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Re: Drafts
Dear All,
I'm izu of WIDE project.
I'm sorry to made some udlr-WG members confuse about
the I-D of udlr issue.
I agree with Dabbous that single common draft will be prepared.
%%% %%%
I thought that there are no way to describe our approach before 40th
IETF without submitting our I-D. If it made WG-member confuse,
I apologize that.
The reason why I wrote my idea as I-D format is to describe
my ideas clearly.
The reason why I post this I-D to the internet-drafts@ietf.org is
to provide easy way to refer my ideas.
I did not intend to sent modified version of draft I-D for udlr-wg.
I wrote diffenece between our opinion and INRIA's draft I-D
section by section.
I hope this will trigger discussion on the mailing list.
Hidetaka Izumiyama
Satellite Internet Department
Japan Satellite Systems Inc.
Toranomon 17 Mori Bldg.5F
1-26-5 Toranomon, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105 Japan
From: Walid Dabbous <Walid.Dabbous@sophia.inria.fr>
Subject: Drafts
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 16:35:09 +0100
> I will give some details about the different documents that
> were sent to internet-draft@ietf.org and to the one sent
> by Emmanuel to the udlr list.
> We agreed during the last meeting to submit seven documents
> as Internet Drafts in order to reference the work done by the
> different active members in the group. The submission was done
> and these documents are available from the udlr web page
> http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/udlr-charter.html
> We also agreed that a "common" draft will be prepared. This
> "common" draft should contain inputs from all active members in
> order to reflect a common solution to the UDLR problem. INRIA
> proposed to prepare a "draft" draft, as a basis to start discussion.
> This document was sent on the udlr list on Nov 14th.
> A modified version was sent by Izu (from JSAT) to internet-draft@ietf.org
> and to the udlr list on Nov 22nd. This document contains input
> from the WIDE group. In my opinion, the submission to the internet-drafts
> could have been be done after the discussion of the common solution in
> the group in order to avoid confusion. Another document is being prepared
> by the WIDE group: <draft-demizu-udlr-dtcp-00.txt> by Noritoshi Demizu.
> It should be very interesting to have all these ideas discussed
> on the group mailing list in order to construct the common solution.
> Best regards,
> Walid Dabbous
> http://www.inria.fr/rodeo/personnel/Walid.Dabbous/me.html
> INRIA U.R. de Sophia Antipolis | Email : dabbous@sophia.inria.fr
> 2004, Route des Lucioles BP 93 | Phone : +33 4 93 65 77 18
> 06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX France | Fax : +33 4 93 65 77 65
- References:
- Drafts
- From: Walid Dabbous <Walid.Dabbous@sophia.inria.fr>