PhD Thesis
Components for Grid Computing
University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, November 2006
Interoperability of Grid component models: GCM and CCA case study [.pdf]
Maciej Malawski, Marian Bubak, Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio and Matthieu Morel
CoreGRID Symposium, in conjunction with EuroPar 07, Rennes, France, August 2007
Collective Interfaces for Distributed Components [.pdf]
Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio and Matthieu Morel
CCGrid 07, 7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, May 2007
Performance and Scalability of a Component-Based Grid Application [.pdf]
Nikos Parlavantzas, Matthieu Morel, Vladimir Getov, Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel
9th International Worshop on Java for Parallel and
Distributed Computing (in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS
conference), April 2007
Application Constraints through Technical
Services [.pdf]
Denis Caromel, Alexandre di Costanzo, Christian Delbé,
and Matthieu Morel
HPC-GECO/CompFrame Workshop, June 2006
Grid Components Techniques: Composing, Gathering, and Scattering
Laurent Baduel, Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel, Fabrice Huet, Ludovic Henrio, Stéphane Lanteri and Matthieu Morel
Coupled Problems 2005, an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference,
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied
Sciences and Engineering, May 2005
GRIDLE Search for the
Fractal Component Model [.pdf]
Diego Puppin, Matthieu Morel, Denis Caromel, Domenico
Laforenza and Françoise Baude
Pisa CoreGRID integration workshop, November 2005
On Hierarchical,
Parallel and Distributed Components for Grid
Programming [.pdf (Springer)]
Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel and Matthieu Morel
Workshop on Component Models and Systems for Grid
Applications, June 2004, held in conjunction with ACM ICS
From Distributed Objects
to Hierarchical Grid Components [.pdf]
Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel and Matthieu
DOA'03, International Symposium on Distributed Objects and
Applications, November 2003
Porous Silicon as a Sacrificial
Material for Microstructures Fabrication
Matthieu Morel, Martine Le Berre, Vladimir Lysenko, Georges
Delhome, André Dittmar and Daniel Barbier
Material Research Society Symposium, Fall Meeting, December
(this publication was written during my master's thesis in
Book chapters
Programming, Composing,
Deploying, for the Grid [.pdf]
Laurent Baduel, Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel, Arnaud
Contes, Fabrice Huet, Matthieu Morel and Romain
Grid Computing: Software Environments and Tools, Springer
Verlag, 2005
Technical reports
Componentising a Scientific Application for the Grid [. pdf]
Françoise Baude, Denise Caromel, Fabrice Huet, Vladimir Getov, Matthieu Morel and Nikos Parlavantzas
CoreGrid Technical report TR-0031, April 2006