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Internships and Jobs offered in 2012 in the REVES Research group

For any questions please contact Adrien.Bousseau at or George.Drettakis at If you are interested in one of the positions please email us directly.

Three positions currently available: 

Please note that these positions are in the context of an EU-funded project led by a games company, and including several top-notch computer graphics and vision labs in Europe. The starting date is November 1st.

Masters or Engineering Internship

No positions are currently open; please come back in November 2013.

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Computer Graphics/Computational Photography Postdoctoral Fellow

Image Based Rendering, Relighting and Perception for Games
(all bibliographic references below)

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow (18 months renewable up to 36 months) to work on Image-Based Rendering (IBR), Image-Based Relighting and Perception for IBR, in the context of Computer Games.  This position is in the context of an EU-funded project led by a games company, and including several top-notch computer graphics and vision labs in Europe. The starting date is October 2013 or later.

The successful candidate will work with a team consisting of a Ph.D. student, a software engineer and two senior researchers at INRIA, as part of a broader European consortium.

The project aims to provide working solutions for image-based rendering (IBR) and relighting, continuing the successful line of work in image-based navigation in [Chaurasia 11, Chaurasia 13], intrinsic image with the goal of achieving relighting [Laffont 12, Laffont 13] and the study of perception for IBR [Vangorp 11, Vangorp 13] (see below).

The successful candidate will develop novel research solutions to outstanding problems in image-based rendering, image-based relighting and perception for image-based methods. Typical research questions include: how to provide real-time inpainting for regions which are not present in input photos/videos during interactive navigation; providing real-time relighting during image-based navigation by developing robust inverse global illumination and material models based on sparse and possibly inaccurate 3D data; developing predictive models for the perception of artifacts in IBR (e.g., ghosting or popping), by studying the human vision literature and developing appropriate experimental protocols. These are just examples, and the successful candidate will have significant freedom in proposing the exact research topic in the same overall research area.

The ideal candidate must have a Ph.D. in Computer Graphics or Computer Vision (with applications to graphics). A top-level record of research publications in these fields is required.  The candidate must be fluent in English.

The position will be at the REVES research group in Sophia-Antipolis,, situated in the beautiful French Riviera.

The position will start Oct/Nov 2013.

Ph.D. Student

Computer Graphics/Computational Photography Ph.D Position Available

Multi-view Methods for Image-Completion and Image-Based Rendering
(all bibliographic references below)

Please note that this position is in the context of an EU-funded project led by a games company, and including several top-notch computer graphics and vision labs in Europe.

Image-based rendering (IBR) algorithms have the potential to provide interactive rendering of unprecedented realism.  Our recent IBR algorithms leverage sparse but incomplete 3D information provided by multi-view stereo algorithms to guide shape-preserving warping algorithms [Chaurasia2011,Chaurasia2013], greatly improving the result.

However, several significant problems remain.  First, as soon as the user moves away from the input views it is necessary to synthesize content to complete missing regions. Recent inpainting methods eg [Darabi12] are too slow for interactive navigation. Our procedural methods [Galerne12] could also be useful.  Second, various hard cases such as as reflection, thing objects (railings) etc. cannot be treated by current methods. Third, rendering synthetic object coherently poses a number of issues of coherence (lighting etc.) to allow convincing combination of image-based and synthetic assets.

The first research axis in this thesis will be the development of a fastimage completion approach which preserves structure, while respecting the performance constraints of interactive IBR. We will build on on accelerating image-completion approaches using the multi-view data. We will first apply this solution to noisy depth input from Kinect-like
or RGBD cameras and then generalize to multi-view and sparse depth scenarios.  We will then generalize the image completion approach to combine the strengths of patch/neighborhood-based solutions ([Darabi12]) and procedural methods ([Galerne12]) to develop a novel hybrid solution.

The second axis in this thesis will involve the use of object-level learning techniques (e.g., [Bleyer11]) to allow more powerful completion strategies using similar texure information from large image collections, by combining sparse 3D, warps and image completion.  This will also
potentially help with the hard cases such as reflections and thing objects.

