Méthodes algébriques pour la modélisation géométrique et applications
Algebraic methods for Geometric Modeling and Applications
French team
GALAAD project-team, INRIA Sophia Antipolis Contact:
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Associated team
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University Contact: Tae-Wan Kim
The objective of this collaboration is to conduct research in algebraic techniques for solving geometric modeling problems. More specially, we are interested in developing efficient and robust methods to solve non-linear constraints which appear in geometric computation. These methods will be used in applications such as shape design and reconstruction, for solving interpolation or approximation problems. A typical area in which we will apply our methods is ship design. Experimentation and validation will lead to open source software implementation.
- Bernard Mourrain: visit at Seoul National University (July 27 - Aug. 2)
- André Galligo: visit at Seoul National University (July 27 - Aug. 2)