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Grid Based Final Gather for Radiosity on Complex Clustered Scenes

Annette Scheel, Marc Stamminger, Hans-Peter Seidel
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics conference), Volume 21 - September 2002
Download the publication : GridFinalGather.pdf [14.9Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Scheel, Annette and Stamminger, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter",
  title        = "Grid Based Final Gather for Radiosity on Complex Clustered Scenes",
  booktitle    = "Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics conference)",
  volume       = "21",
  month        = "September",
  year         = "2002",
  editor       = "George Drettakis and Hans-Peter Seidel",
  publisher    = "Blackwell",
  url          = ""

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