Publications of year 1991

Books and proceedings

  1. N. Ayache. Artificial Vision for Mobile robots - Stereo-vision and Multisensor Perception. MIT-Press, 1991. Note: 342 pages.
    author = {N. Ayache},
    note = {342 pages},
    publisher = {MIT-Press},
    title = {Artificial Vision for Mobile robots - Stereo-vision and Multisensor Perception},
    year = {1991} 

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Nicholas Ayache and Francis Lustman. Trinocular Stereovision for Robotics. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13(1), 1991.
    author = {Nicholas Ayache and Francis Lustman},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
    number = {1},
    title = {Trinocular Stereovision for Robotics},
    url = {},
    volume = {13},
    year = {1991} 

  2. O. Monga, R. Deriche, G. Malandain, and J.-P. Cocquerez. Recursive filtering and edge tracking: two primary tools for 3-D edge detection. Image and Vision Computing, 9(4):203-214, August 1991.
    author = {O. Monga and R. Deriche and G. Malandain and J.-P. Cocquerez},
    journal = {Image and Vision Computing},
    month = {August},
    number = {4},
    pages = {203--214},
    title = {Recursive filtering and edge tracking: two primary tools for 3-D edge detection},
    volume = {9},
    year = {1991} 

Conference articles

  1. H. Delingette, M. Hébert, and K. Ikeuchi. Energy functions for regularization algorithm. In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, SPIE Vol. 1570, pages 104-115, 1991. SPIE. Keyword(s): workshop, regularization.
    author = {H. Delingette and M. H\'ebert and K. Ikeuchi},
    booktitle = {Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, SPIE Vol. 1570},
    keywords = {workshop, regularization},
    organization = {SPIE},
    pages = {104--115},
    title = {Energy functions for regularization algorithm},
    url = {},
    year = {1991} 

  2. H. Delingette, M. Hébert, and K. Ikeuchi. Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces. In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, SPIE, Vol. 1570, San Diego, pages 467-472, June 1991. Keyword(s): workshop, reconstruction.
    address = {San Diego},
    author = {H. Delingette and M. H\'ebert and K. Ikeuchi},
    booktitle = {Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, SPIE, Vol. 1570},
    keywords = {workshop, reconstruction},
    month = {June},
    pages = {467-472},
    title = {Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces},
    url = {},
    year = {1991} 

  3. H. Delingette, M. Hébert, and K. Ikeuchi. Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'91), Maui, Hawai, pages 467-472, June 1991. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction.
    address = {Maui, Hawai},
    author = {H. Delingette and M. H\'ebert and K. Ikeuchi},
    booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'91)},
    keywords = {conference, reconstruction},
    month = {June},
    pages = {467-472},
    title = {Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces},
    url = {},
    year = {1991} 

  4. H. Delingette, M. Hébert, and K. Ikeuchi. Trajectory Generation with Curvature Constraint based on Energy Minimization. In Int. Robotics Systems (IROS`91), Osaka, November 1991. Keyword(s): conference, robotics.
    address = {Osaka},
    author = {H. Delingette and M. H\'ebert and K. Ikeuchi},
    booktitle = {Int. Robotics Systems (IROS`91)},
    keywords = {conference, robotics},
    month = {November},
    title = {Trajectory Generation with Curvature Constraint based on Energy Minimization},
    url = {},
    year = {1991} 

  5. G. Malandain, G. Bertrand, and N. Ayache. Topological classification in digital space. In A.C.F. Colchester and D.J. Hawkes, editors, XIIth international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), volume 511 of LNCS, Wye, Kent, England, pages 300-313, July 1991. Springer.
    address = {Wye, Kent, England},
    author = {G. Malandain and G. Bertrand and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {XIIth international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI)},
    editor = {A.C.F. Colchester and D.J. Hawkes},
    month = {July},
    pages = {300--313},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Topological classification in digital space},
    volume = {511},
    year = {1991} 

  6. G. Malandain, G. Bertrand, and N. Ayache. Topological segmentation of discrete surfaces. In Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, pages 444-449, June 3--6 1991. IEEE.
    address = {Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii},
    author = {G. Malandain and G. Bertrand and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
    month = {June 3--6},
    organization = {IEEE},
    pages = {444--449},
    title = {Topological segmentation of discrete surfaces},
    year = {1991} 

Internal reports

  1. O. Cueto. Reconstruction d'objets 3D à partir de coupes planes en imagerie médicale. Rapport de stage, INRIA, Juin 1991.
    author = {O. Cueto},
    institution = {INRIA},
    month = {Juin},
    title = {Reconstruction d'objets 3D \`a partir de coupes planes en imagerie m\'edicale},
    type = {Rapport de stage},
    year = {1991} 

  2. H. Magaud. Obtenir des images pour faire de la reconstruction tri-dimensionnelle en Tomographie Géométrique. Rapport de stage, INRIA, September 1991.
    author = {H. Magaud},
    institution = {INRIA},
    month = {September},
    title = {Obtenir des images pour faire de la reconstruction tri-dimensionnelle en Tomographie G\'eom\'etrique},
    type = {Rapport de stage},
    year = {1991} 

  3. C. Nastar. Suivi de contours en imagerie médicale. Rapport de stage de DEA, INRIA, Juin 1991.
    author = {C. Nastar},
    institution = {INRIA},
    month = {Juin},
    title = {Suivi de contours en imagerie m\'edicale},
    type = {Rapport de stage de DEA},
    year = {1991} 

  4. J.-Ph. Thirion. A Geometric Alternative to Computed Tomography. Research Report RR-1463, INRIA, June 1991.
    author = {J.-Ph. Thirion},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00075098},
    institution = {INRIA},
    month = {June},
    number = {RR-1463},
    title = {A Geometric Alternative to Computed Tomography},
    type = {Research Report},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {1991} 

Patents, standards

  1. J.-Ph. Thirion and N. Ayache. Procédé et dispositif d'aide à l'inspection d'un corps, notamment pour la tomographie. Brevet français, numéro 91 05138, Avril 1991.
    address = {},
    author = {J.-Ph. Thirion and N. Ayache},
    month = {Avril},
    number = {Brevet fran\c{c}ais, num\'ero 91 05138},
    optabstract = {},
    optdoi = {},
    opthal-date-depot = {},
    opthal-identifiant = {},
    opthal-version = {},
    optisbn = {},
    optissn = {},
    optkeywords = {},
    optnote = {},
    opturl = {},
    opturl-publisher = {},
    optx-scientific-popularization = {},
    title = {Proc\'ed\'e et dispositif d'aide \`a l'inspection d'un corps, notamment pour la tomographie},
    x-language = {},
    x-pays = {},
    year = {1991} 



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