Publications of Matthieu Le


  1. Matthieu Lê. Brain tumor growth modeling : application to radiotherapy. Theses, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, June 2016. Keyword(s): Medical imaging, Biophysical model, Personalization, Radiotherapy, Segmentation, Uncertainty, Imagerie médicale, Modèle biophysique, Personnalisation, Radiothérapie, Segmentation, Incertitude. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Nicolas Cordier, Hervé Delingette, Matthieu Lê, and Nicholas Ayache. Extended Modality Propagation: Image Synthesis of Pathological Cases. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, PP(99), July 2016. Keyword(s): patch-based, multi-atlas, glioma, generative model, medical image simulation, modality synthesis. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Matthieu Lê, Hervé Delingette, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Elizabeth R Gerstner, Tracy Batchelor, Jan Unkelbach, and Nicholas Ayache. MRI Based Bayesian Personalization of a Tumor Growth Model. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(10):2329-2339, April 2016. Keyword(s): bayesian, personalization, Index Terms-tumor growth, glioblastoma, reaction-diffusion, LBM, Monte Carlo. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Matthieu Lê, Hervé Delingette, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Elizabeth R Gerstner, Tracy Batchelor, Jan Unkelbach, and Nicholas Ayache. Personalized Radiotherapy Planning Based on a Computational Tumor Growth Model. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, pp 11, 2016. Keyword(s): Index Terms-Radiotherapy planning, computational tu-, mor growth model, personalization, uncertainty, segmentation, glioblastoma. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Matthieu Lê, Jan Unkelbach, Nicholas Ayache, and Hervé Delingette. Sampling Image Segmentations for Uncertainty Quantification. Medical Image Analysis, 34:42-51, December 2016. Note: Accepted for publication to the journal Elsevier Medical Image Analysis. Keyword(s): Gaussian process, brain tumor, uncertainty, radiotherapy planning, Segmentation. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Jan Unkelbach, Bjoern Menze, Ender Konukoglu, Florian Dittmann, Matthieu Le, Nicholas Ayache, and Helen Shi. Radiotherapy planning for glioblastoma based on a tumor growth model: improving target volume delineation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, December 2013. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Matthieu Lê, Hervé Delingette, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Elizabeth R Gerstner, Tracy Batchelor, Jan Unkelbach, and Nicholas Ayache. Bayesian Personalization of Brain Tumor Growth Model. In Alejandro F. Frangi, Joachim Hornegger, Nassir Navab, and William M. Wells, editors, MICCAI - Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - 2015, volume 9350 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, Munich, Germany, pages 424-432, October 2015. Springer. Keyword(s): Glioma Modeling, Bayesian, Personalization. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Matthieu Lê, Jan Unkelbach, Nicholas Ayache, and Hervé Delingette. GPSSI: Gaussian Process for Sampling Segmentations of Images. In Alejandro F. Frangi, Joachim Hornegger, Nassir Navab, and William M. Wells, editors, MICCAI - Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - 2015, volume 9351 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, Munich, Germany, pages 38-46, October 2015. Springer. Keyword(s): Sampling, Gaussian process, Radiotherapy, Segmentation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Matthieu Lê, Hervé Delingette, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Elisabeth Gerstner, Helen A. Shih, Tracy Batchelor, Jan Unkelbach, and Nicholas Ayache. Multimodal Analysis of Vasogenic Edema in Glioblastoma Patients for Radiotherapy Planning. In Workshop Image-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy, Boston, United States, September 2014. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Mariem Mhiri, Vineeth Varma, Maël Le, Samson Lasaulce, and Abdelaziz Samet. On the benefits of repeated game models for green cross-layer power control in small cells. In BlackSeaCom 2013, Batumi, Georgia, July 2013. Keyword(s): channel state information, repeated game, energy efficiency, Index Terms-distributed power control, channel state information. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Sat Jul 27 00:30:04 2024
Author: epione-publi.

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