In file inrimage/InrimageSliceInterface.h:

namespace yav class InrimageSliceDisplayContainer : public ListElement<InrimageSliceDisplayContainer>

a class that keeps an update on Inrimage slice


Public Classes

enum OpacityLevel
the different opacity available for displaying a ROI
enum SurfaceRoiMethod
describes how to generate a region of interest from a surface

Public Methods

TclString getFilename (void) const
return this object file name
Inrimage* getAssociatedImage (void) const
return the grey-level image associated with this ROI
void setAssociatedImage (Inrimage *inr)
return the grey-level image associated with this ROI
Inrimage* createBinaryImage () const
creates and returns a new binary image (of type unsigned char) having the same size as its associated grey-level image and where voxels of the ROI are set to 255
void writeMain (GFOutput &output)
write the main description of a ROI
void readMain (GFInput &input)
read the main description of a ROI
void skipMain (GFInput &input)
skip the main description of a ROI
void write (TclString fname)
write the ROI as a file
std::list <ROIVoxel *> ::const_iterator getFirstVoxel () const
return first voxel in list
std::list <ROIVoxel *> ::const_iterator getLastVoxel () const
return first voxel in list
virtual void dying (const ObjectPointer<Inrimage>& obj)
called when image is destroyed
void dilate (CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivity, unsigned int nbIterations=1)
dilate the set of voxels
void erode (CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivity, unsigned int nbIterations=1)
erode the set of voxels
GenericHistogram* createHistogram () const
creates and return the Histogram of this ROI
void computeMeanVariance (double &mean, double &variance, double rejectRate=0.0)
compute the mean and variance of the ROI in a robust manner
Scene2D* getScene (void) const
return this object scene
virtual void translate (const Vec2& t)
Translates the 2D object
virtual void rotate (const Rotation2D &r)
Rotates the 2D object: no rotation available for images
virtual void scale (const double s)
Scales the 2D object
virtual void updateCenter (Vec2& center, unsigned int& n)
Returns the graphic object center and weight.
void getColor ( float &r, float &g, float &b) const
get the color of the region of interest
void setColor ( const float r, const float g, const float b)
get the color of the region of interest
bool getGreyLevelUsage () const
if the roi must be display with color or greyLevel
void setGreyLevelUsage ( const bool v)
decides if the roi must be display with color or greyLevel
virtual void redraw (Camera2D *cam)
default redraw function for sliceable objects
SurfaceSliceable* getSurface () const
returns the surface sliceable that has generated the ROI
virtual double updateRadius (const Vec2& center)
Returns the graphic object radius given its center
virtual double computeClosestDistance (DataTypes::MouseClick& mc) const
Return MAXDOUBLE, an image is considered as background and may not be selected
OpacityLevel getOpacity () const
returns the opacity level for the ROI display
void setOpacity (const OpacityLevel o)
set the opacity level for the ROI display
TclInrimageROI* getInterface (void) const
return TCL interface
virtual void sliceCreation (SliceCameraBackground *b)
function called when a TclInrimageBackground is created
virtual void sliceDestruction (SliceCameraBackground *b)
function called when a TclInrimageBackground is deleted
virtual void sliceUpdate (SliceCameraBackground *b)
function called when a TclInrimageBackground is modified
virtual void imageUpdate (const Inrimage *i)
function called when the inrimage is modified
virtual void imageDestroyed (const Inrimage *i)
function called when the inrimage is deleted


Exception classes
class ImageMissing : public Exception
image missing exception
class BinaryImageWrongSize : public Exception
binary image does not have the same size as the grey-level image
ROIVoxelList (const std::list<ROIVoxel *> &svl, Vec3 _vsize=Vec3(0., 0., 0.), Inrimage *im=0)
build a new region of interest in a volumetric image
ROIVoxelList (Inrimage *image, const Inrimage *binary) throw(ImageMissing, BinaryImageWrongSize)
build a region of interest from a binary image and a grey-value image
ROIVoxelList (char *filename)
build a region of interest from a file
void dilateOrErode (CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivity, unsigned int niter, bool dilate)
actual routine for doing erosion/dilation
ROIVoxelList (Vec3 _vsize=Vec3(0., 0., 0.))
constructor that is only used by inherited class : builds an empty list of voxels
virtual ~ROIVoxelList ()
InrimageROI (Scene2D *scene, const std::list<ROIVoxel *> &svl, Vec3 _vsize=Vec3(0., 0., 0.))
build a new region of interest in a volumetric image
InrimageROI (Scene2D *scene, Inrimage *image, SurfaceSliceable *s, SurfaceRoiMethod m=InrimageROI::SURFACE_BOUNDARY, double param=1.0)
build a region of interest associated with a surface and an image
InrimageROI (Scene2D *scene, Inrimage *image, const Inrimage *binary) throw(ImageMissing, BinaryImageWrongSize)
build a region of interest from a binary image and a grey-value image
InrimageROI (Scene2D *scene, char *filename)
build a region of interest from a file
virtual ~InrimageROI ()

