In file graphics3D/LightFantom.h:

class LightFantom : public MaterialSphere

spot light graphics representation


Public Methods

virtual void buildWireframe (void)
wireframe display list creation callback
virtual void buildSolid (void)
wireframe display list creation callback
virtual void translate (const Vec3& tr)
translates the object
virtual void rotate (const Rotation3D& rotation)
rotates the object
void move (void)
light moved: reset fantom location
void setColor (void)
light color changed: reset fantom color


LightFantom (Light *light)
builds a new sphere
virtual ~LightFantom ()

Protected Fields

Light* light
represented light

Inherited from MaterialSphere:

Public Methods

virtual void setRadius(double r)
virtual void setCenter(const Vec3& c)
double getRadius(void) const
virtual void scale(const double scale)
virtual void redraw(Camera3D *)
virtual void updateCenter(Vec3& center, unsigned int& n)
virtual double updateRadius(const Vec3& center)
virtual double computeClosestDistance(DataTypes::MouseClick& mc) const
virtual void setRedrawOrder(unsigned int order)



MaterialSphere(Scene3D *scene = 0)
default sphere centered at 0 with 1
MaterialSphere(const Vec3& c, double r, Scene3D *scene = 0)
builds a new sphere

Protected Fields

GLUquadricObj* sphere

Protected Methods

void initBoundingBox(void)

Private Methods

void init(void)

Inherited from Sphere:

Public Methods

Vec3 getCenter(void) const

Protected Fields

Vec3 center
double radius

Inherited from Surface:

Public Classes

struct Rendering
TclString renderingName
name of the rendering
TclString optionName
name of the option associated with the Tcl command -render
RedrawRenderingMode redraw
the function called for redrawing the surface
struct SecondaryRenderingList
TclString renderingListName
name of the rendering
TclString optionName
name of the option associated with the Tcl command -render type (mode)
std::list <Rendering *> renderingList
possible rendering modes associated to type
Rendering* selectedRendering
selected rendering mode

Public Fields

static const char* synopsis
static const char* texture2DSynopsis
static const char* texture1DSynopsis

Public Methods

typedef void (Surface::*RedrawRenderingMode)(Camera3D *c)
Rendering* getRenderingFromOptionName(TclString n)
Rendering* getRenderingFromName(TclString n)
const Rendering* getRenderMode(void) const
virtual void setRendering(const TclString& name)
virtual void setRendering(Rendering *r)
SecondaryRenderingList* getSecondaryRenderingListFromOptionName(const TclString& t)
SecondaryRenderingList* getSecondaryRenderingListFromName(const TclString& t)
Rendering* getSecondaryRenderingFromOptionName(SecondaryRenderingList* srl, const TclString& n)
Rendering* getSecondaryRenderingFromOptionName(const TclString& l, const TclString& n)
Rendering* getSecondaryRenderingFromName(SecondaryRenderingList* srl, const TclString& n)
Rendering* getSecondaryRenderingFromName(const TclString& l, const TclString& n)
const Rendering* getSecondaryRenderMode(const SecondaryRenderingList* t) const
void setSecondaryRendering(const TclString& t, const TclString& n)
void setSecondaryRendering(SecondaryRenderingList* rt, Rendering *rm)
Color& getColor(void)
Material& getMaterial(void)
GLfloat getLineWidth(void) const
void setLineWidth(GLfloat width)
Texture2D::TextureMode getTexture2DMode()
Texture1D::TextureMode getTexture1DMode()
void setTexture2DMode(Texture2D::TextureMode tm)
void setTexture1DMode(Texture1D::TextureMode tm)
void setTexture2D(Texture2D *t)
void setTexture1D(Texture1D *t)
void setHighlightTexture(Texture2D *t)
Texture2D* getTexture2D() const
Texture1D* getTexture1D() const
Texture2D* getHighlightTexture() const
bool usingTexture2D() const
bool usingTexture1D() const
bool usingTextureHighlight() const
void setTexture2DUsage(const bool b)
void setTexture1DUsage(const bool b)
void setTextureHighlightUsage(const bool b)
bool replaceLighting() const
void setLightingTextureUsage(const bool b)
virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer<Texture2D>& obj)
virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer<Texture1D>& obj)
void surfaceChanged(void)
virtual void buildFlat(void)
int renderCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int renderOptionCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int secondaryRenderCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int secondaryRenderOptionCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int texture2DCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int texture1DCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int highlightTextureCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int useDisplayListsCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int texture2DOptionCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int texture1DOptionCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int colorCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)
int materialCmd(TclModule *m, Data3D *data, int argc, char **argv, int i = 0)

Protected Classes

enum RenderMode
do not display
display wireframe
display solid flat surface
display solid smoothed surface
display solid surface plus wireframe
display wireframe with hidden lines
display transparent surface
display transparent surface with wireframe mesh

Protected Fields

bool useFlat
Material mat
Color color
GLfloat width
GLuint wireframeList
GLuint solidList
GLuint flatList
ObjectPointer <Texture1D> texture1D
ObjectPointer <Texture2D> texture2D
ObjectPointer <Texture2D> highlightTexture
bool useTexture1D
bool useTexture2D
bool useTextureHighlight
bool textureReplaceLighting
Texture2D::TextureInterpolation texture2DInterpolation
Texture2D::TextureExtrapolation texture2DExtrapolation
Texture2D::TextureMode texture2DMode
Texture1D::TextureInterpolation texture1DInterpolation
Texture1D::TextureExtrapolation texture1DExtrapolation
Texture1D::TextureMode texture1DMode
double sTextureParameters[4]
double tTextureParameters[4]
std::list <Rendering *> renderingList
Rendering* selectedRendering
std::list <SecondaryRenderingList *> secondaryRenderingLists

Protected Methods

void buildWireframeDisplayList(void)
void buildFlatDisplayList(void)
void buildSolidDisplayList(void)
void callWireframeDisplayList(void)
void callFlatDisplayList(void)
void callSolidDisplayList(void)
void destroyWireframeDisplayList(void)
void destroyFlatDisplayList(void)
void destroySolidDisplayList(void)

Private Methods

void initRenderingList(void)
void destroyRenderingList(void)
void redrawBasic(Camera3D *cam, RenderMode rm)
void dummyRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void wireframeRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void flatRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void gouraudRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void wireGouraudRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void hiddenRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void transparentRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void wireTransparentRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void wireframeLinesRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void wireframeHiddenRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void solidFlatRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void solidGouraudRedraw(Camera3D *cam)
void solidTransparentRedraw(Camera3D *cam)

Inherited from Data3D:

Public Classes

struct MouseClick3D: public DataTypes MouseClick

Public Methods

unsigned int getRedrawOrder(void) const
void updateCenterAndRadius(void)

Protected Fields

unsigned int redrawOrder


spot light graphics representation
Light* light
represented light


LightFantom(Light *light)
builds a new sphere
light - represented light
scene - scene to build sphere in


virtual ~LightFantom()

virtual void buildWireframe(void)
wireframe display list creation callback

virtual void buildSolid(void)
wireframe display list creation callback

virtual void translate(const Vec3& tr)
translates the object
tr - translation vector

virtual void rotate(const Rotation3D& rotation)
rotates the object
rotation - rotation matrix

void move(void)
light moved: reset fantom location

void setColor(void)
light color changed: reset fantom color

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling