The image file formats supported by DTI Track include those of ITK (Insight ToolKit):
Analyze 7.5 (.hdr, .img), Metafile (.mha), Gipl (.gipl), VTK image data (.vtk), Dicom
(.dcm), Ge4x, GDCM, Nrrd, Siemens Vision, PNG, BMP, TIFF, JPEG. Altough MedINRI is capable
to read Dicom files, it cannot reconstruct a full volume (i.e. it cannot handle a series
of dicoms). For a volume reconstruction from dicoms, you can use MRIConvert
( for Windows, or MRIcro
( for Linux.
The tensor files are stored in a homemade format, called Inrimage (.inr, .inr.gz), this is
a compressed file to save memory. The fiber files are in VTK file format (vtkPolyData),
although with a .fib extension instead of the regular .vtk extension.
The DTI Track module also has its own format for DTI analysis: the DTI Study
(.dts). This format will be described in the next section.