we should create GLScales associated with each background

InrimageView(const TclString &filename, Scene2D *scene)
Constructor that reads image from a file
filename - inrimage file name
scene - scene to build data in

void init(void)
constructors common code

InrimageSliceInterface* sliceInterface
the slice interface linked to the image

std::list <InrimageBackground *> backgroundList
the list of backgrounds associated with the inrimage view

bool createGLScale
whether we should create


InrimageView(Inrimage *inr, Scene2D *scene, bool _createGLScale=true)
Normal constructor by specifiying the inrimage to display
inr - inrimage to draw
scene - scene to build data in
_createGLScale - boolean indicating if we should create GLScales associated with each background

virtual ~InrimageView()
destruction: do not delete visualized inrimage

virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer < Inrimage > &)
die on inrimage deletion

void focusCamera(SliceCamera& cam)
focus camera on image center
cam - camera to focus

virtual void createdCamera(SliceCamera& cam)
add a camera in inrimage view management if needed

virtual void doCreateCamera(SliceCamera& cam)
add a camera in inrimage view management

void deletedCamera(SliceCamera& cam)
remove a camera from inrimage view management

Scene2D* getScene(void) const
return this object scene

InrimageBackground* getBackgroundFromCamera(SliceCamera *cam)
returns eventually the TclImage associated with a given slice camera

virtual void translate(const Vec2& t)
Translates the 2D object
t - translation vector

virtual void rotate(const Rotation2D &r)
Rotates the 2D object: no rotation available for images
r - rotation matrix

virtual void scale(const double s)
Scales the 2D object
s - scale factor

virtual void updateCenter(Vec2& center, unsigned int& n)
Returns the graphic object center and weight.

virtual void select(Camera2D *)
nothing done when an image is selected

virtual double updateRadius(const Vec2& center)
Returns the graphic object radius given its center

virtual double computeClosestDistance(DataTypes::MouseClick& mc) const
Return MAXDOUBLE, an image is considered as background and may not be selected

std::list <InrimageBackground *> ::iterator firstBackground()
return iterator on the first background

std::list <InrimageBackground *> ::iterator lastBackground()
return iterator on the last background

Inrimage* getInrimage() const
returns the pointed inrimage

virtual void changeInrimage(Inrimage *inr)
Modifies the pointed image and Updates all images

void refreshCameras(void)
reset inrimageBackgrounds objects list pointers to cameras

virtual void unselect(Camera2D *)
nothing done when an image is unselected

virtual void redraw(Camera2D *cam)
default redraw function for sliceable objects
cam - camera to redraw

InrimageSliceInterface* getSliceInterface() const
returns the slice interface associated with the image

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling