Uses of Class

Packages that use LoadException
jml2b.formula Provides the classes necessary to create and manage formulas. 
jml2b.pog Provides the classes necessary to generate proof obligations. 

Uses of LoadException in jack.plugin

Methods in jack.plugin that throw LoadException
static JpoFile JpovUtil.loadJpoFile(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile jpo_file)
          Load a Jpov object from the given .jpo file.
static PartialJpoFile JpovUtil.loadPartialJpoFile(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile jpo_file)

Uses of LoadException in jml2b.formula

Methods in jml2b.formula that throw LoadException
static Formula Formula.create(IJml2bConfiguration config, JpoInputStream s, IJmlFile fi)
          Create a formula from a token read into a stream.

Uses of LoadException in jml2b.pog

Methods in jml2b.pog that throw LoadException
 ProverStatus IProverStatus.factory(JpoInputStream s)

Uses of LoadException in jml2b.pog.lemma

Constructors in jml2b.pog.lemma that throw LoadException
GoalOrigin(JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a goal origin from a loaded .jpo file
GoalStatus(JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a non obvious goal from a .jpo file

Uses of LoadException in jpov

Methods in jpov that throw LoadException
static JmlFile JpoFile.loadJmlFile(IJml2bConfiguration configuration, java.lang.String name)
          Loads a JPO file

Constructors in jpov that throw LoadException
JpoFile(IJml2bConfiguration config, java.lang.String name)
          Constucts a JPO file from a given repository and a given name.
PartialJpoFile(IJml2bConfiguration config, java.lang.String name)
          Constucts a JPO file from a given repository and a given name.

Uses of LoadException in jpov.structure

Methods in jpov.structure that throw LoadException
static JmlFile JmlFile.loadJmlFile(IJml2bConfiguration config, jpoFile, JpoInputStream s)
          Loads the root node from a .jpo file

Constructors in jpov.structure that throw LoadException
Method(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a method from a loaded .jpo file
PartialJmlFile(JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a jml file from loaded informations

Uses of LoadException in jpov.substitution

Constructors in jpov.substitution that throw LoadException
SubArrayElement(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution
SubArrayElementSingle(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution
SubArrayLength(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution
SubForm(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution.
SubInstancesSet(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution for instances
SubInstancesSingle(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution for instances
SubMemberField(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution
SubTmpVar(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution from a loaded .jpo file
SubTypeofSet(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution for typeof
SubTypeofSingle(IJml2bConfiguration config, IJmlFile fi, JpoInputStream s)
          Constructs a substitution for typeof