Protected Fields

std::list <ROIVoxel *> voxelList
list of voxels
Vec3 voxelSize
voxel size
Inrimage* slice
2D image slice associated with the region
Vec3 offset
offset for the slice
TclString filename
file name
SurfaceSliceable* surface
surface that has generated the region of interest
float roiColor [3]
color of the region
TclString traceName
name used in the canvas to draw the region
OpacityLevel opacityLevel
the opacity level used for drawing the ROI
bool useGreyLevel
if the roi must be display with color or greyLevel

Protected Methods

void initFormat ()
initialize General Format modules
void init ()
initialize graphics variables


a class that keeps an update on Inrimage slice
std::list <ROIVoxel *> voxelList
list of voxels

Vec3 voxelSize
voxel size

Inrimage* slice
2D image slice associated with the region

Vec3 offset
offset for the slice

TclString filename
file name

void initFormat()
initialize General Format modules

Exception classes

class ImageMissing: public Exception
image missing exception

class BinaryImageWrongSize: public Exception
binary image does not have the same size as the grey-level image


ROIVoxelList(const std::list<ROIVoxel *> &svl, Vec3 _vsize=Vec3(0., 0., 0.), Inrimage *im=0)
build a new region of interest in a volumetric image
vl - a list of voxel located on the region boundary
_vsize - gives the voxel size for display
im - the image that gives the grey-level values

ROIVoxelList(Inrimage *image, const Inrimage *binary) throw(ImageMissing, BinaryImageWrongSize)
build a region of interest from a binary image and a grey-value image
image - a 3D grey-value image where the ROI is defined : the grey-level value of each voxel is used from this original image as well as the image size
binary - a 3D binary image where each voxel of non-zero value is considered to belong to the region of interest. It must have the same size as the original image

ROIVoxelList(char *filename)
build a region of interest from a file
scene - the 2D scene where the object is located
filename - the name of the file

void dilateOrErode(CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivity, unsigned int niter, bool dilate)
actual routine for doing erosion/dilation

ROIVoxelList(Vec3 _vsize=Vec3(0., 0., 0.))
constructor that is only used by inherited class : builds an empty list of voxels
_vsize - voxel size


virtual ~ROIVoxelList()

TclString getFilename(void) const
return this object file name

Inrimage* getAssociatedImage(void) const
return the grey-level image associated with this ROI

void setAssociatedImage(Inrimage *inr)
return the grey-level image associated with this ROI

Inrimage* createBinaryImage() const
creates and returns a new binary image (of type unsigned char) having the same size as its associated grey-level image and where voxels of the ROI are set to 255

void writeMain(GFOutput &output)
write the main description of a ROI

void readMain(GFInput &input)
read the main description of a ROI

void skipMain(GFInput &input)
skip the main description of a ROI

void write(TclString fname)
write the ROI as a file

std::list <ROIVoxel *> ::const_iterator getFirstVoxel() const
return first voxel in list

std::list <ROIVoxel *> ::const_iterator getLastVoxel() const
return first voxel in list

virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer<Inrimage>& obj)
called when image is destroyed

void dilate(CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivity, unsigned int nbIterations=1)
dilate the set of voxels
connectivity - type of connectivity for the dilation
nbIterations - the number of dilation operations

void erode(CONNECTIVITY_TYPE connectivity, unsigned int nbIterations=1)
erode the set of voxels
connectivity - type of connectivity for the dilation
nbIterations - the number of dilation operations

