

Matthieu Latapy, Assia Hamzaoui and Clémence Magnien (2013) Detecting Events in the Dynamics of Ego-centered Measurements of the Internet Topology. Journal of Complex Networks, 2(1):38-59. (PDF)


Detecting events such as major routing changes or congestions in the dynamics of the internet topology is an important but challenging task. We explore here a top-down empirical approach based on a notion of statistically significant events. It consists in identifying properties of graph dynamics which exhibit a homogeneous distribution with outliers, corresponding to events. We apply this approach to ego-centered measurements of the internet topology (views obtained from a single monitor) and show that it succeeds in detecting meaningful events. Finally, we give some hints for the interpretation of detected events in terms of network operations.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { HLMevent,
    AUTHOR = { Matthieu Latapy and Assia Hamzaoui and Clémence Magnien },
    TITLE = { Detecting Events in the Dynamics of Ego-centered Measurements of the Internet Topology },
    JOURNAL = { Journal of Complex Networks },
    YEAR = { 2013 },
    MONTH = { oct },
    VOLUME = { 2 },
    NUMBER = { 1 },
    PAGES = { 38-59 },
    PDF = { http://www-rp.lip6.fr/~latapy/Publis/events.pdf },
    ABSTRACT = { Detecting events such as major routing changes or congestions in the dynamics of the internet topology is an important but challenging task. We explore here a top-down empirical approach based on a notion of statistically significant events. It consists in identifying properties of graph dynamics which exhibit a homogeneous distribution with outliers, corresponding to events. We apply this approach to ego-centered measurements of the internet topology (views obtained from a single monitor) and show that it succeeds in detecting meaningful events. Finally, we give some hints for the interpretation of detected events in terms of network operations. },