Publications of year 1995
N. Ayache, editor.
First international conference on computer vision, virtual reality and robotics in medicine, CVRMed'95,
volume 905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Nice, France,
April 1995.
E. Bardinet.
Modèles déformables contraints - applications à l'imagerie cardiaque.
Thèse de sciences,
université Paris IX Dauphine,
December 1995.
L. D. Cohen.
Méthodes Variationnelles en traitement d'images.
Habilitation à diriger des recherches,
Ceremade-Université Paris IX Dauphine,
June 1995.
J. Feldmar.
Recalage rigide, non-rigide et projectif d'images médicales tridimensionnelles.
Thèse de sciences,
École Polytechnique,
December 1995.
Keyword(s): registration,
A. Gourdon.
Applications de la Géométrie Différentielle à l'Imagerie Médicale Multidimensionelle.
Thèse de sciences,
Université Paris XI-Orsay,
January 1995.
Gérard Subsol.
Construction automatique d'atlas anatomiques à partir d'images médicales tridimensionnelles : applications à un atlas du crâne et du cerveau.
Thèse de sciences,
École Centrale de Paris,
December 1995.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
N. Ayache.
Medical Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics.
Image and Vision Computing,
May 1995.
G. Bertrand and G. Malandain.
A note on ``Building skeleton models via 3D medial surface-axis thinning algorithms''.
Graphical Models and Image Processing,
November 1995.
M. Hébert,
H. Delingette,
and K. Ikeuchi.
Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
June 1995.
Keyword(s): journal,
O. Monga and S. Benayoun.
Using partial derivatives of 3D images to extract typical surface features.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
March 1995.
Note: Aussi rapport de recherche INRIA numero 1599, Février 1992.
J.-P. Thirion and A Gourdon.
Computing the Differential Characteristics of Isointensity Surfaces.
Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
March 1995.
N. Ayache,
P. Cinquin,
I. Cohen,
L. D. Cohen,
I. L. Herlin,
F. Leitner,
and O. Monga.
Segmentation of Complex 3D medical Objects: a challenge and a requirement for computer assisted surgery planning and performing.
In Computer Integrated Surgery.
N. Ayache.
Medical Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics.
In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference,
September 1995.
N. Ayache,
J. Feldmar,
G. Malandain,
E. Maurincomme,
C. Picard,
and Y. Trousset.
Recalage sans cadre stéréotaxique d'images volumiques et projectives en radiologie interventionnelle.
In Mini colloque INSERM de radiologie interventionnelle,
June 1995.
E. Bardinet,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Superquadrics and free-form deformations: a global model to fit and track 3D medical data.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medecine (CVRMed'95),
volume 905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Nice, France,
April 1995.
Keyword(s): FFD,
motion tracking.
E. Bardinet,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Tracking medical 3D data with a parametric deformable model.
In IEEE Symposium on Computer Vision,
Coral Gables, Florida,
November 1995.
F. Betting and J. Feldmar.
3D-2D projective registration of anatomical surfaces with their projections.
In XIVth International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'95),
pages 275-286,
June 1995.
F. Betting,
J. Feldmar,
N. Ayache,
and F. Devernay.
A new framework for fusing stereo images with volumetric medical images.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medecine (CVRMed'95),
volume 905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 30-39,
April 1995.
J.N. Bruneton,
F. Schikli,
B. Padovani,
H. Delingette,
and Catherine Maestro.
Volumétrie tumorale obtenue à partir d'images scannographiques.
In Actes du 1er Colloque sur l'Imagerie et Traitement d'Images,
Cannes, France,
April 1995.
Keyword(s): workshop,
S. Cotin,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
New Perspectives for Realistic Simulations of Hepatic Surgery.
In Actes du Congrès Mondial de Télémedecine,
Toulouse, France,
December 1995.
Keyword(s): workshop,
J. Declerck,
G. Subsol,
J.-P. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Automatic retrieval of anatomical structures in 3D medical images.
