Compilation from sources

multipers compilation

To build from the source files, some more dependencies are needed. The following commands should provide a working environment

conda install python=3.11 cxx-compiler boost tbb tbb-devel numpy matplotlib gudhi scikit-learn cython sympy tqdm cycler typing shapely -c conda-forge

Then clone the repository and pip install it.

git clone
cd multipers
python build_ext -j4 --inplace # optional, but faster this way
pip install . ## faster with --no-build-isolation
pytest multipers # optional, does test some functions

Note: You can also tune the compilation flags in the file.

External libraries

Some external library may be needed to be compiled from sources, e.g., mpfree, function_delaunay. The easiest way to deal with those ones is to compile them in a proper conda environment, and put it in this conda environment.

In the same conda environment as above, execute

# more dependencies are needed
conda install llvm-openmp cgal cgal-cpp gmp mpfr -c conda-forge

# mpfree
git clone
cd mpfree
cmake .
cp mpfree $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/
cd ..
rm -rf mpfree

git clone
cd function_delaunay
cmake .
cp main $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/function_delaunay
cd ..
rm -rf function_delaunay