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A User-Centered Approach on Combining Realism and Interactivity in Virtual Environments

Maria Roussou, George Drettakis, Nicolas Tsingos, Alex Reche, Emmanuel Gallo
Poster in the Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, page 251-252 - March 2004
Download the publication : roussou_VR04_paper.pdf [669Ko]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Roussou, Maria and Drettakis, George and Tsingos, Nicolas and Reche, Alex and Gallo, Emmanuel",
  title        = "A User-Centered Approach on Combining Realism and Interactivity in Virtual Environments",
  booktitle    = "Poster in the Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality",
  pages        = "251-252",
  month        = "March",
  year         = "2004",
  organization = "IEEE",
  url          = ""

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