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Re: New GRE Draft Extensions

At 01:54 PM 10/03/00 -0500, Frederick N. Chase wrote:
>Re:  Key and Sequence Number Extensions to GRE
>The proposed use of two previously-reserved header bits
>in  draft-dommety-gre-ext-00.txt 
>differ in a fundamental way.
>The proposed use of a reserved bit as a
>"Sequence Number Present" bit is a
>potentially-beneficial modifier
>on encapsulator/decapsulator behavior and therefore
>seems to me to be advisable or at least not inadvisable.
>The proposed use of a reserved bit as a
>"Key Present" bit does not affect (narrowly construed)
>encapsulator/decapsulator behavior but rather
>concerns the processor of the encapsulated or decapsulated 
>data.  This proposal seems to me to be inadvisable.
>Acceptance of the "Key Present" proposal unnecessarily 
>encumbers some other 
>processor of encapsulated or decapsulated data
>which might like to have an optional extra 32 bits for some purpose
>where the terms "Key and "sub-tunnel" would be 
>confusing and inappropriate.


	I am not sure of the concern. Would appreciate if you could explain.
Is your concern that we have to maintain a  Sequence number per Key when both are present? Or that
earlier (in RFC1701) it was supposed to be  used by the receiver to authenticate
      the source of the packet?


>   -Fred Chase
Thank You.

Gopal Dommety
408 525 1404 
Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA, 95051