In file contour/ActiveVertexContour3D.h:

class EdgeActiveContour3D : public EdgeContour3D

an edge of a 3D active contour that include geometric information necessary for the computation of internal forces


Public Methods

VertexContour* addVertex ()
add a vertex on an edge
double getLength () const
returns edge length
ActiveVertexContour3D* getFirstVertex () const
Returns a pointer to the first vertex of an edge
ActiveVertexContour3D* getSecondVertex () const
Returns a pointer to the second vertex of an edge
double getRestLength ()
return restlength
Vec3 getDirection () const
returns edge direction
void setRestLength (const double rl)
set the edge rest length


EdgeActiveContour3D (ActiveVertexContour3D *firstVertex, ActiveVertexContour3D *secondVertex=0)
Build an edge given its two vertices
virtual ~EdgeActiveContour3D ()
empty Destructor

Protected Methods

virtual VertexContour* createVertex () const
create a new vertex : use a virtual function in order to create inherited vertices

Private Fields

double restLength
rest Length used for a spring

Inherited from EdgeContour3D:

Protected Fields

double length
Vec3 direction

Inherited from EdgeContour:

Public Methods

void cutEdge()
int getTopologicalDistance(const EdgeContour *e) const

Protected Fields

VertexContour* vertex[2]


an edge of a 3D active contour that include geometric information necessary for the computation of internal forces
double restLength
rest Length used for a spring


EdgeActiveContour3D(ActiveVertexContour3D *firstVertex, ActiveVertexContour3D *secondVertex=0)
Build an edge given its two vertices
firstVertex - the first edge vertex where the edge is stored
secondVertex - the second edge vertex


virtual ~EdgeActiveContour3D()
empty Destructor

VertexContour* addVertex()
add a vertex on an edge

double getLength() const
returns edge length

ActiveVertexContour3D* getFirstVertex() const
Returns a pointer to the first vertex of an edge

ActiveVertexContour3D* getSecondVertex() const
Returns a pointer to the second vertex of an edge

double getRestLength()
return restlength

Vec3 getDirection() const
returns edge direction

void setRestLength(const double rl)
set the edge rest length

virtual VertexContour* createVertex() const
create a new vertex : use a virtual function in order to create inherited vertices

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling