In file contour/Contour.h:

class ContourLine : public ListElement<ContourLine>

Line class including a list of VertexContour : only includes topological properties


Public Classes

enum Topology
If the line is open or close

Public Methods

Contour* getContour () const
returns the contour where the line belongs
unsigned int getNbVertices () const
Returns the number of points
Topology getTopology () const
Returns the topology
void setClosedTopology ()
sets the current line as closed
void setEdgePointer ()
set the vertex array stored in each edge consistent with the vertex list
void addVertex (VertexContour *v)
add a vertex at the end of the line
ObjectsList <VertexContour> ::iterator firstVertexContour () const
returns an iterator on the list of vertices
ObjectsList <VertexContour> ::iterator lastVertexContour () const
returns an iterator on the list of vertices
VertexContour* getFirst (void) const
returns the first vertex of the list of type V
VertexContour* getLast (void) const
returns the last vertex of the list of type V
template void applyVertex (void (MT::*fn)(void))
apply a member function to all vertices
virtual VertexContour* createVertex ()
create a new vertex : use a virtual function in order to create inherited vertices


ContourLine (Contour *c, Topology t=CLOSED)
Build a line without any vertices
ContourLine (ContourLine *l)
Build a dummy line
virtual ~ContourLine ()

Protected Fields

Contour* contour
the contour where the line belongs
Topology topology
The topology of the line
ObjectsList <VertexContour> vertexList
the list of vertices


Line class including a list of VertexContour : only includes topological properties
enum Topology
If the line is open or close

Contour* contour
the contour where the line belongs

Topology topology
The topology of the line

ObjectsList <VertexContour> vertexList
the list of vertices

Contour* getContour() const
returns the contour where the line belongs
the contour where the line belongs

unsigned int getNbVertices() const
Returns the number of points
the number of vertices

Topology getTopology() const
Returns the topology
the line topology

void setClosedTopology()
sets the current line as closed

void setEdgePointer()
set the vertex array stored in each edge consistent with the vertex list

void addVertex(VertexContour *v)
add a vertex at the end of the line
v - the vertex to be added


ContourLine(Contour *c, Topology t=CLOSED)
Build a line without any vertices
c - the contour where the line belongs
t - the line topology

ContourLine(ContourLine *l)
Build a dummy line
l - any line


virtual ~ContourLine()

ObjectsList <VertexContour> ::iterator firstVertexContour() const
returns an iterator on the list of vertices. The iterator points on vertices of type VertexContour

ObjectsList <VertexContour> ::iterator lastVertexContour() const
returns an iterator on the list of vertices. The iterator points on vertices of type VertexContour

VertexContour* getFirst(void) const
returns the first vertex of the list of type V

VertexContour* getLast(void) const
returns the last vertex of the list of type V

template void applyVertex(void (MT::*fn)(void))
apply a member function to all vertices
fn - a function applied on a vertex

virtual VertexContour* createVertex()
create a new vertex : use a virtual function in order to create inherited vertices

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling