Computer-assisted drawing is at the convergence of computer graphics and human-computer interactions. The DRAO project aims at bringing together experts from these two fields.
Adrien Bousseau
(REVES - Inria Sophia Antipolis) is the project coordinator.
He does research on image creation and manipulation. During his PhD he proposed methods to manipulate material and lighting in
photographs and to draw complex color gradients in vector graphics using Diffusion Curves. He also worked on sketch-based modeling tools
for computer-aided design.
Pascal Barla
(Manao - Inria Bordeaux) works on facilitating the creation of effective or stylized images.
He contributed to the creation of the Diffusion Curve vector primitive for the drawing of complex color gradients. Pascal Barla also proposed
new rendering techniques to enhance shape details in images. His work is deaply inspired by human perception and he collaborates with
vision science researchers on rendering techniques that enhance the depiction of shape and materials.
Theophanis Tsandilas
(in|situ| - Inria Saclay) works in the field of human-computer interaction.
He has conducted several studies on how musicians use pen and paper to explore ideas. From his observations he proposed novel user interfaces for
music composers based on digital pens. He also published work on gesture-based interaction with digital pens.
Martin Hachet
(Potioc - Inria Bordeaux) is an expert in virtual reality and human-computer interaction,
in particular in the context of 3D interaction for novice users. He published several papers on tangible and multi-touch interfaces for navigation and
interaction with 3D scenes.
Gaël Guennebaud
(Manao - Inria Bordeaux) works in the field of real-time rendering and
geometry processing. In particular, he published several papers on the estimation of smooth surfaces from point sets and he recently applied similar
mathematical tools to compute smooth-shaded images from a few user-specified primitives.
Wendy Mackay
(in|situ| - Inria Saclay) works in the field of human-computer interactions. Her leadership
in the field has been recognized by her election to the prestigious ACM CHI Academy in 2009. In addition to numerous papers on novel user
interfaces, Wendy Mackay published work on research and engineering methodology for effective interaction techniques, including field
observation and participatory design.
Emmanuel Iarussi
(REVES - Inria Sophia Antipolis)
is a PhD student funded by the ANR DRAO project and working on computer-assisted drawing tools.