Meena Mani
Ancien Stagiaire Master, Mode de Vie
Mots-clés : Estimation de paramètres, Texture, Arbres / Foret
Projet : Mode de Vie
Démo : voir la démo de l'auteur
Contact :
E-Mail : | | meenadotmaniatinriadotfr | Téléphone : | | (33)4-92-38-75-68 | Fax : | | (33)4-92-38-76-43 | Adresse : | | INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, Route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
France. |

| Résumé :
Les problèmes sur lesquels je travaille au sein du projet "Mode de Vie" sont:
- Classification d'images aeriennes d'arbres à l'aide de méthodes statistiques.
- Calibration d'images aeriennes d'arbres à l'aide d'une modelisation des plantes. |
Dernières publications dans le projet Ariana :
Tree Species Classification Using Radiometry, Texture and Shape Based Features. M. S. Kulikova et M. Mani et A. Srivastava et X. Descombes et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2007. Mots-clés : shape based features, SVM, tree classification.
author |
= |
{Kulikova, M. S. and Mani, M. and Srivastava, A. and Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Tree Species Classification Using Radiometry, Texture and Shape Based Features}, |
year |
= |
{2007}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/46/55/05/PDF/Kulikova_EUSIPCO2007.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{shape based features, SVM, tree classification} |
} |
Abstract :
We consider the problem of tree species classification from high resolution aerial images based on radiometry, texture and a shape modeling. We use the notion of shape space proposed by Klassen et al., which provides a shape description invariant to translation, rotation and scaling. The shape features are extracted within a geodesic distance in the shape space. We then perform a classification using a SVM approach. We are able to show that the shape descriptors improve the classification performance relative to a classifier based on radiometric and textural descriptors alone. We obtain these results using high resolution Colour InfraRed (CIR) aerial images provided by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The image viewpoint is close to the nadir, i.e. the tree crowns are seen from above. |
Liste complète des publications dans le projet Ariana