In file inrimage/InrimageSliceInterface.h:

class InrimageSliceInterface : public Owner<Inrimage>, public AutoLink<InrimageSliceInterface>

a class associated with an image, used to store information about : 1) operation about the image itself 2) inrimage background created with each slicecam (creation, update and destruction of a background)


Public Methods

~InrimageSliceInterface ()
empty destructor
Inrimage* getInrimage () const
returns the pointed image
ObjectsList <InrimageSliceDisplayContainer> ::iterator getFirstContainer ()
gives the first container of the list
ObjectsList <InrimageSliceDisplayContainer> ::iterator getLastContainer ()
gives the last container of the list
void addSlice (SliceCameraBackground *b) const
warn all slice container that a slice has been created
void deleteSlice (SliceCameraBackground *b) const
warn all slice container that a slice has been created
void updateSlice (SliceCameraBackground *b) const
warn all slice container that a slice has been created
void updateImage () const
warn all slice container that the image has been modifed
void deleteImage () const
warn all slice container that the image is being deleted
void addContainer (InrimageSliceDisplayContainer *c)
add a container to the list
virtual void dying (const ObjectPointer < Inrimage > &)
die on inrimage deletion


InrimageSliceInterface (Inrimage *inr)
creation from an image

class NoImageProvided : public Exception
no image

Protected Fields

ObjectsList <InrimageSliceDisplayContainer> containerList
list of slice display container


a class associated with an image, used to store information about : 1) operation about the image itself 2) inrimage background created with each slicecam (creation, update and destruction of a background)

InrimageSliceInterface(Inrimage *inr)
creation from an image

empty destructor

class NoImageProvided: public Exception
no image

ObjectsList <InrimageSliceDisplayContainer> containerList
list of slice display container

Inrimage* getInrimage() const
returns the pointed image

ObjectsList <InrimageSliceDisplayContainer> ::iterator getFirstContainer()
gives the first container of the list

ObjectsList <InrimageSliceDisplayContainer> ::iterator getLastContainer()
gives the last container of the list

void addSlice(SliceCameraBackground *b) const
warn all slice container that a slice has been created

void deleteSlice(SliceCameraBackground *b) const
warn all slice container that a slice has been created

void updateSlice(SliceCameraBackground *b) const
warn all slice container that a slice has been created

void updateImage() const
warn all slice container that the image has been modifed

void deleteImage() const
warn all slice container that the image is being deleted

void addContainer(InrimageSliceDisplayContainer *c)
add a container to the list

virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer < Inrimage > &)
die on inrimage deletion

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling