Summary of publications



Number of publications:
   + Peer-reviewed articles: 16
   + Conference proceedings: 2
   + Short paper: 1
   + Book chapters: 1
Citation statistics:
   + Number of citations: >440
   + h-index: 8
   + i10-index: 8

Full record available on GoogleScholar

Articles in project

Articles submitted

  1. Banari A., Felix Valencia K.P., Mohseni E., Henry C., Hubner R., Lorenz P., Zimmer K., Bossy M., Hampel U., Lecrivain G., 2022, submitted to Scientific Reports
    Turbulent resuspension of micron particles from a wall surface functionalized with cylindrical micropillars.
  2. Balvet G., Minier J.-P., Henry C., Roustan Y., Ferrand M., 2022, submitted to Computers & Fluids
    A time-step-robust algorithm to compute particle trajectories in 3-D unstructured meshes for Lagrangian stochastic methods

Articles under preparation

  1. Henry C., Brambilla S., Minier J.-P., 2022, to be submitted to Physics Reports (accepted invitation).
    Particle resuspension: challenges and perspectives for future models
  2. Campana L., Henry C., Bossy M., 2022, to be submitted to Journal of Computational Physics
    A new stochastic model for the orientation of ellipsoids in turbulent flow
  3. methods in single-phase and two-phase flow simulations
  4. Fayolle E., Noyret P., Dupré A., Minier J.-P., Bossy M., Henry C., 2022, to be submitted to Future Generation  Computer Systems
    Towards a scientific workflow for multiphase flows: physical layout, computer implementation and practical illustration

Peer-reviewed articles in international journals

  1. Martinez-Rodriguez K., Bossy M., Henry C., International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2022, 149, 103962
    Particle agglomeration in flows: Fast data-driven spatial decomposition algorithm for CFD simulations.
    Link: doi / pdf
  2. Moran J., Henry C., Poux A., Yon J., Carbon, 2021, 182, 837-846
    Particle agglomeration in flows: fast D2SD algorithm for CFD simulations.
    Link: doi / pdf
  3. Banari A., Henry C., Eidt R.H.F., Lorenz P., Zimmer P., Hampel U., Lecrivain G., Physical Review Fluids, 2021, 6 (8), L082301
    Evidence of collision propagation in the resuspension of particles from a monolayer deposit
    Link: doi / pdf
  4. Martínez-Rodriguez K., Bossy M., Maftei R., Shekarforush S., Henry C., Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 90, 582-614
    New spatial decomposition method for accurate, mesh-independent agglomeration predictions in particle-laden flows
    Link: doi / pdf
  5. Allende S., Henry C., Bec J., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020, 378 (2175), 20190398
    Dynamics and fragmentation of small inextensible fibres in turbulence
    Link: doi / pdf
  6. Bahlali M.L., Henry C., Carissimo B., Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2020, 174(2), 275-296
    On the Well-Mixed Condition and Consistency Issues in Hybrid Eulerian/Lagrangian Stochastic Models of Dispersion
    Link: doi / pdf
  7. S. Allende, Henry C., Bec J., Physical Review Letters, 2018, 121, 154501 
    Stretching and buckling of small elastic fibers in Turbulence
    Link: doi / pdf
  8. Henry C., Krstulovic G., Bec J., Physical Review E, 2018, 98(2), 023107
    Tumbling dynamics of freely jointed chains in extensional flows
    Link: doi / pdf
  9. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Journal of Aerosol Science, 2018, 118, 1-13
    Colloidal particle resuspension: on the need for refined characterisation of surface roughness
    Link: doi / pdf
  10. Vallée R., Henry C., Hachem E., Bec J., Physical Review Fluids, 2018, 3, 024303
    Inelastic accretion of inertial particles by a towed sphere
    Link: doi / pdf
  11. Henry C., Norrfors K.K., Olejnik M., Bouby M., Luetzenkirchen J., Wold S., Minier J.-P., Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 2016, 22, 503-515
    A refined algorithm to simulate latex colloid agglomeration at high ionic strength
    Link: doi / pdf
  12. Caruyer C., Minier J.-P., Guingo M., Henry C. Advances in Hydroinformatics, 2016, 597-612
    A stochastic model for particle deposition in turbulent flows and clogging effects
    Link: doi / pdf
  13. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2014, 45, 1-53
    Progress in particle resuspension from rough surfaces by turbulent flows
    Link: doi / pdf
  14. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Journal of Aerosol Science, 2014, 77, 168-192
    A stochastic approach for the simulation of particle resuspension from rough substrates: model and numerical implementation
    Link: doi / pdf
  15. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Mohaupt M., Profeta C., Pozorski J., Tanière A., International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2014, 61, 94-107
    A stochastic approach for the simulation of collisions between colloidal particles at large time steps 
    Link: doi / pdf
  16. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Pozorski J., Lefèvre G., Langmuir, 2013, 29, 13694-13707
    A stochastic approach for the simulation of agglomeration between colloidal particles
    Link: doi / pdf
  17. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Lefèvre G., Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 185-186, 34-76
    Towards a description of particulate fouling: From single particle deposition to clogging
    Link: doi / pdf
  18. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Lefèvre G., Langmuir, 2012, 28, 438-452
    Numerical Study on the Adhesion and Reentrainment of Nondeformable Particles on Surfaces: The Role of Surface Roughness and Electrostatic Forces
    Link: doi / pdf
  19. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Lefèvre G., Hurisse O., Langmuir, 2011, 27, 4603-4612
    Numerical Study on the Deposition Rate of Hematite Particle on Polypropylene Walls: Role of Surface Roughness 
    Link: doi / pdf

Book chapters

  1. Henry, C. "Surface Forces and Their Application to Particle Deposition and Resuspension." in Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration. Springer, Cham, 2017. 209-261.
    Link: doi / pdf

Conference proceedings

  1. Henry C., Minier J.-P., Lefèvre G. and Hurisse O., Proceedings of the Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning IX, 2011
    Modelling Fouling of Rough Surfaces by Colloidal Particles in Turbulent Flows
    Link: doi / pdf
  2. Caruyer C., Minier J.-P., Guingo M. and Henry C., Journées de l’Hydraulique, 2014
    A Stochastic Model for Particle Deposition in Turbulent Flows and Clogging Effects
    Link: doi / pdf

Short papers

  1. Henry C., Martinez-Rodriguez K., Bossy M., Guillard H., Rutard N., Murrone A. ERCIM News, 2020, 124.
    Social Distancing: The Sensitivity of Numerical Simulations. ERCIM News.Mobile Friendly.
    Link: doi / pdf


  1. Henry C., Doctoral dissertation (Paris 6). 2012.
    Modélisation stochastique du dépôt de particules colloïdales sur des parois rugueuses dans un écoulement turbulent
    Link: doi / pdf

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