Finally, we will also investigate ways to combine image-based and synthetic assets convincingly. This will involve determining what makes such a combination to be perceived as realistic, and developing a powerful inverse illumination model to perform such a combination.

The successful candidate should have a Masters in Computer Graphics (or Computer Vision but with some experience in graphics). A solid understanding of basic graphics and vision principles is required, together with experience in OpenGL/GLSL (or DirectX equivalent) programming as well as knowledge of matlab. The candidate must be fluent in English. Good scientific writing abilities in English are required.

The position will be at the REVES research group in Sophia-Antipolis,, situated in the beautiful French Riviera.  Please note that Ph.D. programs in France are 3 years.  The position will start Oct/Nov 2013.

Software Engineer
Computer Graphics/Computational Photography Software Engineer Position Available

Image Based Rendering and Relighting for Games
(all bibliographic references below)

We are searching for an engineer for a 18 month position (renewable up to 36 months) to work on Image-Based Rendering and Relighting for Computer Games.  This position is in the context of an EU-funded project led by a games company, and including several top-notch computer graphics and vision labs in Europe. The starting date is October 2013 or later.  

The successful candidate will work with a team consisting of a Ph.D. student a postdoctoral fellow and two senior researchers at INRIA, as part of a broader European consortium.

The project aims to provide working solutions for image-based rendering and relighting, by continuing the successful line of work in image-based navigation in [Chaurasia 11, Chaurasia 13] and [Laffont 12, Laffont 13] (see below).

The main task of the successful candidate will be to develop software components within the common platform (e.g., the Unity3D engine) which will be used throughout the project. This will typically involve porting and cleanly re-writing initial research code developed in the research projects, thus providing more efficient and robust version for use by the game company testers in the project.  The engineer will also participate -- when appropriate -- in the development of novel algorithm, and/or provide software support for the more preliminary research results developed.

A smaller percentage of time (less than 1/5 of the total working time) will involve manageiral tasks for the EU project: handling EU project reporting (writing deliverables, participating in coordination meetings etc.).

This EU project is a very ambitious endeavour which we believe has significant potential to change the way game developers create extremely realistic lightweight backdrops (urban scenes, including detailed buildings, vegetation etc.).  There is thus a significant possibility of technology transfer or the creation of a startup at the end of the 3 year project. Candidates interested in such a development will thus be considered favorably.

The ideal candidate should have a Masters in Computer Graphics or Computer Vision, good knowledge of C++ and related development tools in both Windows and Linux, preferably with good knowledge of matlab. Knowledge of image processing, computer vision and computer graphics algorithms is a must. The candidate must be fluent in English. Candidates with Ph.D.'s who do not wish to pursue an academic career, but would like to remain in a research environment, are also encouraged to apply.

The position will be at the REVES research group in Sophia-Antipolis,, situated in the beautiful French Riviera.

The position will start Oct/Nov 2013.


[Laffont 13] Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis, Rich Intrinsic Image Decomposition of Outdoor Scenes from Multiple Views, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - 2013:

[Laffont 12] Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand, George Drettakis, Coherent Intrinsic Images from Photo Collections, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Proceedings), Volume 31 - 2012:

[Chaurasia 13] Gaurav Chaurasia, Sylvain Duchêne, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, George Drettakis, Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-based Navigation, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 32, 2013

[Chaurasia 11] Gaurav Chaurasia, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, George Drettakis, Silhouette-Aware Warping for Image-Based Rendering, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), Volume 30, Number 4, 2011

[Vangorp 11] Peter Vangorp, Gaurav Chaurasia, Pierre-Yves Laffont, Roland Fleming, George Drettakis, Perception of Visual Artifacts in Image-Based Rendering of Façades, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), Volume 30, Number 4, pages 1241--1250, 07 2011

[Vangorp 13] Peter Vangorp, Christian Richardt, Emily A. Cooper, Gaurav Chaurasia, Martin S. Banks, George Drettakis, Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings), Volume 32, Number 4, 2013

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