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I will give some details about the different documents that
were sent to internet-draft@ietf.org and to the one sent
by Emmanuel to the udlr list.
We agreed during the last meeting to submit seven documents
as Internet Drafts in order to reference the work done by the
different active members in the group. The submission was done
and these documents are available from the udlr web page
We also agreed that a "common" draft will be prepared. This
"common" draft should contain inputs from all active members in
order to reflect a common solution to the UDLR problem. INRIA
proposed to prepare a "draft" draft, as a basis to start discussion.
This document was sent on the udlr list on Nov 14th.
A modified version was sent by Izu (from JSAT) to internet-draft@ietf.org
and to the udlr list on Nov 22nd. This document contains input
from the WIDE group. In my opinion, the submission to the internet-drafts
could have been be done after the discussion of the common solution in
the group in order to avoid confusion. Another document is being prepared
by the WIDE group: <draft-demizu-udlr-dtcp-00.txt> by Noritoshi Demizu.
It should be very interesting to have all these ideas discussed
on the group mailing list in order to construct the common solution.
Best regards,
Walid Dabbous
INRIA U.R. de Sophia Antipolis | Email : dabbous@sophia.inria.fr
2004, Route des Lucioles BP 93 | Phone : +33 4 93 65 77 18
06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX France | Fax : +33 4 93 65 77 65
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Drafts
- From: IZUMIYAMA Hidetaka <izu@jcsat.co.jp>