In file contour/VertexContour2D.h:

class VertexContour2D : public VertexContour

a vertex of a geometric 2D contour : it only describe geometric information


Public Methods

Vec2 getPosition () const
Returns the vertex position
void setPosition (const Vec2 &p)
Returns the vertex position
VertexContour2D* getFollowing () const
Returns the right neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology
VertexContour2D* getPrevious () const
Returns the left neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology
Contour2D* getContour2D () const
return the 2D Contour where the vertex is
void computeTangent ()
Computes the tangent, normal and binormal vector of a vertex
Vec2 getTangent () const
return the current tangent vector
Vec2 getNormal () const
return the current tangent vector
EdgeContour2D* getEdge () const
return the edge joining this vertex and its following vertex


VertexContour2D (ContourLine *l, const Vec2 &pos=Vec2(0, 0))
VertexContour2D (VertexContour2D *v, ContourLine *l, const Vec2 &pos=Vec2(0, 0))
Constructor called by inherited vertices since it does create an edge
virtual ~VertexContour2D ()
empty Destructor

Protected Fields

Vec2 position
the vertex position
Vec2 tangent
The tangent vector of vertex

Inherited from VertexContour:

Public Methods

VertexContour* getTopologicalFollowing() const
VertexContour* getTopologicalPrevious() const
const char* getName() const
Contour* getContour() const
unsigned int getRank() const
unsigned int getRankInLine() const
unsigned int getRef() const
void setName(const char *theName)
ContourLine* getLine() const
EdgeContour* removeVertex(void)

Protected Fields

EdgeContour* edge
ContourLine* line

Private Fields

char* name


a vertex of a geometric 2D contour : it only describe geometric information
Vec2 position
the vertex position

Vec2 tangent
The tangent vector of vertex


VertexContour2D(ContourLine *l, const Vec2 &pos=Vec2(0, 0))
l - the line where the vertex belongs
pos - the vertex position

VertexContour2D(VertexContour2D *v, ContourLine *l, const Vec2 &pos=Vec2(0, 0))
Constructor called by inherited vertices since it does create an edge
v - a dummy vertex
l - the line where the vertex belongs
pos - the vertex position


virtual ~VertexContour2D()
empty Destructor

Vec2 getPosition() const
Returns the vertex position
the vertex position

void setPosition(const Vec2 &p)
Returns the vertex position
the vertex position

VertexContour2D* getFollowing() const
Returns the right neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology

VertexContour2D* getPrevious() const
Returns the left neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology

Contour2D* getContour2D() const
return the 2D Contour where the vertex is

void computeTangent()
Computes the tangent, normal and binormal vector of a vertex

Vec2 getTangent() const
return the current tangent vector

Vec2 getNormal() const
return the current tangent vector

EdgeContour2D* getEdge() const
return the edge joining this vertex and its following vertex

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling