ICVS 2011
8th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems
20 - 22 September 2011, Sophia Antipolis (France)

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Here is the list of accepted papers for ICVS 201.



7 A fast and reliable technique for the log-polar mapping: a quantitative comparison Manuela Chessa (University of Genoa), Silvio Sabatini (University of Genoa), Fabio Solari (University of Genoa), Fabio Tatti ()
8 Efficient Use of Geometric Constraints for Sliding-Window Object Detection in Video Patrick Sudowe (RWTH Aachen), Bastian Leibe (UMIC Research Centre, RWTH Aachen)
13 Knowing what happened - Automatic Documentation of Image Analysis Processes Birgit Moeller (University Halle-Wittenberg), Oliver Gress (University Halle-Wittenberg), STefan Posch (University Halle-Wittenberg)
14 Towards a General Abstraction Through Sequences of Conceptual Operations Gregor Miller (University of British Columbia), Steve Oldridge (University of British Columbia), Sidney Fels (University of British Columbia)
16 Unsupervised activity extraction on long-term video recordings employing soft computing relations Luis Patino (INRIA), Murray Evans (Reading University), James Ferryman (), Francois Bremond (INRIA Sophia), Monique Thonnat (INRIA Sophia)
18 A Cognitive Vision System for Nuclear Fusion Device Monitoring Vincent Martin (CEA), Victor Moncada (CEA, IRFM), Jean-Marcel Travere (CEA, IRFM), Thierry Loarer (CEA), Guillaume Charpiat (INRIA), Francois Bremond (INRIA Sophia), Monique Thonnat (INRIA Sophia)
23 Unsupervised Discovery, Modeling and Analysis of long term Activities Guido Pusiol (INRIA), Francois Bremond (INRIA Sophia), Monique Thonnat (INRIA Sophia)
25 Girgit: A Dynamically Adaptive Vision System for Scene Understanding Sagar Sen (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Leonardo Rocha ()
32 Toward accurate feature detectors performance evaluation Pavel Smirnov (Intel Labs), Piotr Semenov (Intel Labs), Alexander Redkin (Intel Labs)
34 Run Time Adaptation of Video-Surveillance Systems: A software Modeling Approach Mathieu Acher (I3S), Philippe Collet (I3S), Philippe Lahire (I3S), Sabine Moisan (INRIA), Jean-Paul Rigault (INRIA)
37 Learning what Matters: Combining Probabilistic Models of 2D and 3D Saliency Cues Ekaterina Potapova (TUW), Michael Zillich (TUW), Markus Vincze (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
39 Evaluation of local descriptors for action recognition in videos Piotr Bilinski (INRIA), Francois Bremond (INRIA Sophia)
40 Scene Understanding through Interactive Perception Niklas Bergström (KTH), Carl Henrik Ek (Royal Institute of Technology), Mårten Björkman (Royal Institute of Technology), Danica Kragic (KTH, Sweden)
48 3D Saliency for Abnormal Motion Selection: the Role of the Depth Map Nicolas Riche (), Matei Mancas (University of Mons), Bernard Gosselin (), Thierry Dutoit ()
50 A method for asteroids 3D surface reconstruction from close approach distances Luca Baglivo (), Alessio Del Bue (IIT), Lunardelli Massimo (), Francesco Setti (), Vittorio Murino (IIT), Mariolino De Cecco ()
55 Automatically Searching for Optimal Parameter Settings Using a Genetic Algorithm David Bolme (Colorado State University), Bruce Draper (Colorado State University), Ross Beveridge (Colorado State University), Yui Man Lui (Colorado State University), Jonathon Phillips (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
56 On the Spatial Extents of SIFT Descriptors for Visual Concept Detection Markus Mühling (University of Marburg), Ralph Ewerth (University of Marburg), Bernd Freisleben (University of Marburg)
56 On the Spatial Extents of SIFT Descriptors for Visual Concept Detection Markus Mühling (University of Marburg), Ralph Ewerth (University of Marburg), Bernd Freisleben (University of Marburg)
58 Ontology-based Realtime Activity Monitoring Using Beam Search Bernd Neumann ("University of Hamburg, Germany"), Wilfried Bohlken (University of Hamburg), Lothar Hotz (HITeC), Patrick Koopmann ()
60 An Experimental Framework for Evaluating PTZ Tracking Algorithms Pietro Salvagnini (IIT), Marco Cristani (IIT), Alessio Del Bue (IIT), Vittorio Murino (IIT)
64 Knowledge Representation and Inference for Grasp Affordances Karthik Mahesh Varadarajan (TU Vienna)

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