149 références sur: Statique
- 1
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- 3
Mao Y. and Agrawal S.K.
A cable driven upper arm exoskeleton for upper extremity
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- 4
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Human movement training with a cable driven ARm EXsokeleton
IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,
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Keywords: wire robot,mechanical
- 5
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Keywords: 2 dof robot,workspace,statics,stiffness.
- 6
McColl D. and Notash L.
Extension of the Antipodal theorem to workspace analysis of planar
wire-actuated manipulators.
In Computational Kinematics, pages 9–16, Duisburg,
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- 7
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Robotica, 29(4):607–617, Juillet 2011
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- 8
Mejia L., Simas H., and Martins D.
Force capability polytope of a
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- 9
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Wrench capability in redundant planar parallel manipulators with net
degree of constraint equal to four, five or six.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 105:58–79, 2016.
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- 10
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Best operation regions in a planar cable driven system.
In ARK, Bilbao, 26-30 Juin 2022
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,statics.
- 11
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An evaluation approach for motion-force interaction performance of
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Mechanism and Machine Theory, 149, 2020.
Keywords: kinetics,statics,isotropy.
- 12
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ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 142, Octobre 2020
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- 18
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Checking the cable configuration of cable-driven parallel robots on a
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- 19
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The influence of discrete-time control on the kinematico-static
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In ARK, pages 113–121, Ljulbjana,
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Keywords: wire robot,statics,control.
- 20
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The kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots with sagging cables:
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Some properties of the Irvine cable model and their use for the
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In 7tht European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), Aachen,
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Keywords: planar robot,statics,kinematics.
- 22
Miermeister P., Kraus W., and Pott A.
Differential kinematics for calibration, system investigation, and
force based forward kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots.
In 1st Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Stuttgart, 3-4 Septembre 2012
Keywords: wire robot,calibration,forward kinematics,statics.
- 23
Mikelsons L. and others .
A real-time capable force calculation algorithm for redundant
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 24
Moosavian A. and Xi F.
Modular design of parallel robots with static redundancy.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 96:26–37, 2016.
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- 25
Mostashiri N. and others .
Optimizing the torque distribution of a redundantly actuated parallel
robot to study the temporomandibular reaction forces during food chewing.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,statics,optimal
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- 26
Mousavi M. and others .
Rapid and safe wire tension distribution scheme for redundant
cable-driven parallel manipulators.
Robotica, 40(7):2295–2408, Juillet 2022
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- 27
Müller K., Reichert C., and Bruckmann T.
Analysis of a real-time capable force computation method.
In 2nd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Duisburg, 24-27 Août 2014
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- 28
Müller K., Reichert C., and Bruckmann T.
Analysis of geometrical force calculation algorithms for cable-driven
parallel robots with a threefold redundancy.
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 29
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Keywords: statics,isotropy.
- 30
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Keywords: planar robot,redundant robot,statics,control.
- 31
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- 32
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- 33
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A projection method for the elimination of contradicting control
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- 34
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- 36
Newman M., Zygielbaum A., and Terry B.
Static analysis and dimensional optimization of a cable-driven
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Keywords: wire robot,applications,4 dof robot,inverse
- 37
Nguyen C.C., Antrazi S.S., and Zhou Z-L.
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- 38
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Keywords: statics,force sensor,passive
- 39
Nokleby S.B. and others .
Force capabilities of redundantly-actuated parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(5):578–599,
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Keywords: redundant robot,statics,planar robot,performance
- 40
Nokleby S.B. and others .
Force-moment capabilities of redundantly-actuated planar-parallel
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: planar robot,redundant robot,statics,performance
- 41
Notash L.
Failure recovery for wrench capability of wire-actuated parallel
Robotica, 30(6):941–950, Septembre 2012
Keywords: wire robot,statics,safety,redundant robot.
- 42
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Impact of perturbation on wire tension vector.
In ARK, pages 41–49, Ljulbjana,
29 Juin-3 Juillet, 2014
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 43
Notash L.
Manipulator deflection for optimum tension of cable-driven robots
with parameter variations.
In 3rd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Québec, 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 44
Nurahmi L. and others .
Dimension synthesis of suspended eight cables-driven parallel robot
for search-and-rescue operation.
In Int.Conf on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture,
and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA), 2017.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,wire robot,optimal
- 45
Oh S-R. and Agrawal S.K.
Cable-suspended planar parallel robots with redundant cables:
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Keywords: wire robot,redundant robot,control,statics.
- 46
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Keywords: dynamics,statics.
- 47
Osumi H. and others .
Development of a manipulator suspended to parallel wire structure.
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- 48
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Interference estimated time of arrival on a 6-dof cable-driven haptic
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Keywords: wire robot,statics,haptic device,trajectory planning.
- 49
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Cable tension control and analysis of reel transparancy for 6-dof
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Keywords: wire robot,statics,applications,medical,control.
- 50
Otis M.J.D. and others .
Determination and management of cable interferences between two 6-dof
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Keywords: wire robot,applications,medical,statics.
- 51
Ottaviano E.
A system for tension monitoring in cable-based parallel
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 52
Ouyang B. and Shang W-W.
Wrench-feasible workspace based optimization of the fixed and moving
platforms for cable-driven parallel manipulators.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 30(6):629–635,
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Keywords: wire robot,workspace,statics,optimal
design,mechanical architecture.
- 53
Ouyang B. and Shang W-W.
A new computation method for the force-closure workspace of
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Robotica, 33(3):537–547, Mars 2015
Keywords: wire robot,workspace,statics.
- 54
Palpacelli M. and others .
Analysis and design of a reconfigurable 3-dof parallel manipulator
for multimodal tasks.
IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 20(4):1975–1985,
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,modular robot,mechanical
- 55
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Static performance improvement of an industrial robot by means of a
cable-driven redundantly actuated system.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 38:1–8, 2016.
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- 56
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Analysis of static equilibrium of a parallel manipulator.
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Keywords: inverse kinematics,hybrid robot,statics.
- 57
Pasila F. and otehrs .
Inverse static analysis of massive parallel arrays of three-state
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Keywords: planar robot,binary robot,statics.
- 58
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Tension analysis of cable-driven parallel mechanisms.
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- 59
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- 60
Piao J. and others .
Open-loop position control of a polymer cable-driven parallel robot
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- 61
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Development of a high payload cable-driven parallel robot.
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- 62
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- 67
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- 71
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Available wrench set for planar mobile cable-driven parallel robots.
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- 72
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Kinematic modeling and twist feasibility of mobile cable-driven
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Keywords: wire robot,statics,hybrid robot.
- 73
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Wrench-feasible workspace of mobile cable-driven parallel robots.
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- 74
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- 75
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- 76
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- 77
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- 82
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Implementation of analytic iterative redundancy resolution technique
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- 83
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- 84
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- 86
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- 87
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- 88
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Kinetostatic characterization of a loading system based on a
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Keywords: wire robot,decoupled
- 89
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- 90
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- 92
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- 93
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- 94
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 95
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- 96
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- 97
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- 98
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- 99
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- 100
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- 101
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 103
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- 104
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Keywords: statics,wire robot.
- 105
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- 106
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Keywords: statics,performance analysis.
- 109
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- 110
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