Publications of Yingyu Yang
Yingyu Yang.
Automatic analysis of cardiac function with artificial intelligence : multimodal approach for portable echocardiographic devices.
Université Côte d'Azur,
December 2023.
Keyword(s): Cardiac function analysis,
Deep learning,
Echocardiography segmentation,
Echocardiography motion tracking,
Electrocardiogram decomposition,
Multi-modal learning,
Deep learning with uncertainty,
Analyse de la fonction cardiaque,
Apprentissage profond,
Segmentation de l'échocardiographie,
Suivi du mouvement en échocardiographie,
Décomposition de l'électrocardiogramme,
Apprentissage multimodal,
Apprentissage profond avec incertitude.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Zihao Wang,
Yingyu Yang,
Yuzhou Chen,
Tingting Yuan,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
and Ona Wu.
Mutual Information Guided Diffusion for Zero-Shot Cross-Modality Medical Image Translation.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
March 2024.
Keyword(s): Zero-shot learning,
cross-modality translation,
diffusion model,
mutual information.
Yingyu Yang,
Marie Rocher,
Pamela Moceri,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Echocardiography Analysis with Deep Learning using Priors: Multi-centric Evaluation of Generalisation.
Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging,
2(November 2024):2293-2325,
November 2024.
Keyword(s): Image segmentation,
Image registration,
Generalisation of deep learning methods,
Echocardiography analysis.
Rafael Silva,
Yingyu Yang,
Maëlis Morier,
Safaa Al-Ali,
and Maxime Sermesant.
YOUR-Lead: YOLO and U-Net for Reconstruction of ECG Lead Signals.
In IEEE, editor,
2024 Computing in Cardiology,
volume 51,
Karlsruhe (Germany), Germany,
pages 1-4,
September 2024.
Keyword(s): ECG,
Image Processing and Computer Vision,
Denoising Image,
ECG Digitization.
Yingyu Yang,
Marie Rocher,
Pamela Moceri,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Uncertainty-Based Multi-modal Learning for Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis Using Echocardiography and Electrocardiograms.
In ASMUS 2024 - The 5th International Workshop of Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound,
volume LNCS-15186 of Simplifying Medical Ultrasound : 5th International Workshop, ASMUS 2024, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2024, Marrakesh, Morocco, October 6, 2024, Proceedings,
Marrakech, Morocco,
pages 177-186,
October 2024.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Keyword(s): Multi-modal classification,
Yingyu Yang and Maxime Sermesant.
Unsupervised Polyaffine Transformation Learning for Echocardiography Motion Estimation.
In FIMH 2023 - The 12th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of The Heart,
Lyon, France,
June 2023.
Keyword(s): Motion Estimation Echocardiography Polyaffine Transformation,
Motion Estimation,
Polyaffine Transformation.
Zihao Wang,
Yingyu Yang,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Hervé Delingette.
Unsupervised Echocardiography Registration through Patch-based MLPs and Transformers.
In STACOM 2022 - 13th workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart,
Singapore, Singapore,
September 2022.
Keyword(s): Unsupervised Registration,
Yingyu Yang,
Marie Rocher,
Pamela Moceri,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Explainable Electrocardiogram Analysis with Wave Decomposition: Application to Myocardial Infarction Detection.
In STACOM 2022 - 13th workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart,
Singapore, Singapore,
September 2022.
Keyword(s): ECG analysis,
Explainable ML,
Myocardial infarction classification.
Yingyu Yang and Maxime Sermesant.
Shape Constraints in Deep Learning for Robust 2D Echocardiography Analysis.
In FIMH 2021 - 11th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart,
Stanford, United States,
June 2021.
Keyword(s): Segmentation,
Deep Learning,
Yingyu Yang,
Stephane Gillon,
Jaume Banus,
Pamela Moceri,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Non-Invasive Pressure Estimation in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Data-driven or Model-based?.
In STACOM 2019 - 10th Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Modelling of the Heart,
Shenzhen, China,
October 2019.
Keyword(s): Cardiac modelling,
Machine learning,
Pulmonary hypertension.
Mihaela Pop,
Maxime Sermesant,
Tommaso Mansi,
Eugene Crystal,
Jay Detsky,
_Yuesong Yang,
Paul Fefer,
Elliot McVeigh,
Alexander Dick,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Graham Wright.
Characterization of Post-infarct Scars in a Porcine Model - a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study.
In Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2009 (FIMH'09),
volume 5528 of LNCS,
pages 1-10,
3-5 June 2009.
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Last modified: Tue Jan 21 12:30:04 2025
Author: epione-publi.
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