In file contour/VertexContour.h:

class VertexContour : public ListElement<VertexContour>

class of a vertex belonging to a contour with only topological information


Public Methods

VertexContour* getFollowing () const
returns the right neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology
VertexContour* getTopologicalFollowing () const
returns the right neighboring vertex in the line without taking into account the line topology
VertexContour* getPrevious () const
returns the left neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology
VertexContour* getTopologicalPrevious () const
returns the left neighboring vertex in the line without taking into account the line topology
const char* getName () const
name management
Contour* getContour () const
return the contour where the vertex is
unsigned int getRank () const
returns the rank of the vertex
unsigned int getRankInLine () const
returns the rank of the vertex
unsigned int getRef () const
returns the reference of the vertex
void setName (const char *theName)
sets the vertex name
ContourLine* getLine () const
returns the line where the vertex belongs
EdgeContour* getEdge () const
returns the edge associated with this vertex
EdgeContour* removeVertex (void)
remove this vertex and update its neighborhood


VertexContour (ContourLine *l )
constructor with the parent line
virtual ~VertexContour ()
empty Destructor

Protected Fields

EdgeContour* edge
The edge linking this vertex and its following;
ContourLine* line
the line where the vertex belongs

Private Fields

char* name
the name of a vertex


class of a vertex belonging to a contour with only topological information
char* name
the name of a vertex

EdgeContour* edge
The edge linking this vertex and its following;

ContourLine* line
the line where the vertex belongs

VertexContour* getFollowing() const
returns the right neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology

VertexContour* getTopologicalFollowing() const
returns the right neighboring vertex in the line without taking into account the line topology

VertexContour* getPrevious() const
returns the left neighboring vertex in the line taking into account the line topology

VertexContour* getTopologicalPrevious() const
returns the left neighboring vertex in the line without taking into account the line topology

const char* getName() const
name management

Contour* getContour() const
return the contour where the vertex is

unsigned int getRank() const
returns the rank of the vertex

unsigned int getRankInLine() const
returns the rank of the vertex

unsigned int getRef() const
returns the reference of the vertex

void setName(const char *theName)
sets the vertex name

ContourLine* getLine() const
returns the line where the vertex belongs

EdgeContour* getEdge() const
returns the edge associated with this vertex

EdgeContour* removeVertex(void)
remove this vertex and update its neighborhood


VertexContour(ContourLine *l )
constructor with the parent line
l - the line containing the vertex


virtual ~VertexContour()
empty Destructor

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling