All commands, alphabetic order; letter W

This page contains the description of \wd, \wedge, \whiledo, \@whiledim, \@whilenum, \@whilesw, \widehat, \widetilde, \@width, \widowpenalties, \widowpenalty, \widthof, \wlog, \wp, \wr, wrapfigure, wraptable, \write.


A command like \wd0=2\wd1 says to replace the width of the box number 0 by twice the width of box number one. See scanint for how integers are read (here the integer is zero, it should be a number between 0 and 255 in TeX, 1023 in Tralics). See scandimen for how dimensions are read (here 2\wd1 is the dimension).

Changing the dimension of the box does not change its content: if you say \hbox to 0pt{...}, you will get an overflow hbox, but if you say \setbox0= \hbox{...}\wd0=0pt \box0, you will get a box that is neither overfull nor underfull, the result is of width zero. This is more or less the same as \hbox to 0pt{...\hss}.

Tralics does not use nor remember box dimensions. In the example above 2\wd1 evaluates to 0pt, and modifying \wd0 does not modify the box.

\wedge (math symbol)

The \wedge command is valid only in math mode. It generates a binary operator: <mo>&wedge;</mo> (Unicode U+2227, ∧). See description of the \pm command.


The \whiledo command is provided by the ifthenelse package. It takes two arguments: a test and a body. The test is evaluated via \ifthenelse. It if is true, the body is evaluated, and the test is done again.

The original LaTeX definition uses the \@whilesw command, and a special boolean \if@whiledo. It is shown here.


Here is an example of code

  Gcd(#1,#2) = 
    gcd(\arabic{ca},\arabic{cb}) = }%

If you are interested, the transcript file (for the original definition) is here. The translation is the following. gcd

This is another way for the same command. The first time we enter \@whilesw, the test is true. Here we print the value at the start of the loop instead of the end.

  \@whilesw\iftest gcd(\arabic{ca},\arabic{cb}) = \fi{%

Here we use \@whilenum. The code is: while C is less than D, then say A=C, B=D-C. In any case, put in C the smallest of A, B, and in D the largest. The big trouble is that \@whilenum compares two numbers, and the test is less-than, greater-than and equal-than. There is no different-from. You just cannot say: `while A is different from B do'.


  \@whilenum \value{cc}<\value{cd} Gcd(\arabic{cc},\arabic{cd}) = \do{%

This is the same code, but we use dimensions. Note how dimensions are converted to integers and vice-versa.


  \@whiledim \cC<\cD Xgcd(\arabic{ca},\arabic{cb}) = \do{%


You can say \@whilesw test \fi{body}. Here test is an incomplete conditional, and the \fi token must be explicit. The body is executed as long as the test is true. See above \whiledo above. This command is defined in the LaTeX kernel, although not described in the books.


You can say \@whilenum test etc \do{body}. Here test is an incomplete conditional, of the form number-op-number (where op is one of < > or =) and the \do token must be explicit. The body is executed as long as the test is true. See above \whiledo above. This command is defined in the LaTeX kernel, although not described in the books.


You can say \@whiledim test etc\do{body}. Here test is an incomplete conditional, of the form dimen-op-dimen (where op is one of < > or =) and the \do token must be explicit. The body is executed as long as the test is true. See above \whiledo above. This command is defined in the LaTeX kernel, although not described in the books.

\widetilde (math accent)

The \widetilde command puts a tilde accent over a kernel. It is (currently in Tralics) equivalent to \tilde. It works only in math mode. See also the \acute command.

\widehat (math accent)

The \widehat command puts a hat accent over a kernel. It is (currently in Tralics) equivalent to \hat. It works only in math mode. See also the \acute command.

\widowpenalties (internal integer)

This command is an eTeX extension to Tralics, that reads or writes a slot in a dynamically allocated table. The syntax is the following. In a set context, an equals is read, followed by an integer n. If the integer is positive, then n integer values are read and stored, otherwise the table is cleared. In a get context, an integer n is read, and the result is an integer; if n is negative, this is zero, if n is zero it is the length of the table, if n is positive it is the value found in the table (or the last value if n is too big). (See scanint for details of argument scanning).

The sequence \widowpenalties=3 101 102 103 reallocates the table associated to widow penalties, and puts 101, 102 and 103 in it. The sequence \the\displaywidowpenalties 0 typesets the value at position 0 in the table, namely 101. The table is not used by Tralics. In the code that follows, the macro \bad is not called.

\interlinepenalties=3 1 2 3
\clubpenalties=3 11 12 13
\widowpenalties=3 101 102 103
\displaywidowpenalties=3 1001 1002 1003
\widowpenalties= -1
\the\interlinepenalties 1
\the\displaywidowpenalties -1
\the\displaywidowpenalties 0
\the\displaywidowpenalties 4
\the\widowpenalties 0}

\widowpenalty (internal integer)

When you say \widowpenalty=100, then TeX will use 100 as penalty for a lonely line at the top of a page (line not followed by an equation) when it computes optimal page breaks. Unused by Tralics. (See scanint for details of argument scanning).


This command expands to width. Do not modify it.


This command is defined by the `calc' package but not implemented in Tralics.


The command \wlog behaves like \write-1. This means that the command reads a list of tokens, and prints it (expanded) to the transcript file.

\wp (math symbol)

The \wp command is valid only in math mode. It generates a miscellaneous symbol: <mi>&wp;</mi> (Unicode U+2118, ℘). See description of the \ldots command.

\wr (math symbol)

The \wr command is valid only in math mode. It generates a binary operator: <mo>&wr;</mo>, (Unicode U+2240, ≀). See description of the \pm command.

wrapfigure, wraptable (environment)

These two environments are extensions of figure and table.

\begin{wrapfigure}[12]{r}[34pt]{5cm} FIG \end{wrapfigure}
\begin{wraptable}[12]{r}[34pt]{5cm} TABLE \end{wraptable}
\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{5cm} FIG \end{wrapfigure}
\begin{wraptable}{r}{5cm} TABLE \end{wraptable}
<figure id-text='2' id='uid48' width='5cm' overhang='34pt' place='r' narrow='12'>
  <p rend='center'>FIG</p>
<table rend='display' id-text='1' id='uid49' width='5cm' overhang='34pt' place='r' narrow='12'>
<figure id-text='3' id='uid50' width='5cm' place='r'>
  <p rend='center'>FIG</p>
<table rend='display' id-text='2' id='uid51' width='5cm' place='r'>


After \write comes a number and a general text (see the scanint command for details of parsing) the number and scantoks for the other argument). The effect is to write the second argument in the file specified by the first argument. See \openout for further information).

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