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Writing the code to launch a Ketuk application

The class XBMapper is used to maintain links between a XML source document and generated components.

An instance of this class must be created, using the source XML document and the XSLT transformations to apply as parameters.

  org.w3c.Document sourceDoc = ...; // the XML source document
  org.w3c.Document xslDoc    = ...; // the XSLT document
  XBMapper mapper = new XBMapper(sourceDoc, xslDoc);

The generated component is represented by the return value of the method processBM. If the bean is a window component, it can directly be displayed on the screen. Otherwise, it should be included in a Frame. The following code illustrates the different possibilities:

  Object resultObj = mapper.processBM();
  if (resultObj == null) {
    System.err.println("no bean is created");
  else if (Window.class.isAssignableFrom(resultObj.getClass())) {
    // if the result object is a Window, there's only to set is
    // as visible
  else if (Component.class.isInstance(resultObj)) {
    // if the result object is another kink of component
    // it should be included in a JFrame
    JFrame f = new JFrame();

To be able to receive and process XEditEvents, a listener for these events must be placed on a class implementing XEditListener. The xEditPerformed method is called each time a modification is performed on the source XML document. After the code reating and initializing the XBMapper, the line below has to be added:


theXEditListener being an instance of the following class:

  public class XListen implements XEditListener {
    public void xEditPerformed(XEditEvent xe) {
      ... specific code handling XEdit events

Most application will only need to handle END events to output the content of the modified source document ; by calling a specific serialize method for example:

   public void xEditPerformed(XEditEvent xe) {
     if (xe.getEventType() == XEditEvent.END) {
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