Euler compressible flowsThe flow equations solved are those of the Euler compressible flows, which admits solutions with shock waves. As we have seen below, they are the cause for the sonic boom. The flow equations are solved using a Finite Volume numerical scheme, and depending on the problem, the equations are integrated using Van Leer's or Roe's methods. By CAD-free shape parametrization [2] it is understood to take the physical position of the skin nodes that discretize the surface to optimize as the parameters space. The skin discretization comes, in turn, from the space discretization used to solve the flow equations. In our case, we use a mixed Finite Elements / Volumes scheme as the flow solver. This kind of parametrization can generate completely new aerodynamical shapes. Additional constraints, like volume preservation, will keep the new forms within a reasonable range (either "thick-less" wings or "mass-less" horses are forbidden!). The adjoint flow method [4] provides an idoneous way to handle the rather large number of parameters (up to 11000 for the largest case we solved, the Supersonic Bussiness Jet). The optimization's iterative process is carried out using a multilevel optimization [3], [d] where each level is produced by agglomeration on the skin mesh. The method is improved by using an additive multilevel preconditioner [c],[5]. At each optimization iterate, the shape is modified by using transpiration conditions. Finally we expect to attain the sonic boom reduction in an indirect and simplified way by reducing what we have named the sonic boom donwards-emission, that is to say, the near field pressure shock system, described by the pressure gradients in a "control box" placed close to the aircraft and below it. This is basically different than what is done by other authors, where the far field pressure shock system is considered. In this case, the far field must be modelled out of the scope of the flow equations, requiring a full additional theory (like Witham's for instance, viz. [1]), with additional hypotheses, solution process and code. This is due to the fact that the far field is really "far" away (say 1000 times the aircraft's length), computationally out of reach. In any case, the near field for the optimized shapes we obtain with our approach can be propagated using for instance any method derived from Witham's theory to check it.
Adjoint flow method
Multilevel optimization
Shape modifications by transpiration conditions
CAD-free shape parametrization
Sonic boom downwards-emission reduction
Aeroelastic fluid-structure coupling + optimization (see here the "selected gallery" of results)
POD based scheme (preliminary stage, see here some first results)
Section A |
Section B |
Section C |
Section D |