In N. Ayache, editor,
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medecine (CVRMed'95),
volume 905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Nice (France),
pages 153-162,
April 1995.
J. Feldmar,
N. Ayache,
and F. Betting.
3D-2D projective registration of free-form curves and surfaces.
In IEEE Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'95),
Cambridge, Ma,
pages 549-556,
June 1995.
S. Fernández-Vidal and G. Malandain.
Digital Euclidean skeleton in n-D.
In 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA'95),
Uppsala, Sweden,
pages 517-524,
June 1995.
Márta Fidrich,
Jacques Feldmar,
and J.-P. Thirion.
Topological Changes in Scale Space as a Function of Image Transformations.
In Theo Moons, editor,
Computer Vision and Applied Geometry,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Nordfjordeid, Norway,
August 1995.
Márta Fidrich and J.-P. Thirion.
Multiscale Extraction of Features from Medical Images.
In V. Hlavác and R. Sára, editors,
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
volume 970 of LNCS,
pages 637-642,
September 1995.
Keyword(s): scale space.
Márta Fidrich and J.-P. Thirion.
Multiscale Representation and Analysis of Features from Medical Images.
In N. Ayache, editor,
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medecine (CVRMed'95),
volume 905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 358-364,
April 1995.
Keyword(s): scale space.
M.L. Goris,
G. Malandain,
and I. Marque.
Automatic registration of Myocardial Perfusion study using a Potential Based Rigid Transformation.
In 2nd International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology,
Cannes France,
April 1995.
Note: Also in Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 1995; 2: S82.
G. Malandain and S. Fernández-Vidal.
Topologically correct skeleton in $n-D$.
In 5th Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI'95),
Clermont-Ferrand, France,
pages 199-208,
September 1995.
Xavier Pennec and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Validation of 3D Registration Methods based on Points and Frames.
In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf on Comp. Vision (ICCV'95),
Cambridge, Ma,
pages 557-562,
June 1995.
Note: Published in Int. J. of Comp. Vision 25(3), 1997, p. 203-229.
Keyword(s): registration,
G. Quatrehomme,
H. Delingette,
S. Cotin,
G. Subsol,
M. Fidrich,
P. Bailet,
G. Grevin,
and A. Ollier.
A Fully Tridimensional Method for Facial Reconstruction based on Deformable Models.
In International Association for Craniofacial Identification,
November 1995.
Keyword(s): workshop,
G. Subsol,
J.-P. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
A General Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull Atlas.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS'95),
November 1995.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion.
Fast Non-Rigid Matching of 3D Medical Images.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS'95),
November 1995.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion.
Software to Assist in Monitoring Treatment.
In IBC's 3rd Annual Multiple Sclerosis Conference,
May 1995.
E. Bardinet,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
A parametric deformable model to fit unstructured 3D data.
Research report RR-2617,
July 1995.
J. Declerck,
G. Subsol,
J.-P. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Automatic Retrieval of Anatomical Structures in 3D Medical Images.
Research report RR-2485,
February 1995.
G. Malandain,
S. Fernández-Vidal,
and J.-M. Rocchisani.
Physically Based Rigid Registration of 3-D Free-Form Objects: Application to Medical Imaging.
Research report RR-2453,
January 1995.
Xavier Pennec and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Validation of 3D Registration Methods based on Points and Frames.
Research report RR-2470,
January 1995.
Note: Published in Int. J. of Comp. Vision 25(3), 1997, p. 203-229.
Keyword(s): registration,
G. Subsol,
J.-P. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
A General Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull Atlas.
Research report RR-2586,
March 1995.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion.
Fast Non-Rigid Matching of 3D Medical Images.
Research report RR-2547,
May 1995.
Keyword(s): registration,
F. Schikli,
H. Delingette,
B. Padovani,
C. Maestro,
N. Ayache,
and J.N. Bruneton.
Tomodensimétrie et volumétrie tumorale.
Actes des Journées Française de la radiologie (JFR'95),
October 1995.
Keyword(s): workshop,
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