GenericHistogram* createHistogram() const
creates and return the Histogram of this ROI

void computeMeanVariance(double &mean, double &variance, double rejectRate=0.0)
compute the mean and variance of the ROI in a robust manner
mean - the computed mean value
variance - the computed variance
rejectRate - the rate (between 0 and 1 ) of rejection of outliers. For rejectRate=0 then Euclidean distance is used. If rejectRate=1 then the mean is the median value

enum OpacityLevel
the different opacity available for displaying a ROI

SurfaceSliceable* surface
surface that has generated the region of interest

float roiColor[3]
color of the region

TclString traceName
name used in the canvas to draw the region

OpacityLevel opacityLevel
the opacity level used for drawing the ROI

bool useGreyLevel
if the roi must be display with color or greyLevel

void init()
initialize graphics variables

enum SurfaceRoiMethod
describes how to generate a region of interest from a surface


InrimageROI(Scene2D *scene, const std::list<ROIVoxel *> &svl, Vec3 _vsize=Vec3(0., 0., 0.))
build a new region of interest in a volumetric image
scene - the 2D scene where the object is located
vl - a list of voxel located on the region boundary

InrimageROI(Scene2D *scene, Inrimage *image, SurfaceSliceable *s, SurfaceRoiMethod m=InrimageROI::SURFACE_BOUNDARY, double param=1.0)
build a region of interest associated with a surface and an image
scene - the 2D scene where the object is located
image - a 3D image defining the size of the slice image and its voxel size
s - a surface sliceable that is sliced along the Z direction
method - defines if we are interested in the region enclosed by the surface or its boundary or a region near the boundary
param - size of the narrow band (in mm) near the surface boundary

InrimageROI(Scene2D *scene, Inrimage *image, const Inrimage *binary) throw(ImageMissing, BinaryImageWrongSize)
build a region of interest from a binary image and a grey-value image
scene - the 2D scene where the object is located
image - a 3D grey-value image where the ROI is defined : the grey-level value of each voxel is used from this original image as well as the image size
binary - a 3D binary image where each voxel of non-zero value is considered to belong to the region of interest. It must have the same size as the original image

InrimageROI(Scene2D *scene, char *filename)
build a region of interest from a file
scene - the 2D scene where the object is located
filename - the name of the file


virtual ~InrimageROI()

Scene2D* getScene(void) const
return this object scene

virtual void translate(const Vec2& t)
Translates the 2D object
t - translation vector

virtual void rotate(const Rotation2D &r)
Rotates the 2D object: no rotation available for images
r - rotation matrix

virtual void scale(const double s)
Scales the 2D object
s - scale factor

virtual void updateCenter(Vec2& center, unsigned int& n)
Returns the graphic object center and weight.

void getColor( float &r, float &g, float &b) const
get the color of the region of interest

void setColor( const float r, const float g, const float b)
get the color of the region of interest

bool getGreyLevelUsage() const
if the roi must be display with color or greyLevel

void setGreyLevelUsage( const bool v)
decides if the roi must be display with color or greyLevel

virtual void redraw(Camera2D *cam)
default redraw function for sliceable objects
cam - camera to redraw

SurfaceSliceable* getSurface() const
returns the surface sliceable that has generated the ROI

virtual double updateRadius(const Vec2& center)
Returns the graphic object radius given its center

virtual double computeClosestDistance(DataTypes::MouseClick& mc) const
Return MAXDOUBLE, an image is considered as background and may not be selected

OpacityLevel getOpacity() const
returns the opacity level for the ROI display

void setOpacity(const OpacityLevel o)
set the opacity level for the ROI display

TclInrimageROI* getInterface(void) const
return TCL interface

virtual void sliceCreation(SliceCameraBackground *b)
function called when a TclInrimageBackground is created
b - a slice-camera background

virtual void sliceDestruction(SliceCameraBackground *b)
function called when a TclInrimageBackground is deleted
b - a slice-camera background

virtual void sliceUpdate(SliceCameraBackground *b)
function called when a TclInrimageBackground is modified
b - a slice-camera background

virtual void imageUpdate(const Inrimage *i)
function called when the inrimage is modified
i - an inrimage

virtual void imageDestroyed(const Inrimage *i)
function called when the inrimage is deleted
i - an inrimage

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling